Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

My Mother Sold Me into Sex Trafficking



My Mother Sold Me into Sex Trafficking is an empowered coaching conversation between Crystal Andrus Morissette and Willow. Willow is 21-years-old, and this month marks a year since she was rescued from sex trafficking. She and her younger siblings had been trafficked at the hands of her mother since Willow was four-years-old. Her mother, who was also a victim of trafficking, was murdered by her abusers in 2017. Her younger brother, committing suicide in foster care last year, as a result of the abuse and pain he’d been through. Despite all of this, Willow is studying law full time and is graduating later this year. She has 2.5 jobs, and just started her own non-profit to spread awareness on human trafficking. Though she’s doing and achieving all these amazing things, on the inside she can’t help but feel she is struggling. Listen to Crystal coach Willow through her emotions to help her begin in heal her heart, and quiet the emotional flashbacks she is experiencing.