Christ Church Bartlett

The Tearing of the First Seal



Session 14 — The Tearing of the 1st Seal [Revelation 6:1-2] — April 25, 2021 I. The rider on the white horse represents the ultimate false Messiah — the Antichrist – who will both rage against and seek to counterfeit Jesus Christ. II. The Antichrist will be a Gentile king emerging from the Middle East as the little horn and quickly rising to power . III.He will strengthen or confirm an existing covenant with many at the beginning of the final 7 years – which is also called Israel’s covenant with death . IV.The Antichrist will work behind the scenes to scheme and form secret plots to deceive the nations and advance his agenda . V. Around the midpoint of the final 7 years, Satan will be cast down to the earth and supernaturally enter into the Antichrist – empowering the Beast. VI. He will form a 10-king coalition of nations and lead an invasion of armies into Israel, laying siege to Jerusalem, and carrying out the final holocaust. VII. He will control Jerusalem, profane the Holy place and set up the abomination