Keep The Promise Ministries, Inc. - Sermons by Pastor Buddy Chapman

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 397:15:51
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Welcome to the Weekly Sermon Podcast from Pastor Buddy Chapman, and Keep The Promise Ministries, Inc. located in Poquoson Va.


  • #072 - Recovering from the fumbles of life.

    30/09/2012 Duración: 56min

    Recovering from the fumbles of life. Fumble; For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. God knows we need help. God has provided a way. As believers in Christ we have His spirit in us. Recovery; Call upon the Lord. Repent and turn from any wrong. Forgive and receive forgiveness. Get back up and get in the game. Game Time; It's not over until God says it's over. Study the playbook of life, "The Bible". Encourage the team, believers and non-believers. Look to the goal line. Finish big. Don't have anything left over at the end. Goal Line; Are you on the team? Are you in the game? Do you know heaven is your home. It's not your performance, it's Gods promise. Here's the goal line today. It's the gospel of Jesus Christ. Step over by faith in Him. Rom 3:23-24, Rom 6:22-23, John 14:18.

  • #071 - Sticks and Stones.

    23/09/2012 Duración: 48min

    Sticks and Stones. Judging Others; We are not a just judge. We all have sin. Watch our attitudes and motives. Don't exploit others. Look into the mirror of God's word. Jesus' Response; He highlighted the importance of compassion and forgiveness. He is a redeemer. Lover of our soul. Brings forth the gift of life. Our Response; Check the stone in your hand. How do we treat others that are different? How do we feel when we're the one on the outside? Value others as God does. Unity; Look for ways to unite and support. There is peace and power in oneness. Comfort others in Christ. John 8:1-11, James 4:12, Lev 20:10, Deut 22, Prov 15:1, Phil 2:3,4.

  • #070 - Why Go To Church?

    16/09/2012 Duración: 48min

    Why Go To Church? Honor God; He knows your past and he can chart your future. Put Him first in your life. Allow God to use you. Server with excitement. Mature in our relationship with Christ; Know Him better. Reflect Him well. Experience His presence. Make course corrections. Be a student of the word of God. Impact the Kingdom. Fellowship with church body; Encourage others. Use your different gifts. Care for one another. Be a safe place for those who are hurting. Enjoy the blessing of fellowship. Be a strong witness to the world; Perform the great commission. God has called us to evangelize. We have an opportunity every day. His return is sooner than we think. How did you hear of the love of God? Heb 10:25, 1 Cor 6:20.

  • #069 - Just a little something to work with.

    09/09/2012 Duración: 39min

    Just a little something to work with. God does things with a purpose and passion. Come to your end; So often we exhaust ourselves trying to fix a situation that is beyond our control. Think of the time we'd save if we would focus our energy on prayer instead of focusing on the problem. Realize that the Lord is our source regardless of what our circumstances look like. It is not the circumstance that should overwhelm us, it should be God's presence. Come to God; Let your request be known. If you are a child of God you have a place at His table. Come to God right where you are. Come to God and bring "Just a little something to work with". Trust God with what you have; The faith factor. Don't try to figure it all out. don't expect it to always be the same. It's not a formula, its faith. Little is much with God in it. Be a blessing to others; When God blesses you, you honor Him when you bless others. Meditate on how you can be a blessing to someone. This is to glorify God not elevate self. (Yo

  • #068 - The Truth about TIME.

    02/09/2012 Duración: 40min

    The Truth about TIME. You can't buy it. You can't rewind it. You can't re-live it. Embrace the truth; The truth never changes. The truth never fails. The truth will set you free. The truth is Jesus loves you. Intimacy; A deep personal love that is pure. Agape love simply means A-God kind of love, unconditional (no strings attached). We have hope and restoration in Christ. Miraculous; When we take time to read God's promises we see the miraculous displayed. We recount His faithfulness. We rekindle our faith. It ignites our passion. We become the vessel for His glory and praise. Eternity; Looking into the eyes of Christ, we gain an eternal perspective. We look forward to the promises of God. We understand how each day here is a blessing. We should live with zeal to impact the kingdom for eternity. Our focus shifts from here today and gone tomorrow, to Christ today and forever. Do you have time on your hands? Eternally speaking where will you go? Today's your day to decide. The time is now.

  • #067 - Experiencing our personal and powerful God.

