Keep The Promise Ministries, Inc. - Sermons by Pastor Buddy Chapman

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 397:15:51
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Welcome to the Weekly Sermon Podcast from Pastor Buddy Chapman, and Keep The Promise Ministries, Inc. located in Poquoson Va.


  • #092 - Life - Look to Jesus.

    24/02/2013 Duración: 48min

    Life - Look to Jesus. Love; Look to Jesus. Do you see the love of Jesus in your life? Intercession; Prayer or petition in favor of another. Jesus is our intercessor. Forgiveness; He blots out our sins for His sake. He rescued us because He loves us. As far as the east is from the west he has removed our sins. Eternity; The timeless state following death. The Lord pays eternal dividends. Legacy - What will you leave behind? How can I know I will spend eternity in heaven with the Lord? Receive His gift of eternal life by asking Jesus into your life today for the forgiveness of your sin. You can be sure and secure in Christ. Past-Present-Future; Love no matter how bad your past Jesus' love is available to you. Intercession - Jesus intercedes on our behalf. Forgiveness - Your sins are forgiven past, present, and future. Thanks to Jesus sacrifice. Eternity - Your eternally secure in the arms Jesus. John 5:24, 1John 4:8, Rom 5:8, 1Cor 13:13, 1 Tim 2:5, Rom 8:34, Heb 7:25, 1John 1:9, Isa 43:25, Psa

  • #091 - Who is my Neighbor.

    17/02/2013 Duración: 45min

    Who is my Neighbor. Hands Off; We need the eyes of Christ to do the will of Christ. Being a Christian is not a spectator sport. Compassion needs to move you to action. Hands On He soothed the wounds and bandaged him up. He put him on the donkey and took him out of harm's way. He purchased the shelter he needed. He paid his debt. Hands of God; Compassion is based on need not worth. Compassion feels something. Compassion does something. Compassion costs something. Compassion demonstrates something. Have you received what Jesus stretched out His hands for? Luke 10:25-37, James 11: 23-25, Isa 53.

  • #090 - Sink or Swim.

    10/02/2013 Duración: 45min

    Sink or Swim. Desperation: An emotional state in which a person feels a situation to be hopeless and without satisfactory options. What can we do when we are in a desperate situation? We can call on God. We can depend on God. We can trust God. So peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. Realization: Our focus must remain on Christ. Notice this, peter still called on the Lord. The realization is this, there's always an opportunity to trust God. We just need to decide to do it. Restoration; Something to think about. When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped. Jesus carried peter through the storm. Peter still experienced the waves and the wind. Jesus never let go. Jesus put peter in the boat and they all went back to shore rescued and restored! When we step out in faith, we really experience the son of God! Embrace the truth of God's word so we can experience the power of God. Matt 14:1-28, Isa 41:13, Psa 50:15, Psa 91:14-16, Psa 145:18, Jer 33:3

  • #089 - Reach.

    03/02/2013 Duración: 54min

    Reach. Relationship; The first we see is that it starts with a relationship. Understanding our situation and receiving God's gift of salvation. Look how God revives our souls. Paul and Silas "Reach Up" with prayer and praise. Embrace; Many hear the message but they never embrace it. You can't experience what you don't embrace. We have to take a look inside from time to time and take some spiritual inventory. Apply; We have to act on the word of God. The truth should move us to God because we know His ways are best. What is it that the Lord wants you to act on today? Commit; Are you committed to Christ? What's between you and the commitment? Realize what is at stake. Realize what is at stake for others as well. Honor; Honor God with your new found life in Christ. Reach up - With prayer and praise. Reach in - With faith and commitment. Reach our - With love and compassion. Be confident with your creator. Acts 16, Mark 8:36.

  • #088 - What's in Your Hand.

