Christ Church Bartlett

The First Four Trumpets



Session 20 — The First Four Trumpets [Revelation 8] — July 11, 2021 I. The prayers of the saints will be the primary catalyst that finally moves God to release His judgments on the earth. II. The trumpet judgments, like the plagues in Egypt, serve both as a declaration of war against the wicked and warning signs designed to call the world to repentance. III.The 1st Trumpet represents judgment by fire coming down from heaven upon the vegetation of the earth. IV.The 2nd Trumpet represents judgment by turning the seas to blood. V. The 3rd Trumpet represents judgment by turning the fresh water into bitter poison. VI.The 4th Trumpet represents judgment by disrupting the natural course of the earth in its orbit and/or knocking the earth off its axis. Application ➡ God hears your prayers and His timing is perfect. ➡ Do not take vengeance but overcome evil with good. ➡ Be a watchman and warn this generation to flee the wrath to come!