    26/08/2012 Duración: 34min

    Experiencing our personal and powerful God. Growing spiritually is all about a personal experience, a personal responsibility, and a personal relationship. God is always a perfect Father. He is always a personal Father; God is always thinking about you. He knows what you are going through. He cares about what you are going through. He has the power to do something about it. He is always a purposeful Father; God has a personal and purposeful plan for your life. There is no sin, no problem, no pain that can stop God's purpose. Ask who am i supposed to be? Worship Him, glorify Him, and become more like Jesus. He is always a present Father; God will never leave you - Ever! He is a present Father every moment of everyday. He will never stop loving you. His love is unconditional. Psa 139:16-19, Acts 17:24-27, Rom 8:38-39, Matt 6:9.

  • #066 - Giving praise to the Lord.

    19/08/2012 Duración: 14min

    Giving praise to the Lord. Remember; It's good to remember where God has brought us from. It's awesome to remember the victory through Chris. It's a testimony that glorifies God. When we remember His promises, it takes the sting out of our problems. Reflect; When we reflect on God's goodness, It helps us reflect Him to others. Reflecting on what God has done in our lives, builds our faith. Reflecting on the promises of God honors the Lord. Run; Our testimony fuels our faith to run the race. Testifying about the great things God has done shows our dependence on Him as we move in His strength. Focus on the finish line not on the failures. 1Chron 29:13.

  • #065 - Press On.

    12/08/2012 Duración: 27min

    Press On. Failure; If you stay focused on your failure, it begins to define you. Don't let it hold you hostage. Don't relive the loss, focus on the future. Don't play the blame game (guilt, self or others). Evaluate and calibrate. Proper perspective; Go to God. Live for today. The windshield is bigger than the review mirror for a reason. Get back in the game. Look at what can be, instead of what could have been. Take charge. Rejoice in the midst. Prayer; As Rev. Dr. Keith Parham said in a sermon earlier this week, "Prayer is communicating with God. Complaining is holding conversation with the devil." What priority do we put on prayer? Prayer is powerful. Prayer is intimate. Prayer is essential. Recall God's Promises; Recalling God's promises helps us to flow from worry to glory. It grows our faith. It creates an atmosphere for the miraculous. It strengthens our witness. It points others to Christ. Press On; Lean into the voice of God. Serve with fervor and zeal. Be focused on the task

  • #064 - Why are you so angry? Cain and Abel.

    05/08/2012 Duración: 48min

    Why are you so angry? Cain and Abel. Gave some; When we came before the Lord. What do we bring? Do we bring what's left over or the best we have? Are we committed to greatness or just good enough? How do we respond to correction? Is our worship hollow or whole? Gave Best; Giving your best to God reflects a heart captured by God. God's favor flows with obedience. Prepare your heart for worship. A heart motivated by love and reverence for God brings acceptance from God. Accepted; We all like to be accepted. So often we will go to great lengths to be accepted by people and the world standards. God desires our obedience because it brings His best to our lives. Focusing on the love of Christ tunes our spirit in harmony with Gods goodness. Knowing God personally and intimately produces a grateful heart that is pleasing to God. Dejected; Why is it we often become angry with correction from God? Could it be we're still on the throne and not God? Look at the grace of God reaching out to Cain. Look at

  • #063 - Jonah, Man Overboard.

    29/07/2012 Duración: 44min

    Jonah, Man Overboard. Disobedience; Is costly not only for the person disobeying but for others as well. It is the fuel for the devil's fire. It drives us further from God and deeper in destruction. It is a slippery slope that starts us running from God. Hatred divides and reveals our hardened heart. Running from God; You cannot seek God's love and run from Him at the same time. Even when Jonah wasn't physically running from God, he was still resisting on the inside. Focusing on fear instead of faith drives us away from God. When we stop running, God can even use our past mistakes to help others see His mercy. Repentance; Jonah had an awakening. God gave him a second chance. God is patient with sinners and His servants for a season. Jonah changed his heart and it changed his course. If we will obey God, He will direct our steps. Returning to God; The purpose of God's judgment is correction not revenge. God revealed Himself through grace and forgiveness. God spared the sailors when they ple

  • #062 - Gripped.

