Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

What To Do When a Friend Dumps You



What To Do When a Friend Dumps You - is a coaching conversation between Charlene and Crystal Andrus Morissette. Years ago, Charlene went through a divorce that she describes as “something you see in the movies.” And though it was so turbulent and painful, a lot of the heartbreak came from the betrayal of the women closest to her. Throughout the years of her marriage, Charlene created a really solid place in her community and a group of female friends who’d been inseparable for over 20 years. Now happily remarried, she still has a sensitive spot in her heart every time she hears about the terrible things these women who she believed were some of her best friends have said about her or done. Recently, her hopes had been lifted as she thought she’d reconciled with one of them, just to learn it was one more “punch in the stomach.” Missing them in her life, but tired of being hurt, Charlene reaches out for guidance on her next steps. Amber also joins the later half of the call and discusses what she describes as