Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

My Adult Kids are Spending Christmas with My Ex Who Left Me at Christmas



My Adult Kids are Spending Christmas with My Ex Who Left Me at Christmas -- Is a coaching call between Crystal and Linda. Linda reluctantly shares with Crystal that she is feeling a little upset and abandoned. Her ex-husband, who years ago up and left her and their children over the Christmas holidays, is invited to spend the night at her now adult daughter’s home, to have Christmas morning with them and her little grandchildren. In an effort to not “rock the boat,” Linda didn’t get an invite from her daughters. She shares with Crystal that she really doesn’t want to upset her kids, but can’t help but feel a little lonely and hurt, like she’s the one who should be spending Christmas morning. Crystal helps Linda come to realize that she never really healed from being left and rejected by her husband over Christmas all those years ago, as at the time she was trying to be strong for her kids. Crystal provides Linda with some next steps, urging her to have an honest adult discussion with her daughters to let them