Running: A Fever

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 81:50:40
  • Mas informaciones



My journey from a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle to a physically fit lifestyle through running.


  • RAF040: I'm So Vain

    16/05/2018 Duración: 12min

    An update on fashion, snacks, and the 10,000-step rule.

  • RAF039: Good and Evil

    11/05/2018 Duración: 09min

    I have a lot to talk about today. Philosophy, Medicine, Diet. I start the six-meal-a-day plan and share exactly what I typically eat on one of those six-meal days.

  • RAF038: Partners in Crime

    09/05/2018 Duración: 10min

    I take a walk with my friend Tom Rohr, president of the St. Anthony of Padua Educational Society (Padua Media), and founder of the Padua Podcast Network. Tom is a serious walker, sometimes walking 10 miles in an hour and a half. It is a great way to listen to his favorite podcasts. I tend to get really involved and take on a lot of activities, so I need to live longer to do everything I want to do. That’s my motivation. It’s great to be out on a beautiful day walking with a friend. Tom is also a listener, and now has a good visual of what I do during the show.

  • RAF037: My First Little Weight Training

    04/05/2018 Duración: 10min

    Today I start my strength training. I missed my second walk this week, and I’m moving up to walking three times a week as I continue to come back from my knee injury. Today is the first day of my strength training and I do just one exercise, one set of six curls. Another addition to my routine is walking at work. Every hour I get up and make a couple of laps around the inside of the building and this is improving my step count for the day. I get some running clothing bought and ordered, and I try to level off my caloric intake to a reasonable level of 800-1200 per day, as close as I can get to the upper number while continuing to lose weight slowly and evenly.

  • RAF036: Mistakes

    02/05/2018 Duración: 19min

    I find out that I have been too extreme in my diet and have to make some big adjustments. I talk about this and more as I walk on a cold and rainy day.

  • RAF035: And More Patience

    27/04/2018 Duración: 05min

    I wanted to give a little more information about the workout from Episode 33 in which the recording was cut short. I’m a little impatient now, and that needs to be tempered with the realization that I cannot go all out right now. I’m just coming back from an injury. In a way, my impatience is a good sign. I am motivated and gung-ho to get fit. This motivates me and I hope you are motivated to get started if you haven’t started yet. After the six weeks off, I did have some resistance to get started again, but I did it, and now I am exercising twice per week. Even though I did not record that last time, I was talking the whole run, which did what it usually does, distracted me and inspired me. My knee is fine, I haven’t had pain for the last three weeks. And if you YouTube, you can also get the podcast there. Weight: 236 (33 lost) Workout time: 0 Minutes Distance (total): 0 Miles Run Portion: 0 Miles Heart Rate (min/max all day): 49/99 Steps: 4798 Goal: To run 10.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18

  • RAF034: Fitness, Diet, and Medicine

    25/04/2018 Duración: 18min

    I am now hitting the trail every three days, up from the weekly workouts I did for the first three weeks back from the injury. I am very happy to be injury free and pain free. Since I’ve been on this ultra-low diet, some negative effects are happening. One of the things to be aware of when losing weight quickly is that medications can be less effective. Not just because my body mass is less, as in why children should not take an adult dose, but because the chemistry of my body is changing, body fat percentage is changing, and my metabolism is changing. Be aware of this and consult a medical professional if you start to see this happening. My pants are not fitting as tightly any more. Even if I wasn’t losing weight, my body shape would be changing due to the addition of exercise to my routine. Muscle is more dense than fat, so this wouldn’t necessarily affect my weight. Another change is that I have been sleeping better. The bottom line is that I need to adjust my diet. From here on, the podcast will not be ju

  • RAF033: Patience

    20/04/2018 Duración: 08min

    Patience is the fortitude and willingness to wait as long as I have to, to move forward when I need to, and then continue on. Determination is the energy that drives me. I make a couple of wrong turns and need more patience. My brain is not operating well because I did not eat today or drink enough water. The routine is becoming this: I lose weight before Thursday weigh-in, then gain it back over the weekend. My return to exercise requires patience. I had some down time due to my injury. I will not run again for a while, at least another month, per doctor’s orders. It took six weeks to get back to walking. I am now back to the distance I was going when I first started back in November. Right now I am trying to do two workouts per week. I do some dynamic stretching, as has become my custom, and then start walking. The challenge now is to just keep coming out and not to get injured. I need to take baby steps. Patience may be its own reward, but I’m hoping to be rewarded with the absence of injury. Weight: 241 W

  • RAF032: More Goodness, Less Badness

    18/04/2018 Duración: 12min

    A lot of things prevented me from getting in the mid-week workout this week. This might not have been a problem when I was doing this every day, but now I am out of the habit. This week I did not get the sleep I needed or the food I needed. I think this led to me going off the rails last night and overeating. I lost four pounds last week and gained it all back in one night. Need to get three meals a day, 7-9 hours sleep. A rough week, but I can get right back on track. I’m out exercising and am planning to eat three meals today. Moving into this next week, I’m just trying to improve a little at a time…more goodness, less badness. Chicken Lettuce Wrap for One: Place 2-3 green leaf lettuce leaves on a plate. Fry 4oz of ground chicken. Distribute chicken on each lettuce leaf, squeeze lime juice, and top with a tablespoon of chipotle salsa each. Garnish with a pepperoncini pepper or two. Roll up lettuce leaf and eat like a burrito. Weight (lost since 1/18): 241(-28) Workout time: 12 Minutes Total Distance (cum to

  • RAF031: Stubborn Return

    13/04/2018 Duración: 18min

    Fitness Department: I am very happy that I had no ill effect from the last run a week ago. These are definitely low-impact workouts. But that’s how we get back into it, one step at a time, one minute at a time, one run at a time. I plan to increase the frequency of workouts to two, then three per week. I’ve had so much time off that I’ve gotten used to using that time for other things, so now it will take some doing to squeeze the workouts back into my schedule. The important thing is I’m still back. I’m still keeping the workout short and not exerting myself much. I want to keep this up. Although I set a goal, if I only manage to keep coming out here until the end of the year, that will be an excellent accomplishment. I gain hope from the fact that I know many people my age are running, even competitively. And it should be easier now that I have lost some weight. Medical Department: I’ve lost 30 pounds in the last three weeks. I’ve been trying to eat three meals a day and not be too extreme about my diet. I

  • RAF030: I'm Back!

