Keep The Promise Ministries, Inc. - Sermons by Pastor Buddy Chapman



Welcome to the Weekly Sermon Podcast from Pastor Buddy Chapman, and Keep The Promise Ministries, Inc. located in Poquoson Va.


  • #052 - Life Under Construction.

    13/05/2012 Duración: 46min

    Life Under Construction. Foundation; What state is your spiritual foundation in? Is it based on God's word. Christ is the cornerstone, is He the cornerstone in your Life. Evaluation; God says your worth the investment. He put the deposit of the Holy Spirit in you. It's about His investment in us. What did it cost Him, Everything. Restoration; Bountiful Grace, forgive and confess, were found not guilty. Application; Be confident in Christ. Invest in Him. Walk in the freshness of forgiveness. Renew your mind with the truth of His word. Ask God for help in areas of challenge. Be Redeemed, Restored, Reborn. Phil 4:8, Heb 4:16, 1 John 1:9, Isa 43:25-26, Eph 1:7, John 3:16.

  • #051 - Values Conenction.

    06/05/2012 Duración: 27min

    Values Connection. Values Collisions Cause; When what we believe collides with how we live. The answer to a values collision is a vlauses connection. Realize the Beauty of Connection; Connects emotions and relationships. Realize the connection. Why am I doing this thing? Why am I not living my values? Why am i doiing things that aren't really important to me? Reconginze the Benefits of Connection; Better Health, Better Growth in relationship with God. More Effective as a part of the body of Christ. Remember the Body of Connection; Don't pull away from the things most important. Stick with God. Matt 6:33, But seek first His kingdom ahnd His righteousness, and all these things will be gie to you as well. Give God the 1st day of the week. Give God the 1st part of your day 10-15 minutes. Give God the 1st portion of your income. Give God the 1st consideration of every decision. Luke 10:38-42, Luke 10:42, Col 2:19, Luke 10:39, Eph 4:25.

  • #050 - KTP Worship Center Second Anniversary.

    29/04/2012 Duración: 40min

    KTP Worship Center Second Anniversary.

  • #048 - Living God's Word and Sharing God's Love.

    15/04/2012 Duración: 35min

    Living God's Word and Sharing God's Love. Reading the Word; God's word is our map to God's will for our lives. Be a student of the word. It builds us up. It gives us hope and a future. It gives us wisdom and understanding. Sharing the Word; Builds up others. We encourage others when we share the truth of God's word in love. We are glorifying God when we are proclaiming His greatness. Living the Word; Lifts God up. Pointing praise to Christ shows our love and reverence for Him. How do you reflect your heavenly Father. God captures our heart through the reading of His word. God's word is alive. 2Tim 2:15, 3:16-17, Heb 4;12, Jer 29:11, Prov 2:6, Phil 4:7, 2Cor 5:5, Matt 28:19, Prov 27:17, John 12:32

  • #049 - A Time for Everything.

    15/04/2012 Duración: 41min

    A Time for Everything. Seasons of Life. Summer; Enjoy the outdoors, family time, fellowship. As summer drags on it becomes Hot, dry(Desperation), uncomfortable(lack of peace), desert time(time of testing). Autumn; A noticeable transition, preparation for the next season. Things shed off for the new. A cycle being concluded. Winter; Dormant, sleep or inactive, desolate, feeling alone. Lord will never leave us. Rest in His promises. Spring; Brings life, possibilities, beauty, freshness, opportunity. Great anticipation of what is coming. Make the best of each event and each season of change. In the midst of all seasons ten things you won’t have to worry about; Bible still has answers. Prayer will still work. Holy Spirit will still speak. God will still inhabit praise. There will still be anointed teaching. There will still be singing of praise. God will still pour out blessings on His people. There will be room at the cross for His children. Jesus loves you. Jesus still saves. Ecc 3:1, Psa

  • #047 - Eternal Redemption.

    08/04/2012 Duración: 41min

    Eternal Redemption. Paid in Full; Onetime payment for the sins of the world. Defeated sin. Conquered death. Believe and Receive; Nails in hands, the cross on His back, but He had you on His mind. Confess, Believe, Saves, Made right with God. Clean Conscience, Free from Death. Free from sins power. Proclaim with Power; There is power in forgiveness. Produces joy we can't explain. It gives us the presence of Christ (Total Access). His presence gives us power and the desire to proclaim His goodness. He defeated the devil. He rose again. Our sins are forgiven. Heb 9:12, Heb 10:11-12, Rom 10:9-11, 13, Col 2:13-15, 1Cor 15:17

  • #046 - Driven.

