Christ Church Bartlett



The messages from our 1045am Sunday service.


  • The Two Witnesses

    01/08/2021 Duración: 57min
  • The Mystery of God Fulfilled

    25/07/2021 Duración: 54min

    Session 22 — The Mystery of God Fulfilled [Revelation 10] — July 25, 2021 I. John encounters a mighty messenger angel – the Angel of the LORD – who is the revelation of Jesus Christ and image of the invisible God. II. The mystery of God kept hidden for ages finally will be completed and finished on the Day of the LORD when Jesus is revealed from heaven for all to see. III.Things to be revealed in that Day include the mystery of God’s will, of Christ in us, of the Gentiles, of Israel, of the bride of Christ, and of the rapture. IV.The prophetic word of God is bittersweet because it represents both God’s perfect love and His perfect justice at the same time. Application ➡ Pray for wisdom and search the Scriptures to understand the mysteries of God and to turn many to righteousness. ➡ Feed daily on the sweet and comforting Word of God that nourishes our souls, yet use the sobering reality of God’s coming judgment as motivation to call sinners to repentance.

  • The 5th & 6th Trumpet

    18/07/2021 Duración: 52min

    Session 21 — The 5th & 6th Trumpets [Revelation 9] — July 18, 2021 I. Satan ultimately will be cast down out of the heavenly realm and confined to the earth — triggering the horrors of the great tribulation. II. Satan will be granted authority to open the gates of hell and unleash demonic monsters out of the abyss to terrorize the earth. III.Hybrid locust creatures will be allowed to torment mankind for 5 months, giving them one last opportunity to repent of their evil. IV.Four powerful rogue angels will be released to command the supernatural armies of the Beast – the destroyers of the earth. V. The Beast and his hordes ultimately will clash against King Jesus and His heavenly host for Jerusalem – the final winepress of God’s wrath. Application ➡ Jesus reminds us that we must be born again and sealed with the Holy Spirit. ➡ Rest in God’s perfect love & presence that cast out all fear.

  • The First Four Trumpets

    11/07/2021 Duración: 58min

    Session 20 — The First Four Trumpets [Revelation 8] — July 11, 2021 I. The prayers of the saints will be the primary catalyst that finally moves God to release His judgments on the earth. II. The trumpet judgments, like the plagues in Egypt, serve both as a declaration of war against the wicked and warning signs designed to call the world to repentance. III.The 1st Trumpet represents judgment by fire coming down from heaven upon the vegetation of the earth. IV.The 2nd Trumpet represents judgment by turning the seas to blood. V. The 3rd Trumpet represents judgment by turning the fresh water into bitter poison. VI.The 4th Trumpet represents judgment by disrupting the natural course of the earth in its orbit and/or knocking the earth off its axis. Application ➡ God hears your prayers and His timing is perfect. ➡ Do not take vengeance but overcome evil with good. ➡ Be a watchman and warn this generation to flee the wrath to come!

  • Hosanna and the Heavenly Host

    04/07/2021 Duración: 48min

    Session 19 — Hosanna and the Heavenly Host [Revelation 7:9-17] — July 4, 2021 I. God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Israel and promised to make their descendants more numerous than the stars above. II. All Gentiles who believe in the God of Israel and in His Messiah become His covenant people and are included into the commonwealth of Israel. III.This great multitude is rejoicing in heaven and preparing the way for Jesus -- the King of Israel -- to return to earth and make His triumphal entry into Jerusalem! IV.Jesus will not return until the leaders and nation of Israel acknowledge their guilt and cry out to God – Hosanna! V. This multitude in heaven from every nation represents the full number of martyred saints who will be killed during the great tribulation. VI.On that Day when Christ returns and establishes His kingdom on earth, God forever will dwell in the midst of His people and will wipe every tear from our eyes. Application ➡ We cry both Hosanna and Mara

