Christ Church Bartlett

The Seventh Trumpet



Session 24 — The 7th Trumpet [Revelation 11:15-19] — August 8, 2021 I. The 7th Trumpet signifies the end of this present, evil age when Messiah comes down in power to destroy His enemies, judge the world, and establish His eternal kingdom. II. The Feast of Trumpets is connected to the resurrection of the dead at the Awakening Blast – and the arrival of Messiah with triumphant shouts of joy! III.The theophany of the LORD at Mt. Sinai is the most complete prophetic pattern for the return of Jesus. IV.The 7th Trumpet is the great trumpet of God that will cause all the tribes of the earth to mourn and the whole world will tremble at His presence! V. The 7th Trumpet is the last trumpet sounded on the last day when God will resurrect the righteous in glorified bodies and gather His people to Himself. Application ➡ Pray fervently for God’s Kingdom to Come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. ➡ Prepare for and hasten the coming Day of the LORD when we all must give an account before Him.