Christ Church Bartlett

Sessiion 15: Tearing of the Seals 2-4, Part 1



Session 15 — The Tearing of the Seals 2-4 [Revelation 6:3-8] — May 16, 2021 The rider on the _______ _______ represents the supernatural _______ of _______ who will be given authority to take _______ from the _______ in the last days. The rider on the _______ _______ represents devastating global _______, ___________ _______ and _______ __________ in the last days. The rider on the _______ _______ represents the _______ of _______ – or the __________ – who is given authority to take a _______ ___________ of human lives in the last days. ________ is the great Conquering King and Risen Savior who alone has _______ over death and Hades and the __________ to give _________ _______ to all who _______! Application Do not allow your love for Christ and other grow cold when lawlessness and violence abounds. Trust in Christ and in His resurrection life.