    27/01/2013 Duración: 54min

    What's in Your Hand. Equipped; The Lord equips us for the mission. You are no exception! You qualify in Christ. Your uniqueness is a blessing not a curse. God knows what He put in you and its of great value, even if you can't see it at the present time. The gift is no less or no weaker than what He has placed in anyone else. the question is will you allow God access to use the gift in you? Anointed; After Christ left earth He left us the gift of the Holy Spirit. Now all Christians are anointed, chosen for a specific purpose in furthering God's kingdom. Empowered; We are empowered by God's spirit. God has given us power to live a Godly life. Power to overcome and witness. Power to receive boldness, to live fearlessly in fearful times. You have everything you need within reach. Will you grab it by faith and obedience. What's in your hand; David used what he had been using all along. David didn't wear someone else's armor. David's relationship with God was bigger than the giant in front of Him.

  • #087 - Winning Over Worry.

    20/01/2013 Duración: 43min

    Winning Over Worry. Worry to torment oneself with or from disturbing thoughts; fret. Worry actually starts with a thought. Worry sees the problem but faith sees God in the answer. The same God that created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life. Worry effects your health, reduces your productivity, damages relationships. Fear; Fear robs our faith. Fear robs us of experiencing God’s favor. Fear robs us of hearing God’s voice clearly. Fear robs us of rest and peace. Relinquish; Surrender your worries to the Lord. Jesus shows us what to do. (Are you ready?) He evaluates the reason we worry. Why do you have so little faith? Then He eliminates the cause of worry. Faith Brings Joy. Matt 6:25-33, Matt 12:34, Psa 19:14, Psa 37:8, Psa 51, Psa 55:22, Luke 12:7, Heb 11:6.

  • #086 - Procrastination: The Dream Killer.

    13/01/2013 Duración: 45min

    Procrastination: The Dream Killer. Failure; The number 1 dream killer is procrastination. If we never get started, it will never become reality. Are we being effective with what God has entrusted to us? Pursue the task at hand with persistence. Focus; How is your focus? Build your faith by focusing on Christ. Make the proper adjustments. Allow the dream to live out of you in all areas of your life. Keep God involved. Glorify the Lord with each step. Reaching our dreams and potential takes effort, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the journey. Life is for living. Freedom; The truth of God's word should lighten our load so that service is a joy and not a burden. Finish; How will you be remembered at the of your life? Will you leave a great legacy of faith behind, memories that comfort others or hope that inspires family and friends to live a Godly life? Psa 49:4, John 10:10, 2Cor 3:17, Gal 5:1 Rom 8:1.

  • #085 - Knee Deep in Faith.

    06/01/2013 Duración: 38min

    Knee Deep in Faith. Age doesn't matter to God; She was the catalyst to ignite the supernatural. How is God using you to spark the miraculous. Pride vs. Humility; Don't let your ego (edge God out). Don't miss your miracle because its wrapped a little different than what you expected. He humbled himself and bowed his knee to the Lord, (then things started to change). Believing vs. Active faith; Have you put your faith in Him? He had to step out in obedience to be blessed. Many treat God's grace the same way. You can't buy a blessing; What did it cost Naaman (humble faith). Now he knew that there was only one true God. do you know the one true God personally? A washed clean encounter; His encounter transformed his life, his worship, his words, his actions his allegiance. God is still in the washing clean business. Will you jump into the sea of His forgiveness? 2Kings 5:1-19, Prov 16:18, James 2:9, James 4:6.

  • #084 - Vision, Vessels and Victory.

    30/12/2012 Duración: 46min

    Vision, Vessels and Victory. Vision; To be a place where God is praised and encountered. A place where committed believers grow and encourage others in their faith in Jesus Christ. To be a place where people are loved right where they are and discipled in the word of God. A plce that has a heart of compassion for the lost and reaches out with the gospel message of Christ that transforms lives. Worship and encounter God. Plant your small seed of faith in me and watch what I'll do for you and through you. Vessels; We should be a conduit for Christ. Will you pray? Will you be committed? Will you invite others? Will you give of your time and talents? Will you share your faith? do you have a plan for your spiritual growth this year? Victory; Victory is God transforming lives from the inside out. Victory is seeing salvation come to the lost. Victory is seeing faith grow. Victory is experiencing the grace of God and sharing it with others. Victory is Jesus Christ being represented through the body o

  • #082 - Facing Life's Challenges.

