Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette



Chat with Crystal is a fresh, new podcast that allows listeners to hear real-life empowerment coaching calls with best-selling author and founder of the S.W.A.T. Institute -- the #1 Empowerment Coach Certification in the world, exclusively for women!For Crystal's bio, please visit: https://www.crystalandrusmorissette.com/


  • What Would Courage Have You Do?

    06/04/2020 Duración: 01h16min

    During this call, Crystal chats with Alicia. Despite a brutal upbringing that included extreme emotional and sexual abuse, an abortion at 11 years old, kidnapping, and more recently being diagnosed with breast cancer and receiving a double mastectomy, Alicia has defied the odds. Not only is she a strong, successful woman completing her Empowerment Coach certification at the S.W.A.T. Institute, she is also a phenomenal mother. Her son has completed his master’s degree and is in the midst of getting his Ph.D. Though she’s done her best to persevere, to move forward, and above all, to be strong, she can’t help the anger and hurt she harbors, and the feelings of uncertainty about the future. Selma also joined the call. For the last few decades of her life, Selma has tried her best to protect her children and to give the appearance of a perfect family. Though on the inside, she felt like she was drowning in dysfunction. In some ways, Selma feels as though she married someone who treated her just like her mother.

  • Why Am I Afraid to Follow My Dreams?

    09/03/2020 Duración: 01h49s

    During this call, Crystal chats with Carol, who says the first time she ever did something selfish was when she was 40 years old; she left her husband. But even that decision was more for her daughters, who at the time were 11 & 12 and who told her they just wanted to see their mom happy. Now, at 53, Carol realizes she's never really allowed herself to consider what would make her happy. Instead, she lives her life just under the radar... never shining too bright, never following her dreams, never rocking the boat. But Carol wants to know why she's so afraid and if her "time" will ever come.

  • Why Would God Leave You Now?

    24/02/2020 Duración: 59min

    Why Would God Leave You Now? — is an empowerment coaching call between Taryn and Crystal. Taryn has spent the last year getting ready to put herself out there in a big way. She’s completed Empowerment Coach Training, had a beautiful website built, and is in the process of developing her own course to help women become their greatest Self’s. She shares with Crystal, that although she’s “done the work”, she still can’t help but feel some fear and self-doubt about putting herself out there. As a Christian, Taryn mentions that this doubt, almost makes her feel like she is stepping out of her faith. Crystal helps Taryn tackle her fear by asking her “Why would God bring you to this point to leave you now?” Listen to Crystal coach Taryn through the emotions as she learns to quiet the sabotaging voice in her head, to trust herself and her faith in the process.

  • My Adult Kids are Spending Christmas with My Ex Who Left Me at Christmas

    04/12/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    My Adult Kids are Spending Christmas with My Ex Who Left Me at Christmas -- Is a coaching call between Crystal and Linda. Linda reluctantly shares with Crystal that she is feeling a little upset and abandoned. Her ex-husband, who years ago up and left her and their children over the Christmas holidays, is invited to spend the night at her now adult daughter’s home, to have Christmas morning with them and her little grandchildren. In an effort to not “rock the boat,” Linda didn’t get an invite from her daughters. She shares with Crystal that she really doesn’t want to upset her kids, but can’t help but feel a little lonely and hurt, like she’s the one who should be spending Christmas morning. Crystal helps Linda come to realize that she never really healed from being left and rejected by her husband over Christmas all those years ago, as at the time she was trying to be strong for her kids. Crystal provides Linda with some next steps, urging her to have an honest adult discussion with her daughters to let them

  • What To Do When a Friend Dumps You

    01/10/2019 Duración: 01h10min

    What To Do When a Friend Dumps You - is a coaching conversation between Charlene and Crystal Andrus Morissette. Years ago, Charlene went through a divorce that she describes as “something you see in the movies.” And though it was so turbulent and painful, a lot of the heartbreak came from the betrayal of the women closest to her. Throughout the years of her marriage, Charlene created a really solid place in her community and a group of female friends who’d been inseparable for over 20 years. Now happily remarried, she still has a sensitive spot in her heart every time she hears about the terrible things these women who she believed were some of her best friends have said about her or done. Recently, her hopes had been lifted as she thought she’d reconciled with one of them, just to learn it was one more “punch in the stomach.” Missing them in her life, but tired of being hurt, Charlene reaches out for guidance on her next steps. Amber also joins the later half of the call and discusses what she describes as

  • My Mother Sold Me into Sex Trafficking

    03/07/2019 Duración: 01h12min

    My Mother Sold Me into Sex Trafficking is an empowered coaching conversation between Crystal Andrus Morissette and Willow. Willow is 21-years-old, and this month marks a year since she was rescued from sex trafficking. She and her younger siblings had been trafficked at the hands of her mother since Willow was four-years-old. Her mother, who was also a victim of trafficking, was murdered by her abusers in 2017. Her younger brother, committing suicide in foster care last year, as a result of the abuse and pain he’d been through. Despite all of this, Willow is studying law full time and is graduating later this year. She has 2.5 jobs, and just started her own non-profit to spread awareness on human trafficking. Though she’s doing and achieving all these amazing things, on the inside she can’t help but feel she is struggling. Listen to Crystal coach Willow through her emotions to help her begin in heal her heart, and quiet the emotional flashbacks she is experiencing.

