Keep The Promise Ministries, Inc. - Sermons by Pastor Buddy Chapman

#069 - Just a little something to work with.



Just a little something to work with. God does things with a purpose and passion. Come to your end; So often we exhaust ourselves trying to fix a situation that is beyond our control. Think of the time we'd save if we would focus our energy on prayer instead of focusing on the problem. Realize that the Lord is our source regardless of what our circumstances look like. It is not the circumstance that should overwhelm us, it should be God's presence. Come to God; Let your request be known. If you are a child of God you have a place at His table. Come to God right where you are. Come to God and bring "Just a little something to work with". Trust God with what you have; The faith factor. Don't try to figure it all out. don't expect it to always be the same. It's not a formula, its faith. Little is much with God in it. Be a blessing to others; When God blesses you, you honor Him when you bless others. Meditate on how you can be a blessing to someone. This is to glorify God not elevate self. (Yo