

Brokenness. Brokenness; Separated, divided, damaged. We are all broken people at some point, but we don't have to remain fragmented in our faith. God still loves broken people. God heals broken people. God forgives broken people. God restores brokenness. Emptiness; Once God restores your brokenness, fill up on Him through prayer, fellowship, and studying. Thirst for His presence. Drink from the living water of His unchanging word. Challenges; Are opportunities for growing our faith. Revealing the Father's love. Experiencing His peace. Walk in His wisdom. Representing Him well. Comfort; We are within His reach. Take hold of what God has put in front of you. Take God at His word and live each day with the assurance of His involvement. The anchor of truth (Nah 1:7, Isa 42:16, 1Pet 5:7). Psa 138:7, John 5