Keep The Promise Ministries, Inc. - Sermons by Pastor Buddy Chapman

#044 - Through the Tears of Love.



Through the Tears of Love. The pain of your past doesn't have to chart the course of your future. Pain; Pain is inevitable, (If we're living and loving we will experience pain at some point. We become vulnerable when we love, because we allow access to ourselves. Sharing our life with Christ gives Him access to bring healing. Patience; As our patience is manifested, our love is growing to a new level. Faith begins to grow to new heights. Through Tears of Love and Sacrifice we begin to see an indescribable peace. Peace; Peace is priceless. Peace and grace go hand in hand. Grace had to be given in order for peace to be received. The only everlasting peace that can be found is in Jesus Christ. Philip 4:13, Psa 30:1-5, John 14:18, Eph 3:16-21, 1John 4:8, 1Cor 13, John 14:27