  • My Five Children Have Stopped Talking to Me

    07/06/2019 Duración: 01h23s

    My Five Children Have Stopped Talking to Me - is a coaching conversation between Crystal Andrus Morissette and Shirley. After a 36-year-long toxic marriage and turbulent divorce, Shirley and her children have been through a lot. Shirley knows that because she was so deeply wounded and disempowered, she didn’t always make the best decisions with her kids, because she was struggling a lot of the time to even take care of herself. Since her divorce, and what she describes as a “series of unfortunate events,” in which she takes her share of responsibility for, her children, now adults, are no longer speaking to her. Shirley recently was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, and with the proper medication is in a much more stable and empowered place than she once was. She desperately wants to reconcile with her children, and let them know they are loved and she is sorry for any hurt she has caused. Listen to Crystal coach Shirley through the empowerment ladder and give her some concrete steps to start mending her relat

  • Am I Sexually Liberated or Still Wounded?

    03/06/2019 Duración: 01h09min

    Am I Sexually Liberated or Still Wounded? - is a coaching conversation between Crystal Andrus Morissette and Naomi. After being sexually assaulted numerous times, including having her virginity taken from her, Naomi has done a lot of empowerment work, soul searching, and healing. Though she craves a deep connection with another person, she has recently been having these visions that she is meant to experience sex with different people to become sexually liberated and to trust others through practicing conscious consent. However, Naomi feels as though her “puritan” is sitting on her one shoulder and her “charmer” on the other. Listen to Crystal Andrus Morissette coach Naomi to dive deeper into these feelings to help her make sure she is making a decision that will leave her feeling liberated without harming her heart in the process.

  • It's Time to Face Your Anger

    17/05/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    It’s Time to Face Your Anger — is an empowerment coaching call between Taryn and Crystal. Taryn has been through some devastating events; the sudden death of her husband last year, a brutal rape, dealing with her mother’s ongoing dementia, breaking her femur this past year, and her battle with her weight and self-worth. Despite all of these traumas, Taryn is very high functioning; with a great career and attitude. She tells Crystal that she is not broken, that she’s empowered, dealt with it all, and moved on. Yet, Taryn still feels like something isn’t quite right in her life. Listen to Crystal coach Taryn through the empowerment ladder, to come face to face with a feeling she isn't too familiar with -- anger.

  • I Feel Like I’m Stuck In Groundhog Day

    06/05/2019 Duración: 51min

    I Feel Like I’m Stuck In Groundhog Day - is an empowerment coaching call between Crystal and Wendi. Wendi is a highly educated physical therapist, with certifications in Energy Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy, Body Grounding & Meditations, Yoga, Somato Emotional Release, and more. Trying to juggle it all; Wendi works six days a week, is a full-time sports mom, trying to be the perfect wife, daughter, and mother while also trying to spend more time building her business practice. She feels unfulfilled at the clinic where she spends half her working days. And she has guilt about letting her health slip and not giving herself she self-care she needs. She describes feeling like she’s stuck in “Ground Hog Day,” feeling like she works so hard and is so burnt out yet it never feels enough. She tells Crystal she wishes she “could do more.” Crystal helps coach Wendi through the empowerment ladder and helps her get clear on what exactly she wants so that she can make immediate changes to become her happiest, most fulfi

  • I’m a Medical Doctor, but I’m Not Smart or Good Enough

    29/04/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    I’m a Medical Doctor, but I’m Not Smart or Good Enough - is an empowerment coaching call between Crystal and Rima. Rima is a certified Medical Doctor, Medical Intuitive, Reiki practitioner, and yoga teacher, among other things. Despite all of her accomplishments and accolades, she can’t shake this feeling of never feeling good enough or sure of herself and her next business step. Listen to Crystal coach her from shame through the empowerment ladder!