    22/07/2012 Duración: 36min

    Gripped. Gripped by the Gospel; What is the Gospel? It is the good news that we have forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ that died for our sins and that He was buried and was raised on the third day according to the scriptures. It is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. What grips our hearts, guides our steps. When we grasp the gospel we begin to grasp the power of His sacrifice. Gripped by His Sacrifice; Do I still consider the cost of Christ. Time does not deplete the power of His sacrifice. Gripped by His Love; God's love produces wholeness and power. God's love produces peace and boldness. When we are gripped in His love, we experience His forgiveness. Gripped by His Forgiveness; Pardon, relief of blame, release and set free. Gripped by His Grace; We are no longer enemies of God. We are now His children. We are partakers of His blessings. We are in right relationship, redeemed. We are secure in Christ. 1Cor 1:18, Rom 1:17, Isa 53:5, Matt 20:28, Heb 10:1

  • #061 - Joseph, "Not Your Regular Joe".

    15/07/2012 Duración: 43min

    Joseph, "Not Your Regular Joe". Fellowship with God; Joseph's circumstances changed but his love for God was constant. God's love is constant. God can change the circumstance. Joseph's relationship with the Lord is his key to his fruitfulness. Favor with God and man; Joseph has favor with God and with those he came in contact with because of God. Don't forget our position in Christ, we are not alone as a child of God. Faithfulness in his responsibilities; Joseph was faithful with what he had and where he was at. Joseph chose what was best over what was good. Joseph reflected the Lord well. Reverence for God; Stay close to God. Joseph fled from sin and toward God. Love and respect the Lord. Forgiving nature; Joseph responded with a forgiving heart. Joseph refused to allow the wrongs in his life control his rights in Christ. He held no bitterness and resentment. Fortitude; He didn't give up hope. He had endurance to get through the tough times. He committed everything to God and he endured to

  • #060 - At Your Service.

    08/07/2012 Duración: 44min

    At Your Service. Attitude; Our attitude is birthed from out heart condition. Our responses are shaped by our understanding and level of receiving. Delight in serving. Be Cheerful-Not Discontented. Work with enthusiasm, do your best even when no one is looking. Run your own race. Does you attitude point others to Christ? Heart; Check your motives. Character matters. Serve our of love for the Lord. Flow with God. Be attentive to the needs of others. Be compassionate. Take time and let God mold the moments He gives you. Commitment; don't had off what you know you should carry (Be Committed). Do what you say. Don't over extend yourself. Build into others lives. Be supportive. Speak words that build up not tear down. Worship; Reflect on the faithfulness of God. Remember what he has done. Rejoice in your salvation. Keep the fire burning. Walk with Him daily. Model Christ to the world. Serve with excellence. Col 3:23-24, Phil 2:3, Matt 6:21, Prov 16:3, James 4:8

  • #059 - Forever God.

    01/07/2012 Duración: 46min

    Forever God. God never changes; God is perfection, if perfection changed then it is not longer perfection, and if it needed change it was never perfection. The Lord is merciful. The Lord is faithful. God's word never changes; God and His word are one. His word is what should change us. His love is what should change us. His goodness should change us. His word is a constant anchor for our soul. God's plan of salvation never changes; it’s His plan based on sacrifice. We are still saved by grace through faith. His grace our faith in His sacrifice. We cannot add to perfection. We cannot save ourselves. It’s still a gift. It is still the cross of Christ, and it's still His love for His children. God's love never fails; Why does His love never fail? Because it's unconditional. It has no conditions that would void it. It is sealed with the blood of Christ. It's still the heart of God to see everyone saved, however not everyone will be saved. Life is about choices; We have free will. We have an o

  • #058 - Daily Submission.

    24/06/2012 Duración: 51min

    Daily Submission. Character of Christ Revealed; We must submit daily to the Lordship of Christ. We need Holy Spirit to empower us. Paul tells timothy to run form all evil things. Knowing when to run is just as important as knowing when and how to fight. Christ must be the Lord of your character. Actions speak louder than words; Christ must be the Lord of our actions. Pursue righteousness and a Godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance and gentleness, We must act on our faith or it becomes dormant. Focus your sights on Godly living. Love God first, He'll direct everything else. What are your actions telling other people? He must become the Lord of our attitudes; How do you server? How do you respond to others? Do others know you’re a follower of Christ by your attitude towards life, job, etc. Be a reflection of Christ; Never give up. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have confessed before so many witnesses. Remember your destination. Let the Lord b

  • #057 - A little man in a big tree.

