Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

Is My Husband a Narcissist Like My Mother?



On this month's episode, Vannessa calls in. Vannessa has been in our world for several years, and we've watched her incredible empowerment transformation before our very eyes. From a broken home, extreme childhood abuse, and a toxic, narcissistic mother, Vannessa has spent the last five years 'doing the work' to heal and create a more healthy and happy life for her and her family. At the beginning of the call, Vannessa shares that she feels happy for the first time in a very long time, 34 weeks pregnant with her third baby and feeling great about where she is in her life and her empowerment journey. She shares, though, that something has been bothering her in the back of her mind. Sometimes she feels as though she picked a husband who might be narcissistic and gaslighting like her mom. Having worked with Vannessa for many years, Crystal chats with her to ask what she means and what types of things he does to make her feel that way. As they dig deeper, Crystal helps Vannessa see that her husband isn't a n