Christ Church Bartlett

Jesus, the Greatest Superhero of All



Session 27 — Jesus: The Greatest Superhero of All [Revelation 12] — August 29, 2021 I. Jesus had to be a human hero – born of a woman – in order to reverse the curse of Adam. II. Jesus is the most humble hero in the universe – coming to serve and sacrifice his own life for sinners. III. Jesus now is the most highly exalted hero in heaven, having sat down at the right hand of the Father. IV.Jesus is coming soon as the great head-crushing hero who will remove all evil and rule the nations with a rod of iron. V. When Jesus our Hero appears – all who believe in Him will become just like Him! Application ➡ Put your trust in Christ today and be set free from the curse of Adam and receive forgiveness and the free gift of everlasting life! ➡ To be first in God’s kingdom, we must humble ourselves before God, deny ourselves and serve others in the love of Christ.