  • The Identity of the 144,000

    27/06/2021 Duración: 48min

    Session 18 — The Identity of the 144,000 [Revelation 7:1-8] — June 27, 2021 I. The seal of the living God is always associated with the saving, securing and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. II. God will seal a remnant of chosen servants from ethnic Israel to faithfully follow Christ through the great tribulation. III.The 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel will be the firstfruits of the final harvest and resurrection at the end of the age. IV.The 144,000 will be young men who are pure in conduct and speech, being prepared as priests, musicians, and even soldiers for the Kingdom of Israel. V. The 144,000 will be established in Zion – the New Jerusalem – as living stones in the wall of the city. Application ➡ Have you been sealed by the Holy Spirit and secured for the day of redemption? ➡ Understand the parable of the fig tree and the reestablishment of the modern state of Israel.

  • The Fifth Seal, Revelation 6:9-11

    13/06/2021 Duración: 45min

    Session 16 — The Tearing of the 5th Seal [Revelation 6:9-11] — June 13, 2021 I. The 5th Seal represents the complete number of righteous saints and faithful witnesses throughout history who will be martyred. II. God is preparing the church to shine the brightest in its greatest hour during the world’s darkest hour. III.There always has been only one people of God – justified by faith – who will be raised, redeemed and rewarded at the end of the age when Christ returns to earth. IV.The fires of the great tribulation will serve to refine and purify the believing remnant, presenting her as a spotless bride in the end. V. The only way to faithfully endure the great tribulation is the keep our hearts and eyes fixed upon Jesus! VI.The Day of the LORD is the coming day of vengeance when Jesus returns in flaming fire to punish the wicked. Application ➡ Keep your eyes fixed upon Jesus – the Faithful Martyr. ➡ Don’t be surprised when fiery trials come upon you. ➡ Be ready to proclaim the gospel in our greatest hour.

  • The Tearing of the Seals 2-4 (Pat. 2)

    06/06/2021 Duración: 55min

    Session 15 — The Tearing of the Seals 2-4 [Revelation 6:3-8, Cont'd) June 6 2021 I. The rider on the red horse represents the supernatural god of war who will be given authority to take peace from the earth in the last days. II. The rider on the black horse represents devastating global famines, economic collapse and hyper inflation in the last days. III.The rider on the pale horse represents the angel of death – or the destroyer – who is given authority to take a vast number of human lives in the last days. IV.Jesus is the great Conquering King and Risen Savior who alone has power over death and Hades and the authority to give eternal life to all who believe! Application ➡ Do not allow your love for Christ and other grow cold when lawlessness and violence abounds. ➡ Trust in Christ and in His resurrection life.

  • How Do We Live

    30/05/2021 Duración: 44min

    How Do We Live (1 Peter 5) 1. SUBMISSION (v. 5-6) • To your FELLOW BELIEVERS • To your HEAVENLY FATHER 2. SURRENDER your CARES to your Heavenly Father (v. 7) • COURAGE to face circumstances • WIDSOM to understand circumstances • STRENGTH to act in circumstances • FAITH to trust Him in circumstances 3. Stay ALERT (v. 8-9a) • RECOGNIZE your enemy • RESIST your enemy 4. Sharing with ALL BELIEVERS of ALL TIME • Sharing the FAITH (v. 9) • Sharing in SUFFERING (v. 9) • Sharing ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE (v. 10-11)

  • Assurance of Faith

    23/05/2021 Duración: 46min

    Assurance of Faith (1 John 4) “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may KNOW you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13) Test the Spirits (4:1 - 6) 1. Holy Spirit is our Warning System 2. Love of God in us; Love of God through us (7-12, 19-21) • Principle of Love (19) • Profession of Love (20) • Proof of Love (21) 3.Spirit of Truth leads to Perfect Love

  • Sessiion 15: Tearing of the Seals 2-4, Part 1

    16/05/2021 Duración: 51min

    Session 15 — The Tearing of the Seals 2-4 [Revelation 6:3-8] — May 16, 2021 The rider on the _______ _______ represents the supernatural _______ of _______ who will be given authority to take _______ from the _______ in the last days. The rider on the _______ _______ represents devastating global _______, ___________ _______ and _______ __________ in the last days. The rider on the _______ _______ represents the _______ of _______ – or the __________ – who is given authority to take a _______ ___________ of human lives in the last days. ________ is the great Conquering King and Risen Savior who alone has _______ over death and Hades and the __________ to give _________ _______ to all who _______! Application Do not allow your love for Christ and other grow cold when lawlessness and violence abounds. Trust in Christ and in His resurrection life.

