Christ Church Bartlett

The Great Red Dragon



Session 26 — The Great Red Dragon [Revelation 12] — August 22, 2021 I. After Satan plunged man into ruin in the garden, God prophesied of a perpetual war between the seed of the woman and the seed of the Serpent. II. Satan has been roaming the earth seeking to devour and snatch away God’s seed ever since. III.As the ruler of this world and god of this evil age, Satan has used the kingdoms of the earth to keep humanity in darkness and lead as many souls to hell as possible. IV.Satan soon will be cast out of heaven, only to empower the Beast, establish his ultimate empire, and unleash all his wrath against God’s covenant people. V. Though Satan will be given authority to conquer the saints, we will overcome thru faith in Jesus – the Lamb who has proved His love for us by dying on a cross. Application ➡ Recognize the voice of God by meditating on the Word and in prayer so that you are not deceived by the devil’s lies. ➡ Rest without fear in the perfect love of Jesus, knowing that He has proven His love for you o