Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

I’m Scared My Chubby Bubby is Keeping Me Faithful



On this month’s Chat with Crystal episode, Ellen calls in. As a student in our current Emotional Edge 2.0 course, Ellen shares that she’s feeling stuck on one of the Emotional Age Sub-Archetypes that Crystal covered this past week, called ‘the Chubby Bubby’ (also found in Crystal’s best-selling book, The Emotional Edge). Ellen feels as though her Chubby Bubby is holding her back from living her fullest life. On the other hand, she knows that part of herself is creating some stability and ‘protection’ in her life, so she’s scared to let her go. Like many women, in the back of her mind, Ellen worries that if her Chubby Bubby is no longer in control and she has her mojo back, that she may be unfaithful to her husband or question if he’s enough. Crystal helps Ellen to dialogue with this part of herself, as well as a different Emotional Age Sub-Archetype she’s “locked away in the basement” who’s desperate for love, her Charmer. Crystal urges Ellen to do some deep journaling to let those two parts of herself dialo