    16/12/2012 Duración: 44min

    Facing Life's Challenges. Challenges; We all face challenges. We have safety and refuge in the Lord. We need to see the Lord as our source for blessings. Godly brothers and sisters in Christ are an encouragement. Don't be tempted by the ungodly. God is our cup of blessing and guard. God gives good gifts. We have a constant connection through Christ to our Heavenly Father. We have confidence in Christ-Do not be shaken. He is right beside you. We have gladness and Joy because we rest in Him. We have His word about the resurrection, 1000 years before it happened. He will show us the way of love and grants us joy in His presence. Choices: We all have choices to make. God gives us free will. God choices require wisdom. Good council. God is always available. Decisions; Don't just make good decisions make God decisions. Making no decision is really making a decision by default. Going with the crowd isn't always God's plan. Prayer brings peace in decision making. Guidance; Rely on God's guidance. Psa

  • #083 - CHRISTmas 364.

    16/12/2012 Duración: 46min

    CHRISTmas 364. Celebrate His gift; His gift is miraculous. His gift cannot be bought. His gift is priceless. His gift is from heaven. His gift is eternal. His gift is personal. His gift is Jesus. Recognize our need for Him; Do we understand He is our only hope? He was the perfect sacrifice. Recognize others need for Him; Do we show compassion? Dow we show grace? Do we show mercy? Do we show them Jesus? Share Him 364; So how does this move from a season to a life message? It has to be personal. It has to be believed and received. It has to be all about Him so He can live through you. Love gives, forgives, and love remains the focus. God is Love. The Foundation of Truth; 1John 4:16, John 1:1, Luke 2:25-32, Heb 11:1, Acts 4:12, Phil 2:9, John 14:6.

  • #081 - Above All Else.

    09/12/2012 Duración: 41min

    Above All Else. Live in the realization; If you don't know its hard to grow. we have authority as a believer. We have position as (sons, daughters). We have power. We have peace, power and promises. Check out your spiritual family tree. Shadows of failures; We don't forgive ourselves. Living under yesterdays condemnation doesn't help us. If anything it keeps the focus on our selves instead of the Lord. Shift your focus to Christ. Review your family tree notes and receive His forgiveness. Learn from the past don't live in it. Bought, washed and Redeemed; Faith snapshot. Live to Glorify God; walk in love. Be free in forgiveness. Be quick to repent. Be obedient to His word. Apply the truth and walk it out. Trust His word. Share His word. Above all else. Pro 4:23, 1 Cor 1:2, Ex 3:11,12, 1 Cor 5:17.

  • #080 - Radical Forgiveness.

    02/12/2012 Duración: 39min

    Radical Forgiveness. Godly Love; Changes hearts. Changes situations. Changes our responses. Changes the future. Changes lives. How has God's love changed you? Amazing Grace; God's love is wrapped with grace. Look how God's love and grace go hand in hand. 1 John 4:19. God's love for his fellow brother brought him to a point of being willing to pay the penalty. Jesus' love for us did pay our penalty. His grace allows us to accept this amazing gift of life. Radical Forgiveness; No Strings. No Barriers. No Guilt. No Fear. No Worry. No Hell, (For those who put their faith in Jesus Christ). No Greater Love. No other way but by Christ. Refreshing Freedom; How you think Onesimmus felt being accepted? Being received as a brother in Christ? No longer shackled to past sins? Now having peace in the Lord? Now having a future that was refreshing? The chains are broker, you have been set free. Be refreshed today in Christ. Phile 1:20, 1 John 4:19, John 14:6, Eph 2:8-9

  • #079 - Black Friday.

    25/11/2012 Duración: 41min

    Black Friday. What do you seek; What are you looking for? Place to worship. Place to grow spiritually. Place to serve. Place and time of fellowship. Where are you seeking; Many look to the world. Many look to others. Some look to their own strength. We must look to the Lord. Look into His word. Look into His promises. What does it cost; Faith brings joy. What is at risk; Don't reject the Lord. Only one Black Friday offers eternal savings. John 1:29-39, Matt 6:33, Rom 1:20 Rom 5:1 Cor 6:2.

  • #078 - Stuck in a Rut.

