Christ Church Bartlett

The Fifth Seal, Revelation 6:9-11



Session 16 — The Tearing of the 5th Seal [Revelation 6:9-11] — June 13, 2021 I. The 5th Seal represents the complete number of righteous saints and faithful witnesses throughout history who will be martyred. II. God is preparing the church to shine the brightest in its greatest hour during the world’s darkest hour. III.There always has been only one people of God – justified by faith – who will be raised, redeemed and rewarded at the end of the age when Christ returns to earth. IV.The fires of the great tribulation will serve to refine and purify the believing remnant, presenting her as a spotless bride in the end. V. The only way to faithfully endure the great tribulation is the keep our hearts and eyes fixed upon Jesus! VI.The Day of the LORD is the coming day of vengeance when Jesus returns in flaming fire to punish the wicked. Application ➡ Keep your eyes fixed upon Jesus – the Faithful Martyr. ➡ Don’t be surprised when fiery trials come upon you. ➡ Be ready to proclaim the gospel in our greatest hour.