Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette



Chat with Crystal is a fresh, new podcast that allows listeners to hear real-life empowerment coaching calls with best-selling author and founder of the S.W.A.T. Institute -- the #1 Empowerment Coach Certification in the world, exclusively for women!For Crystal's bio, please visit: https://www.crystalandrusmorissette.com/


  • The Power of the Crone

    08/02/2022 Duración: 01h03min

    On this month’s Chat with Crystal, Michele calls in. She says that she doesn’t really have anything specific to talk about but knows that Crystal often has a knack for getting to the root of an issue. As they dive in, Michele shares that she left her husband of 34 years and sold her business right before the pandemic hit. Since then, she’s been trying to start fresh — getting her own apartment and working four days a week. She also shares that, in a way, she feels as though she’s rebelled - letting her greys grow in and not feeling the need to wear makeup. As they chat, Crystal uncovers that Michele is feeling a bit of guilt, as she wants to continue prioritizing herself but has been so conditioned to put everyone else’s needs before her own. Crystal asks Michele if she could dream something for her life, what would she dream up? Together they chat about Michele’s dreams and goals and put together some next steps. Sharon then joins the call. Having recently joined back up for our Empowerment Coach Certific

  • "I Feel Disempowered Financially"

    10/12/2021 Duración: 01h02min

    On this month's Chat with Crystal, Catherine calls in. She shares that she's feeling disempowered financially. Having lost her job last year due to the pandemic and now being 18 weeks pregnant, she's having anxiety about how she's going to manage as a new mom. Catherine feels scared that she isn't going to be able to care for her baby and angry that she might end up with a minimum wage job, as she's on the hunt to secure something, so she's able to get maternity leave, but having issues finding anything. Now 33, she's having flashbacks to being 19 years old, pregnant with her first child and trying to manage. Crystal goes through Catherine's options with her. She reminds Catherine that it takes two to tango, and it's not just on her shoulders but on her husbands as well to figure out a plan of action. Crystal also asks if worst came to worst if they could sell their home and downsize. Catherine says that her parents wouldn't let it get to that point and would help if that were the case. Crystal helps Cathe

  • When You Have the Imposter Syndrome

    09/11/2021 Duración: 57min

    On this month’s Chat with Crystal, Melody calls in. She shares that she’s been feeling stuck and unsure of her purpose in life. Recently Melody started a group coaching session with a few clients that takes place every Saturday morning. She shares that she’s not really sure if she likes it or is on the right track. As Crystal chats about this further with Melody, she learns that part of what Melody doesn’t like is that the session runs every Saturday morning. Crystal reminds her that we always have a choice and that one of the great things about being an entrepreneur is that you can pick your own hours and what works best for you. The other part that Melody isn’t sure about is that she feels that her clients aren’t always “doing the work,” which can be frustrating at times. Crystal shares some tips to help Melody understand this better and not get discouraged. As they chat deeper, Crystal learns that Melody has been a physical therapist for 30+ years, and though she’d like to move away from it, her dre

  • Is My Husband a Narcissist Like My Mother?

    04/10/2021 Duración: 59min

    On this month's episode, Vannessa calls in. Vannessa has been in our world for several years, and we've watched her incredible empowerment transformation before our very eyes. From a broken home, extreme childhood abuse, and a toxic, narcissistic mother, Vannessa has spent the last five years 'doing the work' to heal and create a more healthy and happy life for her and her family. At the beginning of the call, Vannessa shares that she feels happy for the first time in a very long time, 34 weeks pregnant with her third baby and feeling great about where she is in her life and her empowerment journey. She shares, though, that something has been bothering her in the back of her mind. Sometimes she feels as though she picked a husband who might be narcissistic and gaslighting like her mom. Having worked with Vannessa for many years, Crystal chats with her to ask what she means and what types of things he does to make her feel that way. As they dig deeper, Crystal helps Vannessa see that her husband isn't a n

