Christ Church Bartlett

The 5th & 6th Trumpet



Session 21 — The 5th & 6th Trumpets [Revelation 9] — July 18, 2021 I. Satan ultimately will be cast down out of the heavenly realm and confined to the earth — triggering the horrors of the great tribulation. II. Satan will be granted authority to open the gates of hell and unleash demonic monsters out of the abyss to terrorize the earth. III.Hybrid locust creatures will be allowed to torment mankind for 5 months, giving them one last opportunity to repent of their evil. IV.Four powerful rogue angels will be released to command the supernatural armies of the Beast – the destroyers of the earth. V. The Beast and his hordes ultimately will clash against King Jesus and His heavenly host for Jerusalem – the final winepress of God’s wrath. Application ➡ Jesus reminds us that we must be born again and sealed with the Holy Spirit. ➡ Rest in God’s perfect love & presence that cast out all fear.