

Values Connection. Values Collisions Cause; When what we believe collides with how we live. The answer to a values collision is a vlauses connection. Realize the Beauty of Connection; Connects emotions and relationships. Realize the connection. Why am I doing this thing? Why am I not living my values? Why am i doiing things that aren't really important to me? Reconginze the Benefits of Connection; Better Health, Better Growth in relationship with God. More Effective as a part of the body of Christ. Remember the Body of Connection; Don't pull away from the things most important. Stick with God. Matt 6:33, But seek first His kingdom ahnd His righteousness, and all these things will be gie to you as well. Give God the 1st day of the week. Give God the 1st part of your day 10-15 minutes. Give God the 1st portion of your income. Give God the 1st consideration of every decision. Luke 10:38-42, Luke 10:42, Col 2:19, Luke 10:39, Eph 4:25.