  • I Don't Know How to Move Forward

    13/09/2021 Duración: 01h21min

    On this month's episode, Heather and Marie both called in. Crystal first chatted with Heather, who shared that her mother passed away this past April after being sick, quadriplegic, and dependent on Heather for a long time. Heather feels as though she's struggling to do everything right now — taking care of her four young sons, trying to be there for her dad and family, and meanwhile, on top of a million responsibilities, missing her mom so much. Crystal has Heather tap deeper into her grief and uncovers that deep down; she feels angry at her mom for being sick and accepting her illness — feeling as though she never actively tried to get better. And then, in turn, Heather feels guilty and angry at herself for being angry with her mom. Heather shares that she feels hurt and robbed that she will never have that true unconditional love from a female again, something she cherished with her mom. Crystal helps Heather let go of the stuff that kept her from fully grieving her mother and see that she needs to priori

  • I'm a Bad Friend

    09/08/2021 Duración: 01h07min

    During this month’s conversation on Chat with Crystal, Elka and Catherine both called in for empowerment coaching. Elka first shared how frustrated she is with her business, something she does called Emotional Release with Essential Oils. Elka also mentioned that she recently moved from Michigan to Florida and didn't know many people in her community. Crystal talked about a book she's reading called Rebellion Marketing by Mark Schaefer and how business has dramatically changed over the past hundred years, particularly in the last ten! People aren't being conned anymore by slick promotions, technology, and advertising; instead, they want to buy from real people and companies they feel connected to personally. Crystal gave Elka different ideas to help her use this approach to garnering new clients, and by the end of the short chat, Elka was telling Crystal how deeply grateful she felt for her advice. Then Catherine got some powerful coaching around a friendship that is under strain and stress. In a matter of mi

  • I'm Afraid Being Empowered Will Blow My Life Up

    12/07/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    During Chat with Crystal, I spoke with Crystal, who shared that she is afraid that now that she’s doing this empowerment work, she will blow her life up. Crystal works too much, she has a job she doesn’t enjoy, her marriage needs an overhaul, and it’s like suddenly the veil has been lifted, and she sees how much she’s been ignoring for so long. I assured Crystal that healing is an inside job and that she doesn’t have to have heavy, intense conversations with anyone right now. By the end of the call, we came up with ways to create more joy in her life, bit by bit, step-by-step, and put a plan in place to get her marriage back on track and work towards creating a career that gives her joy.

  • I’m Scared My Chubby Bubby is Keeping Me Faithful

    07/06/2021 Duración: 01h10min

    On this month’s Chat with Crystal episode, Ellen calls in. As a student in our current Emotional Edge 2.0 course, Ellen shares that she’s feeling stuck on one of the Emotional Age Sub-Archetypes that Crystal covered this past week, called ‘the Chubby Bubby’ (also found in Crystal’s best-selling book, The Emotional Edge). Ellen feels as though her Chubby Bubby is holding her back from living her fullest life. On the other hand, she knows that part of herself is creating some stability and ‘protection’ in her life, so she’s scared to let her go. Like many women, in the back of her mind, Ellen worries that if her Chubby Bubby is no longer in control and she has her mojo back, that she may be unfaithful to her husband or question if he’s enough. Crystal helps Ellen to dialogue with this part of herself, as well as a different Emotional Age Sub-Archetype she’s “locked away in the basement” who’s desperate for love, her Charmer. Crystal urges Ellen to do some deep journaling to let those two parts of herself dialo

  • When You’re Diagnosed with Cancer at 29

    10/05/2021 Duración: 01h03min

    On this week’s episode, Crystal chatted with Catherine. Catherine shares that she found Crystal’s podcast just two weeks ago while recovering from one of her many surgeries since being diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago at 29. Since discovering Crystal, she’s signed up for all of the courses at The S.W.A.T. Institute, including the Empowerment Coach Certification. Catherine feels ready to use her story to help other women trust their intuition and advocate for themselves, their bodies, and their health, something she struggled with early on in her journey. At first, Catherine shares that she might be resonating in shame, as she’s feeling bad about not being there for the people in her life the way she was before. After chatting further, Crystal quickly learns that Catherine is actually resonating much higher on the Empowerment Scale, at fear — in her own words, fear that she might get sick again and that her story won’t make her confident and strong. Crystal helps Catherine to understand her fear a b

  • When You Can’t Forgive Yourself

    09/04/2021 Duración: 01h12min

    On this Chat with Crystal, Octavia from South Africa joins the call. She shares that it is easy to forgive others, the problem she has is forgiving herself. After leaving her corporate job and starting her own business that hasn’t done as well as she’d hoped for, she can’t seem to forgive herself for “failing.” Crystal helps her see that everything is happening in divine timing and that even the ‘supposed’ failure was a tremendous learning lesson about what not to do next time. Octavia expresses many “aha” moments (as she calls them) during this coaching session. Listen to Crystal take Octavia through the empowerment process, and ‘level up’ in her thinking.

