Christ Church Bartlett

The Woman in the Wilderness, Revelation 12



Session 25 — Woman in the Wilderness [Revelation 12] — August 15, 2021 I. The LORD first betrothed Himself in covenant relationship to the people of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai. II. Israel proved to be an adulterous wife from the very start, resulting in her exile and estrangement from God. III.Jesus is the Bridegroom God who was willing to give His life for His bride in order to bring her into a new and better covenant. IV.God used Israel’s unbelief for the ultimate blessing of the Gentiles, extending salvation to all nations through faith in the Messiah of Israel. V. God has promised to preserve a believing remnant from ethnic Israel to the very end and show her grace in the wilderness where it all first began. VI.Once the Bride has been made ready and pure, the Bridegroom will return to receive her to Himself for the great marriage supper of the Lamb. Application ➡ We must Repent of our unfaithfulness and return to God with deep love and devotion, as we prepare for His return!