    01/04/2012 Duración: 41min

    Driven. Devotion; When you think of someone being devoted, what comes to mind? Faithful, loyal, focused, invested, committed. Jesus was faithful to His assignment. Loyal to His disciples and His Father. Focused on the outcome. Invests His whole earthly life to the plan of God. Committed His life to the cause. God's Plan; Redeemed and forgiven. God's plan is restoration and reconciliation, these two things are only achievable through Christ. Purpose; Life for Christ, witness for Christ. For the Son of man came to seek and save those who are lost. Driven by love, captured by grace. Luke 19:36-37, Rom 5:1, Heb 10:10, Rom 3:28, 2 Cor 5:20, Luke 19:10

  • #045 - From the Heart of God.

    25/03/2012 Duración: 41min

    From the Heart of God. Why was the law given? Law; Reveals the nature and will of God. The law only condemns, it cannot save. Grace is the reset button. Faith; Faith should be contagious. Grace; Amazing Grace, God's Riches At Christ’s Expense (GRACE). Gal 3:11, 3:23-25, Psa 19:7, Eph 2:8-9, Matt 18:3, Heb 11:1, Rom 5

  • #044 - Through the Tears of Love.

    18/03/2012 Duración: 44min

    Through the Tears of Love. The pain of your past doesn't have to chart the course of your future. Pain; Pain is inevitable, (If we're living and loving we will experience pain at some point. We become vulnerable when we love, because we allow access to ourselves. Sharing our life with Christ gives Him access to bring healing. Patience; As our patience is manifested, our love is growing to a new level. Faith begins to grow to new heights. Through Tears of Love and Sacrifice we begin to see an indescribable peace. Peace; Peace is priceless. Peace and grace go hand in hand. Grace had to be given in order for peace to be received. The only everlasting peace that can be found is in Jesus Christ. Philip 4:13, Psa 30:1-5, John 14:18, Eph 3:16-21, 1John 4:8, 1Cor 13, John 14:27

  • #043 - Jesus Revealed.

    11/03/2012 Duración: 40min

    Jesus Revealed. Jesus revealed to us; Christ the visible image of the invisible God. Jesus revealed in us; Change should occur from the inside out. Our hearts should love what God loves and hate what God hates (Sin). Our desires should represent Godly qualities. Our attitudes (Get the God view). Our response should be the God response. Our worship should turn our affections and praises to the Lord. Our motives should be driven from out allegiance to Christ. Jesus revealed through us; Make it personal. How is Jesus revealed through you? Do others see you're a Christ follower or just hear that you are? Are you a servant of the Lord? Do you show compassion to others? Do you sow mercy, love and forgiveness? What are you reaping? Are you faithful with what God has invested in you? Are you convicted? Col 1:15, Gal 2:20, 2Cor 5:10

  • #042 - Brokenness.

    04/03/2012 Duración: 51min

    Brokenness. Brokenness; Separated, divided, damaged. We are all broken people at some point, but we don't have to remain fragmented in our faith. God still loves broken people. God heals broken people. God forgives broken people. God restores brokenness. Emptiness; Once God restores your brokenness, fill up on Him through prayer, fellowship, and studying. Thirst for His presence. Drink from the living water of His unchanging word. Challenges; Are opportunities for growing our faith. Revealing the Father's love. Experiencing His peace. Walk in His wisdom. Representing Him well. Comfort; We are within His reach. Take hold of what God has put in front of you. Take God at His word and live each day with the assurance of His involvement. The anchor of truth (Nah 1:7, Isa 42:16, 1Pet 5:7). Psa 138:7, John 5

  • #041 - What are you looking at?

    26/02/2012 Duración: 47min

    What are you looking at? When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Our View; Can be self-centered. Based on whatever we've experienced. Has a large role in how we respond. Has a big impact on how we receive. World's View; Materialistic, Power, Praise and Worship, Idolatry, Instant, Quick Fix, Consumers, Entitlement, No Investment. God's View; Compassionate, Loving, Forgiving. We should be humble, see him as Holy, and be Obedient. God's view is always perfect with nothing lacking. Matt 9:36, Prov 12:15, 14:12, Matt 6:19-21

  • #040 - Crossing into God's Promises.

    19/02/2012 Duración: 48min

    Crossing into God's Promises. Respond to challenge; We all have a Jordan river to cross. How do we respond to the challenge? Watch God; The Ark symbolized the presence and power of God. The glory of God rested when the ark was in the Holy of Holies. Follow God; When they saw the ark of the covenant move, leave your place and go after it. We must pursue God. Honor God; There must always be a Holy reverence of the Lord in our hearts. Put God first. Joshua 3, John 5:19-20, Mark 2

  • #039 - The Movie of Your Life.