  • Kathryn

    11/03/2021 Duración: 01h03min

    On the morning of our last Chat with Crystal call, we all received the tragic news that our beloved S.W.A.T. siSTAR and graduate, Kathryn Chavez, had passed away suddenly by suicide. Crystal worked closely with Kathryn for many years, coaching her 1-on-1 on her business and helping her build her website. Kathryn was so loved within the S.W.A.T. Institute and was truly such a light to all who knew her. Apart from being an amazing coach and intuitive, she was also a phenomenal singer, having spent most of her adult life singing in Las Vegas alongside her beloved bandmate and husband, Rick, who passed away just a week before her. Crystal opens the lines for some of our grieving S.W.A.T. siSTAR’s to talk and share in a safe place during the call. Fellow S.W.A.T. graduates, Charlene and Taryn both join the conversation.

  • Do I Need to Share My Shame Story?

    08/02/2021 Duración: 01h06min

    During this call, Crystal chats with Jasmine about an old shame story that Jasmine has been carrying for over 20 years. It is a story she has not told anyone, not even her own husband. Jasmine worries that she can't be a truly empowered woman and coach doing authentic work in the world unless she comes clean with her husband and tells him about her past. Crystal helps Jasmine realize that we all have done or experienced things that we carry shame over, but that we still have the right to create a life we love – a life worthy of us. "We are not what has happened to us," Crystal explains, "we are what we do with what happened to us." Jasmine then sees that she has taken her past and turned it into gold, and you can feel the palpable shift in her energy.

  • A Peaceful Transition of Power

    08/01/2021 Duración: 01h04min

    During this call, Crystal chats with Katy and Ellen. Ellen shares that she is an 'empath' who has been deeply affected by the January 6th event in the US on Capitol Hill. Using the Empowerment Coaching process, Crystal helps shift Ellen from despair to courage--one step, or emotion, at a time. But first, Katy updates Crystal on her journey from the first time they chatted back in September 2020. Katy has not only gotten her drinking under control; she has dealt with the guilt and shame of not being able to get pregnant and is now filled with purpose and passion again.

  • How to Make My Ex Husband Put in More Effort with Our Children

    04/12/2020 Duración: 01h10min

    During this call, Crystal chats with Sarah. After joining the call, Sarah tells Crystal that she feels as though her 'father wound' has manifested itself into her relationships and the way she views men, and that she's "secretly" upset with her dad. It's a secret, she says, more so to herself, as she never wants to deal with the feelings around it and often pushes them down. She shares that she's never met her father and has only spoken to him one time on the phone when she was 18-years-old; a conversation that left her disappointed. As Sarah opens up, Crystal learns that her home life growing up with her mom was an often oppressed environment. Her mother had bipolar disorder. Anytime Sarah spoke about anything that upset her, including her feelings around her absentee father, it triggered her mother into an episode of mania or depression. With her mother's mental health issues and struggle with drug abuse, her two older siblings were put up for adoption as small children before Sarah was born, something

  • You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know Until You Know

    16/10/2020 Duración: 01h03min

    During this call, Crystal chats with Ellen. 
 Ellen calls in looking for a little guidance. After taking many different certifications, she still feels she's not confident enough to begin offering coaching services. Unsure about her next steps, she wonders: how should she start a coaching call, "break the ice," and get the client comfortable? How should she price herself, and what about the technical side? After chatting with Ellen, Crystal learns that she was never actually given the opportunity to coach anyone during her studies despite being certified. Crystal reassures Ellen that her feelings of uncertainty are entirely normal, and though she clearly has a natural talent for coaching, she just needs practice.  
 She tells Ellen about our Empowerment Coach Certification, it's extensive teachings, and how once our students have been through the program, we help them hone their skills through our Mentorship Coaching Program. We provide our students with a minimum of 30 hours of practice coaching calls that a

