Christ Church Bartlett

The Mystery of God Fulfilled



Session 22 — The Mystery of God Fulfilled [Revelation 10] — July 25, 2021 I. John encounters a mighty messenger angel – the Angel of the LORD – who is the revelation of Jesus Christ and image of the invisible God. II. The mystery of God kept hidden for ages finally will be completed and finished on the Day of the LORD when Jesus is revealed from heaven for all to see. III.Things to be revealed in that Day include the mystery of God’s will, of Christ in us, of the Gentiles, of Israel, of the bride of Christ, and of the rapture. IV.The prophetic word of God is bittersweet because it represents both God’s perfect love and His perfect justice at the same time. Application ➡ Pray for wisdom and search the Scriptures to understand the mysteries of God and to turn many to righteousness. ➡ Feed daily on the sweet and comforting Word of God that nourishes our souls, yet use the sobering reality of God’s coming judgment as motivation to call sinners to repentance.