

Revive. Revive; To bring back to life, to restore consciousness, resuscitate, to impart new health, vigor or spirit. Restore to use or activity. To renew the mind. Spiritual CPR; Cultivate, Pray, Receive. Cultivate; Our hearts with the word of God. Repent, turn from sin and back to God. Forgiveness, when we receive His forgiveness we move from guilt to gladness. Praise, focusing our thoughts on God moves us closer to Him. Pray; Communicate with the Lord. Prayer keeps us connected. Communication is vital in every relationship. Prayer shows our dependence on God and opens the door to unlimited possibilities. Prayer feeds our spirit and renews our strength. Receive; what the Lord is sharing with us and apply it to our lives. Receive with gladness and not worry. God created life in you and can be trusted with the details of your life. Worrying about the future hampers your effort for today. God does not ignore those who depend on Him. Psa 85:6, Psa 1:1-3, Psa 85 1-6, Matt 6