  • The Tearing of the First Seal (Cont'd)

    09/05/2021 Duración: 47min

    The Tearing of the 1st Seal (Cont'd) [Revelation 6:1-2] — April 25, 2021 I. The rider on the white horse represents the ultimate false Messiah — the Antichrist – who will both rage against and seek to counterfeit Jesus Christ. II. The Antichrist will be a Gentile king emerging from the Middle East as the little horn and quickly rising to power . III.He will strengthen or confirm an existing covenant with many at the beginning of the final 7 years – which is also called Israel’s covenant with death . IV.The Antichrist will work behind the scenes to scheme and form secret plots to deceive the nations and advance his agenda . V. Around the midpoint of the final 7 years, Satan will be cast down to the earth and supernaturally enter into the Antichrist – empowering the Beast. VI. He will form a 10-king coalition of nations and lead an invasion of armies into Israel, laying siege to Jerusalem, and carrying out the final holocaust. VII. He will control Jerusalem, profane the Holy place and set up the abomination of

  • Why We Worship

    02/05/2021 Duración: 44min

    Why we Worship 1. What is worship? A. Worship is more than music B. Worship is sacrificial - Gen. 22:1-13 C. Worship is a lifestyle - Rom. 12:1 2. Why do we worship? A. We all share the need to worship B. God desires us to worship him - Isaiah 43:21 3. How are we to worship? A. We are meant to worship individually - 1 Cor. 10:31 B. We are to worship corporately - Col. 3:16, Hebrews 10:25 4. What are the themes within Revelation concerning worship? A. The holiness and greatness of God - Rev. 4:8-11 B. The content of our praises - Rev. 5:9-14 C. What Heavenly worship will look like - Rev. 7:9-12 D. The justice of God Rev. 16:5-6 E. It tells us of our ultimate fulfillment of our purpose Rev. 19:1-9

  • The Tearing of the First Seal

    25/04/2021 Duración: 44min

    Session 14 — The Tearing of the 1st Seal [Revelation 6:1-2] — April 25, 2021 I. The rider on the white horse represents the ultimate false Messiah — the Antichrist – who will both rage against and seek to counterfeit Jesus Christ. II. The Antichrist will be a Gentile king emerging from the Middle East as the little horn and quickly rising to power . III.He will strengthen or confirm an existing covenant with many at the beginning of the final 7 years – which is also called Israel’s covenant with death . IV.The Antichrist will work behind the scenes to scheme and form secret plots to deceive the nations and advance his agenda . V. Around the midpoint of the final 7 years, Satan will be cast down to the earth and supernaturally enter into the Antichrist – empowering the Beast. VI. He will form a 10-king coalition of nations and lead an invasion of armies into Israel, laying siege to Jerusalem, and carrying out the final holocaust. VII. He will control Jerusalem, profane the Holy place and set up the abomination

  • Overview of the Seven Seals

    18/04/2021 Duración: 54min

    Session 13 — Overview of the 7 Seals [Revelation 6] — April 18, 2021 I. There is only one scroll, sealed with 7 seals, which means that the entire prophecy is contained within the scroll. II. Scripture uses the natural process of labor pains as the primary prophetic pattern to describe the last days. III.The LORD instructed Daniel to seal up his vision and prophecy until the appointed time of the end. IV.The opening of the 7 Seals provides critical details about Daniel’s 70th week – or the final 7 years of this age. V. While the first 6 seals provide the big picture of Daniel’s 70th week, the tearing of the 7th seal unravels the rest of the scroll to reveal specific details. VI. The Four Horsemen are supernatural powers that will be released upon the whole earth by the LORD to bring His purposes to an end. Personal Application ➡ READ — Read Revelation 6 and outline the 6 Seals. ➡ PRAY — Continue to search the Scriptures and pray for ears to hear and a mind to understand. ➡ CHOOSE — Choose this day whom you wi

