Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

I'm a Bad Friend



During this month’s conversation on Chat with Crystal, Elka and Catherine both called in for empowerment coaching. Elka first shared how frustrated she is with her business, something she does called Emotional Release with Essential Oils. Elka also mentioned that she recently moved from Michigan to Florida and didn't know many people in her community. Crystal talked about a book she's reading called Rebellion Marketing by Mark Schaefer and how business has dramatically changed over the past hundred years, particularly in the last ten! People aren't being conned anymore by slick promotions, technology, and advertising; instead, they want to buy from real people and companies they feel connected to personally. Crystal gave Elka different ideas to help her use this approach to garnering new clients, and by the end of the short chat, Elka was telling Crystal how deeply grateful she felt for her advice. Then Catherine got some powerful coaching around a friendship that is under strain and stress. In a matter of mi