  • A 22-Year-Old, Old Soul

    12/04/2019 Duración: 54min

    A 22-Year-Old, Old Soul - is an empowerment coaching call between Crystal and Kiana. Though Kiana, only 22, has done some deep soul searching within herself, she comes to Crystal asking for help ridding herself of a trait she believes she picked up from a partner in a past relationship; being judgemental. Crystal asks Kiana why she feels being judgemental is such a negative quality, and helps her remember the time she decided being judgemental was one of the worst things you could be. Listen to Crystal coach Kiana through the process to begin to heal, accept, and give love to all parts of herself, and the wholeness of who she is.

  • I'm Afraid to Lose Weight

    22/03/2019 Duración: 58min

    I’m Afraid to Lose Weight - is an empowerment coaching call between Taryn and Crystal. Though Taryn has had a very difficult last two years of losing her husband to cancer, undergoing two surgeries, breaking her femur, being in rehabilitation for three months, and more, Taryn has spent the time doing the work to heal internally. She does not feel broken; she feels sure in her passion, purpose, and her worth. What she is really struggling with, is her desire to lose weight so she can be on her game. Taryn talks about her past addiction of alcoholism, and how when she was really thin before she met her husband, she always seemed to get herself into trouble, or let her sexuality drive her decisions. Crystal talks with Taryn about food addiction, and the “safe” space she’s created in this version of herself. Tune in for an empowering conversation!

  • Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

    22/03/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" is a coaching conversation between Sandika and Crystal. Sandika shares her feelings of insecurity around her partner, and shares that she always seems to find herself in this place; always in a relationship obsessing over every aspect of it, and questioning if he’s ‘the one’, and always feeling she like needs a backup plan in case things don’t work out. Sandika opens up a little about her childhood and her feelings of not being loved by her father the way she needed to be. Crystal coaches Sandika through these emotions to better understand that the person that Sandika really needs to be pouring her love and attention to, is herself.

  • No More Shame

    11/03/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    No More Shame - No More Shame is a conversation between Crystal and Gwen, a 59-year-old woman who worked for 35 years handling death penalty cases. After an extremely tough year, she had a meltdown and quit her job and moved out of state to be with her girlfriend of 10 years. Once she moved in, the relationship immediately began to tank, and now she is feeling lost. She has no job, used up her savings, and doesn’t know what to do. She’s also embarrassed because she’s finally admitted to herself that she is gay, and that she’s never really done anything irresponsible in her life and as a result, its all backfired. The guilt and shame has been overwhelming her. Crystal helped Gwen see that she has choices, but she can’t see them because she’s too busy beating herself up so badly. Crystal has her write a letter to her ex-lover with all the “should have been’s” and “could have been’s”, and asked Gwen to it email to Crystal. Crystal and Gwen also make plans to have a burning ritual to try to open up some spa

  • My Self-Righteous Aunt Triggers Me

    01/03/2019 Duración: 54min

    "My Self-Righteous Aunt Triggers Me " is a coaching conversation Crystal has with Allison from France. Though a 39-year-old successful woman, Allison feels as though her decisions are never taken seriously or respected, especially by her aunt. Crystal helps Allison understand why she is being triggered and gives Allison a process to neutralize and eliminate the emotional charge. Tune in!

  • 30 Years Without Love

    22/02/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    "30 Years Without Love" - This week on Chat with Crystal, Crystal chats with Laura about her struggles with self-care and procrastination. After further discussion, Crystal learns about an incident that occurred in Laura's life 30 years ago; an 'abrupt end' to an abuse relationship that left her traumatized. Crystal and Laura discuss the affect the incident had on her life, and her desires moving forward which include finding a life partner. Crystal provides some insights and even shares a bit about how she manifested her now husband, Aaron. Lori, from last week's call also joins us to let us know that she made the courageous decision to book her trip to Peru! You won't want to miss out on this fantastic Empowerment Coaching session!

  • I'm Afraid To Shine

    15/02/2019 Duración: 56min

    "I'm Afraid to Shine" - On this week's Chat with Crystal, Crystal speaks with Lori who shares her deep desire for wanting to travel to Peru. She has wanted to do it for years and can afford it, but is afraid to make the trip, to let her family and friends know that she is a healer and loves the world of shamanism. Brenda from last week also joins the call, and shares how her relationship with her son-in-law is progressing. Listen to Crystal talk these ladies through the empowerment ladder so they can shine in all of their relationships.

  • My Son-In-Law is Jealous of My Relationship with My Daughter

    05/02/2019 Duración: 58min

    "My Son-In-Law is Jealous of My Relationship with My Daughter" - On this week's Chat with Crystal, Crystal speaks with loving mother, Brenda, who feels triggered by her son-in-law's judgement of her and his interferences between her and her daughter. Crystal learns more about Brenda's fear of being judged and her relationship with her own mother before her passing. Listen to Crystal coach Brenda through these feelings and climb the empowerment ladder!

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