    12/02/2012 Duración: 47min

    The Movie of Your Life. Good, Bad and Ugly. "God has seen your movie, and he loves you anyway." Stop for a minute and let that sink deep into your heart and soul. Good; The start of our lives in Christ. We have been redeemed, reconciled and restored through Christ Jesus. Bad; Your movie is not over yet. Through Christ you can overcome. Ugly; There are parts in our life's movie that have been absolutely terrible. We’re not here to replay the tape. We're here to tell you that Christ allows retakes. 1John 3:19-20, Rom 5:8, Rom 8, John 3:17, John 16:33, John 1:29,36, Rev 12:11, Heb 9:22, Heb 10, Lev 17:11, Isa 53:10, Isa 43:2, Gal 5:1, Eph 2:10

  • #038 - Is Good Enough... Good Enough?

    05/02/2012 Duración: 44min

    Is Good Enough... Good Enough? Setting the Standards; We must establish the truth of God's word in our lives and our families. The Bible is our moral compass and final authority. Take Responsibility; You have to make a stand. You have to make a start. We need to calibrate our moral compass with the word of God. Revealing the Father; This was Christ's mission. This is our mission. How do we do it? Live for Him, Live like Him, and love like Him. If Jesus is in you He wants to reveal the Father through you. Eph 5:15-16, Eph 6:4, Prov 22:6, 1Pet 2:9, Josh 24:15

  • #037 - Reflections of God's Love.

    29/01/2012 Duración: 40min

    Reflections of God's Love. Divine Direction; Proceeding from God, Pertaining to God or Devoted to God. His promptings reflect His love for us. Divine Protection; How do you feel about that? Divine Connection; Jesus Christ is our divine connection to all of God's promises. Psa 36:7, Psa 36:5-9, Psa 119:105, Psa 57:1, Psa 68:5, Psa 91, 2nd Cor 5:17, Rom 8:1, Eph 2:13, Gal 3:26-27, 2 Cor 2:14, 1st Cor 1:30, 1st Cor 15:22

  • #036 - Reboot Your Spirit.

    22/01/2012 Duración: 41min

    Reboot Your Spirit. Overwhelmed; By the cares of the world. Things beyond our control, finances, health, children, relationship. Reboot Spiritually; Remember your ABCs, Attitude, behavior and commitment. Take time, pullback, submerge yourself in the Lord. Guard your time. Pursue what matters. Pursing what matters to God; People matter to God. Psa 51:10, 1Sam 16:7, Matt 22:37-39

  • #035 - Releasing the limits.

    15/01/2012 Duración: 45min

    Releasing the limits. Short sighted; Forgetting the blessings you have. Pick the positive. God is training you. Preconceived ideas; Don't box God in. Give Him something to work with. You may know all He's taught you, but you don't know all He knows. Peace; Remain teachable. Sift out His treasured promises. Invest in others. Look for God's hand in your present situation. Forgiveness; Receive it, give it and share it. Trust; His sacrifice, His love and His promise. Faithful; God is faithful even when were not. Reflect on His faithfulness. 1Cor 2:12, 1Cor 1:9, Psa 51:7, 2Cor 3:4-6, 1Thes 5:24, Heb 12:2

  • #034 - Casting the net into the deep.

    08/01/2012 Duración: 45min

    Casting the net into the deep. Shallows in life; Everyday, ordinary things we must do to exist. They don't stretch our faith, they don't challenge us. Deeper Worship; Make a conscious effort to commune with God. When we get together to have true worship. Deeper in sharing out faith: Why are we here? where are we going? How can we get there? How are we doing? What is important to us? What is important to God? Deeper in prayer; Spend more time with God. Listening to His Promptings. Seeking His direction. Casting you net of faith; Whatever area God has touched you today respond to Him. Don't leave the same way you came in. Make a commitment today in a "shallow" area of you life to go deeper. Luke 5:1-11

  • #033 - Setting-the-pace, seeking-His-Face, running-the-race.

    01/01/2012 Duración: 39min

    Setting-the-pace, seeking-His-Face, running-the-race. Setting the pace; How do we set the pace for our lives? What is our Motivation? What is our plan? Spend time in prayer. Allow God's word and wisdom to set the pace. Seeking His Face; Desiring to meet with God. Seeking His face and knowing Him. Running the race; Be consistent, disciplined. Enjoy the training, stay focused and alert. Heb 12:1, Prov 3:5-6, John 3:30, Jer 29:13, 2Chron 7:14, 2Tim 4:7

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