    18/11/2012 Duración: 46min

    Stuck in a Rut. Out of the pit; What do you mean by "the Pit"? A place of desperation. David was a man after Gods own heart and still had Pit experiences". How did David respond? There are some pits in life that only the Lord can rescue us from. Onto the Rock; He set my feet upon a rock and steadied me as I walked along. We don't get pulled from the pit to walk alone. He set our feet upon the rock to give us a firm foundation only in Christ. We have the word of the Lord as a place to stand firmly on the promises of God. Have you put your faith in the rock of our salvation Jesus Christ? Singing a song; He has give me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. A heart for God worships God. It comes from a grateful heart. We honor the Lord with praise and thanksgiving. We declare His wonders and tender mercies. What song are you singing today? Into His Glory; The presence of the Lord in our lives glorifies God and witnesses to the world. Check your reflection of Him. Glory - a state of g

  • #077 - When God Ran.

    11/11/2012 Duración: 28min

    When God Ran. Watching; The Father in the story represents God. What was the Father doing? Waiting for the son to return. Filled with love and compassion; The Father met him where he was. The Father embraced him and kissed him. The Father was overflowing with love and compassion for the son. Look how God responds to us when we turn our back to Him. Ran to him; The Father ran to the son. There was an urgency. There was a time of hear healing for the son. Grasp the love of the Father for you. Restored; There was restoration and celebration. No condemnation. No waiting period (Quick!). Our Father has put the best robe on us, the robe of righteousness. In doing so, He has reinstated us as sons and daughters of the Most High God. Luke 15:11-24.

  • #076 - This is Life.

    04/11/2012 Duración: 01h01s

    This is Life. Who you are in Christ is sufficient for every situation we encounter. We have the privilege to re-present Jesus to the world. Don't live in the suffocating darkness of the world. Are new life is custom made by the Creator, His name is on the label. Col 1-4.

  • #075 - Finger Prints of God.

    21/10/2012 Duración: 38min

    Finger Prints of God. Oneness; It all starts with Jesus Christ cultivates our hearts to become like His heart. Jesus always points to the Father. It's about relationships. Everything grows from this foundation Why? So they will be in us and the world will believe you sent me. Unity; From oneness comes unity. One Faith. Believers are united in one Faith. Harmony; It produces relationships that flow. It produces the love of Christ and compliments each other in our kingdom tasks. Peace; Freedom to server. Freedom to grow. A calm spirit. A safe place. Power; The power of God. God has given the believer authority and victory. John 14:6, Rom 12:2, Col 2:9, 1Cor 12: 20-25, Rom 12:2, Isa 26:3 Eph 1:19-23.

  • #074 - Every Day Jesus.

    14/10/2012 Duración: 39min

    Every Day Jesus. Sunday; Sunday is the day we come together to worship. We praise the Lord. We focus on the message. We read the word. We grow our faith. Apply the truth we learn. Some days; Some days we're distracted. We're ruled by our emotions. We're exhausted. We think we have all the time in the world left. Sometimes we're just not committed. Every day; Whatever you do or say do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus. Bring honor to Christ in every aspect of your life. What impression do people have of Christ when they meet you? What changes would you make on your life in or to honor Christ? One day... You fill in the blank. Col 3:17, 2nd Cor 5:20.

  • #073 - Just in case you forgot.

    07/10/2012 Duración: 46min

    Just in case you forgot. Look to His promises; God's word has never lost its power. Remembering what God has done in the past is vital for living by faith in the future. Our Bible must be open. Our hearts must be receptive. Our faith must be engaged. Christ is our vital connection for life. Redeemed, forgiven, adopted and loved. Grasp your Identity; The world sees your failures, God always sees your potential. The world sees your weakness, God provides your strength. The world says your worthless, God says your worth it all. The world wants to control you, God wants to set you free. The world hates you, God loves you. True Identity; Our identity is found in Christ. True freedom is found in Christ. True rest is found at His feet. True strength is found in the faith of Jesus. True love is found in the Father. Power is given through the Holy Spirit. True blessing is found in a personal relationship with Jesus. Follow in Faith; 2nd Cor 4:18, 5:7, Heb 11:1 Remember the Cost; Remember what it c

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