    17/06/2012 Duración: 45min

    A little man in a big tree. God's perfect timing; This was a divine appointment. Zacchaeus was at the right place at the right time. God knows right where you are. Do you remember where you were when God called you to Himself. Rising above your obstacles; The Bible makes note that Zacchaeus is a short man. Notice something his size was an obstacle in meeting Jesus. He rose above his obstacle, what obstacle do you need to rise above. Responding to the call; We should respond at once (obedience). We should respond with excitement and joy. We need to receive His presence. Welcome Christ into your life and situation. You matter to God, and God is calling you today. Making room for God; Do you make room for God, or does He just get what’s left over. Is there room for God in your week, in your family, you job? Luke 19:5, Rom 2:4, Matt 16:26

  • #056 - Shine.

    10/06/2012 Duración: 36min

    Shine. Direction from the Word; You are the light of the world, charge up with the Word. Witness wherever you go. Model of Christ; God gives us word to read and His Son to follow as our example. Jesus is our role model. It's not just knowing what Jesus would do in a situation but its us responding the same way as Jesus. Take an active role in following Christ. Reflecting, Relating, and Revealing Christ to others. Power through the Holy Spirit; God has equipped us for the mission, make space for God. He has gifted us according to our calling. Ask God to reveal your God given gift. Seek the Lord in ways and opportunities to use your gift. Ask God to multiply your gifting. Rely on His Spirit for prompting power and guidance. Shine, what God has given you, you can make a difference in the Kingdom. Matt 5:1-12, Matt 5:14-16

  • #055 - Don't let failure defeat you.

    03/06/2012 Duración: 56min

    Don't let failure defeat you. Disappointment; We can become disappointed with life, with others, with our situations and with ourselves. Failure; Disappointment and failure aren't identical, but they often occur together. Both can hold us back from God's best. A true success in life is someone who has such great faith in Jesus that he or she will not be easily discouraged. Why, because Jesus is still in control. Failure isn't final unless you quit. Hope; Turns the tide. Remember that God's love for you has not changed. Disappointment and failure are not signs that God has forsaken you or stopped loving you. He is always ready to forgive and restore us to himself. Grace; Only in Heaven will we be free of all disappointment and failures but God's grace gives us peace, freedom and forgiveness to live victorious her and now (fully loaded). Gratitude; A heart of gratitude requires the soul. Gratitude pleases God. Gratitude promotes a joyful spirit in us. Joy in you shows Jesus to others. Gratitude

  • #054 - Revive.

    27/05/2012 Duración: 48min

    Revive. Revive; To bring back to life, to restore consciousness, resuscitate, to impart new health, vigor or spirit. Restore to use or activity. To renew the mind. Spiritual CPR; Cultivate, Pray, Receive. Cultivate; Our hearts with the word of God. Repent, turn from sin and back to God. Forgiveness, when we receive His forgiveness we move from guilt to gladness. Praise, focusing our thoughts on God moves us closer to Him. Pray; Communicate with the Lord. Prayer keeps us connected. Communication is vital in every relationship. Prayer shows our dependence on God and opens the door to unlimited possibilities. Prayer feeds our spirit and renews our strength. Receive; what the Lord is sharing with us and apply it to our lives. Receive with gladness and not worry. God created life in you and can be trusted with the details of your life. Worrying about the future hampers your effort for today. God does not ignore those who depend on Him. Psa 85:6, Psa 1:1-3, Psa 85 1-6, Matt 6

  • #053 - Fully Loaded.

    20/05/2012 Duración: 47min

    Fully Loaded. Holy Spirit; Fully loaded with the Holy Spirit of God. Authority; Authority the believer has in Jesus. Don't just hold hands with God be His hands to the world. Opportunity; Where God opens a door He will provide the way. Faith walks us through the door of possibility and into the realm of reality where Christ dwells. Boldness; Not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger. Holy spirit produces boldness in us to destroy the works of the enemy. Fear is conquered with boldness through faith in Christ. Confidence in the truth dominates the lies of the devil. Harmony, Peace and Power; As the body of Christ we should flow in the harmony of the spirit. Harmony produces oneness and unity. When Harmony is achieved peace is acquired. Peace produces the platform for power. Power is a characteristic of Holy Spirit displayed in the life of the believer. Are you using the platform Christ has given you. Acts 3, 4, 5, John 15:26, Eph 1:19-23, 2:6

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