  • Session 12: Worthy Is the Lamb

    11/04/2021 Duración: 55min

    Session 12 — Worthy is the Lamb [Revelation 5] — April 11, 2021 I. The scroll contains the culmination of God’s prophetic promises and His decreed will that must be fulfilled at the end of the age. II. The scroll also represents the legal document that grants authority to rule over the earth and all mankind. III.All the greatest heroes of history fall short of God’s glory. Only Jesus is worthy, willing, and able to bring an end to this evil age! IV.Jesus is coming as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the Root of David, having conquered thru His death as the Lamb of God! V. Jesus Christ came to redeem a people for God’s own possession from every nation on the earth. VI. When Jesus returns from heaven to earth, He is coming with His heavenly host of mighty angels to wage war against the ungodly. Personal Application ➡ Have you bowed your knee and confessed that Jesus – the Lamb of God – is your Lord and Savior? ➡ If you refuse to willingly bow before the Lamb, you will be forced to face the coming wrath of the

  • The Lamb Has Overcome!

    04/04/2021 Duración: 43min

    THE LAMB HAS OVERCOME! • Jesus came and died as the Lamb to Heal the brokenhearted (Revelation 5:1-5) • Jesus was raised in the power of the Holy Spirit and lives as our ever-present Help in times of trouble ( Revelation 5:6-8) • Jesus will come again as the Lion of Judah — the Hope of nations. (Revelation 5:9-14) As We Go … Come to Jesus today to find the healing, help and hope that you need!

  • Session 11 — Before the Throne of God Above [Revelation 4]

    28/03/2021 Duración: 55min

    Session 11 — Before the Throne of God Above [Revelation 4] — March 28, 2021 I. God’s throne is in the midst of the heavenly temple in the New Jerusalem – and stands as the holiest place in the universe. II. All that we see in the earthly realm is merely a copy and shadow of the true substance of things not seen in the heavenly realm. III. Contrary to popular opinion, John’s vision of heaven has nothing to do with the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. IV. The 24 Elders represent God’s kings and priests who sit on the divine council, serve in the holy temple and rule with Christ in His kingdom. V. Seraphim/Cherubim are throne guardians who belong to the highest ranking order of angelic beings and who dwell in closest proximity to God’s glory! VI. Because God alone is supremely holy, He alone is forever worthy receive all honor, glory, worship and praise! [see Psalm 145] Personal Application ➡ Let us forever praise JESUS – the King of kings and our Great High Priest — and live holy lives before Him. ➡ Reme

  • Session 10: The Church at Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22)

    21/03/2021 Duración: 58min

    Session 10 — The Church at Laodicea [Revelation 3:14-22] — March 21, 2021 I. When we become spiritually lukewarm and useless, we literally make God want to vomit! II. The desire to get rich plunges us into ruin and blinds us of our need for God! III.Total commitment to follow Christ – though costly – will always leave us completely satisfied in the end. IV.Only two things in this world last forever – the Word of God and the souls of men. V. God disciplines those whom He loves as a father disciplines his son. VI. Those who are wise will stay awake and be ready for the Lord when He returns. VII. The prosperity gospel perverts the Word of God, appeals to the carnal nature of man, and denies the cost of discipleship. VIII.Those who overcome in Christ forever will reign with Him have a place at the table of the King. Personal Application ➡ Abide in Christ — your Source or life — and remain useful. ➡ Count the cost to follow Christ and believe He is worth it! ➡ Store your treasures in heaven by investing

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