  • 14 Years Later

    16/10/2020 Duración: 01h11min

    During this call, Crystal chats with Katy. After joining the call, Crystal instantly recognizes Katy’s voice. Having coached Katy over 14 years ago, Crystal had shared a story about Katy in her 2006 book, Transcendent Beaty (with her permission, of course). At the time of their coaching, Katy was so worried about never getting married or having children. In Transcendent Beauty, Crystal shares a process where she helps Katy “find the voice of her fear,” also something Crystal calls ‘Working with Parts.’ Going through the process together, they discovered Katy’s wounded self was a lonely, little old lady with curlers in her hair, wearing a ragged, old housecoat, who was so worried Katy is going to turn out like her. Fourteen years later, Katy calls into Chat with Crystal and shares that she indeed did get married, but that she’s spent the last six years or so going through IVF unsuccessfully. Crystal instantly remembers Katy and her Mother Energy — the same old, scared little lady who is now freaking out th

  • Cinnamon

    02/09/2020 Duración: 59min

    During this call, Crystal chats with Robin. An educated woman, Robin is a Doctor of Metaphysical Science, a Drugless Practitioner, and a Certified Empowerment Coach through the S.W.A.T. Institute. After battling an auto-immune disorder and learning how to heal her health and life holistically, Robin sold her medical spa six months ago to focus on growing her business to reach women on a larger scale. Though filled with inspiration and ideas, Robin calls in and expresses that she now feels she’s hit a standstill and lacks clarity on her next steps. Crystal and Robin chat about all of the entertaining Robin has been doing recently, leaving her feeling depleted. Crystal helps Robin see that she’s been swinging back and forth between “Mama Robin,” taking care of everyone else, to “Cinnamon,” as Robin calls her fun, but sometimes irresponsible Daughter Energy. Crystal coaches Robin to help her get clear on what she needs to do to stay in her Woman Energy, where she will be able to make a more empowered decis

  • If You Build It, They Will Come

    05/08/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    During this call, Crystal chats with Sandika. Living “off-the-grid” on a very remote island in Western Canada, Sandika offers a variety of services to her clients, both virtually and in person. She leads empowerment adventure weekend workshops near her home, is an empowerment coach, as well as the Mentorship Coaching Coordinator at the S.W.A.T. Institute. Before graduating as a coach, Sandika was a hair stylist; a service she still offers part-time to people living on her island. During this episode, Sandika calls in to speak with Crystal about an upcoming opportunity she’s been offered. A beautiful, private, oceanfront office space has been made available to her, that she feels would be perfect for all her business offers. It even would give her the opportunity to expand her services. Although she’s excited about it, she is nervous about taking on the commitment that comes with it both financially and logistically. She doesn’t have long to make a decision, as an opportunity for this type of real estate doe

  • Don’t Let Your Fear Keep You From Your Purpose

    11/06/2020 Duración: 01h06min

    During this call, Crystal chats with Jennifer. Although she has been taking the necessary steps to launch her career, she is still nervous about putting herself out there in a bigger way. She struggles using social media, and worries that her messaging or mission won’t be perceived in the right way. Crystal helps Jennifer to understand that although she might be afraid, she has to start putting herself out there to strengthen her “courage muscle” and answer her calling. Alisha then joins the call. Alisha is a Black woman from Chicago, who expresses the anger she feels at the looters and rioters of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Together, Crystal and Alisha have an honest conversation about racism, and Crystal encourages Alisha to see the situation from a different point of view.

  • Grieving the Loss of a Child

    07/05/2020 Duración: 01h58s

    During this call, Crystal chats with Norma. A few days away from the one-year anniversary of her beloved 22-year-old son’s sudden passing, Norma shares with Crystal that the past year has been the most unimaginable pain and numbness that she could ever begin to explain. Though her family and friends have been well-meaning, the experience has made her realize that most people do not know the right things to say or do for a woman grieving the loss of her child. She explains that the best thing you can do for someone grieving is to simply be there for them; hold space for them. Norma tells Crystal that she desperately wants to be the mother her other two daughters need, but she can’t imagine this pain ever ending. Every small moment of happiness or laughter leaves her feeling guilty and longing for the emptiness and loss she feels for her son. Listen to Crystal talk with Norma to help her to come to terms with her loss and slowly help her see a beautiful purpose moving forward. This is a must-listen-to call fo

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