Keep The Promise Ministries, Inc. - Sermons by Pastor Buddy Chapman

#034 - Casting the net into the deep.



Casting the net into the deep. Shallows in life; Everyday, ordinary things we must do to exist. They don't stretch our faith, they don't challenge us. Deeper Worship; Make a conscious effort to commune with God. When we get together to have true worship. Deeper in sharing out faith: Why are we here? where are we going? How can we get there? How are we doing? What is important to us? What is important to God? Deeper in prayer; Spend more time with God. Listening to His Promptings. Seeking His direction. Casting you net of faith; Whatever area God has touched you today respond to Him. Don't leave the same way you came in. Make a commitment today in a "shallow" area of you life to go deeper. Luke 5:1-11