Christ Church Bartlett

The Identity of the 144,000



Session 18 — The Identity of the 144,000 [Revelation 7:1-8] — June 27, 2021 I. The seal of the living God is always associated with the saving, securing and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. II. God will seal a remnant of chosen servants from ethnic Israel to faithfully follow Christ through the great tribulation. III.The 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel will be the firstfruits of the final harvest and resurrection at the end of the age. IV.The 144,000 will be young men who are pure in conduct and speech, being prepared as priests, musicians, and even soldiers for the Kingdom of Israel. V. The 144,000 will be established in Zion – the New Jerusalem – as living stones in the wall of the city. Application ➡ Have you been sealed by the Holy Spirit and secured for the day of redemption? ➡ Understand the parable of the fig tree and the reestablishment of the modern state of Israel.