

At Your Service. Attitude; Our attitude is birthed from out heart condition. Our responses are shaped by our understanding and level of receiving. Delight in serving. Be Cheerful-Not Discontented. Work with enthusiasm, do your best even when no one is looking. Run your own race. Does you attitude point others to Christ? Heart; Check your motives. Character matters. Serve our of love for the Lord. Flow with God. Be attentive to the needs of others. Be compassionate. Take time and let God mold the moments He gives you. Commitment; don't had off what you know you should carry (Be Committed). Do what you say. Don't over extend yourself. Build into others lives. Be supportive. Speak words that build up not tear down. Worship; Reflect on the faithfulness of God. Remember what he has done. Rejoice in your salvation. Keep the fire burning. Walk with Him daily. Model Christ to the world. Serve with excellence. Col 3:23-24, Phil 2:3, Matt 6:21, Prov 16:3, James 4:8