    11/04/2018 Duración: 04min

    As I celebrate 30 episodes, I’m also celebrating a triumphant return after six weeks of being on the injured reserve list due to my knee injury. But I’m feeling much better now, rarely feeling any pain and even forgetting I even had knee trouble. I think it will be better to exercise, I’ve had enough rest. But I have learned from my mistake and I’m taking it easy. One run this week. I’ve lost 21 pounds since starting a “biggest loser” contest at work. Hopefully this will make injury less likely and help my fitness program. I am more serious now about my health, trying to get the right nutrients and maintain muscle mass while continuing to lose weight. There is a device that uses electrical current to measure your body composition – how much is fat, how much is muscle, etc. Weight: 248 (-21) Workout time: 12 Minutes Distance (total): .52 Miles Run Portion: 0 Miles Heart Rate (min/max all day): 52/82 Steps: 3315 Goal: To run 10.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18

  • RAF029: Injury Report

    06/04/2018 Duración: 12min

    I went to my primary care physician because my knee had not improved over the weekend, since I felt some sharp pain when starting my run. They took X-rays, and he warned me not to run and to walk at my discretion. Later I was called in for an MRI and went to see an orthopedic specialist. As you can see by this X-ray picture, there is no fracture, which is exceptionally good news! So I’m not to work out until two months after the injury, or not run at least. I’m very happy about this news, and look forward to returning to a regular schedule very soon. Title: Injury Report Weight: 275 Workout time: 0 Minutes Distance (total): 0 Miles Run Portion: 0 Miles Heart Rate (min/max all day): 65/98 Steps: 4606 Goal: To run 10.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18

  • RAF028: Not Yet Defeated

    04/04/2018 Duración: 20min

    I go out for a test, fact-finding walk. I can’t really know exactly what to do about my injury. I’m not going out today just because I am stubborn. I think it might be better to exercise in moderation than to rest. This is a risk. What if I can’t run? How am I going to do a podcast called Running: A Fever if I cannot run? I feel pretty good, but I definitely still have an injury. I get out on the trail and I am limping. I need to regroup, listen to my advisors. Perhaps I need to take a few days off. But it is another beautiful day at Lake Fayetteville, warmer than the last couple. I forget to warm up, so I stop and lean on a tree to do my dynamic stretches. I never expected this to be without pain, to be a painless experience. And now I’ve experienced the “thrill of victory” and “the agony of defeat”, as they used to say on the Wide World of Sports. But I am not yet defeated. More...

  • RAF027: R.I.C.E.-ing

    30/03/2018 Duración: 10min

    I take a day off from exercise. I’ve solicited advice from a couple of people, and I talk about that advice and how I am weighing it. It was suggested that I do something low-impact like using an elliptical machine. I don’t have access to one of those, so I am planning to walk tomorrow. More...

  • RAF026: Time Management and my Tragic Flaw

    28/03/2018 Duración: 24min

    Tragically, I am distracted today. I have a lot to do in a short span of time. Holiday grocery shopping, painting a room, and finding some furniture to go in it. But I have made physical health and fitness my number one priority. I spend some time talking about all of the things I have to do and the busy-ness of the day. Perhaps this distractedness is a foreshadowing of the inattention to my body that leads to my injury. Ironically, before I hit the run portion I consider running twice per day! I am feeling my knee pain and it is not just bothering me on the trail but it has been a problem all day. I am convinced that I feel good and that sitting is worse for my knee than exercising, so here I am. I have been “kind of limping” all day and yet I am still determined not only to walk today, but to at least try to run. But at least I am willing to abort the run if it doesn’t feel right. And before the run, I admit that I am limping. Routine update: I do my research and come up with a few dynamic stretching exerci

  • RAF025: The Demons of Doubt

    23/03/2018 Duración: 24min

    Continuing on the theme of mental control, I try to invent some way to help myself get through the run. Some strategy of thought and concentration to distract me, to fight off negative thoughts, what I call the Demons of Doubt. I call them demons because they seem to act on their own. I don’t have to come up with doubts and negative thoughts. They exist in the absence of positive thoughts. They are not just proactive, they are evil, because they want to interfere with something I want to do that is good. While in the real world good and evil are never so simple, in the metaphorical and motivational sense, this concept works. Everything I do is good, at least in my own opinion, even when I am doing something that is objectively bad. I am either trying to do good and I fail, as all humans do, or I am mistaken in my determination that the act is good. And there you have it – an ultra-simplified version of the Thomistic philosophy of good and evil. More...

  • RAF024: Southern Breakfast

    21/03/2018 Duración: 27min

    I offer my detailed instructions for how to make the breakfast that I enjoyed this morning: Southern Sausage and Eggs 2 tbsp. bacon grease or shortening 2 eggs 2 sausage patties or 4 slices of bacon or 2 slices of bologna or 1 slice of country ham Take your skillet and put it on the stove and start warmin’ it up. Reach in your fridge and get your jar or cup or some other container of bacon grease saved from a previous breakfast and spoon out a healthy portion of that into the skillet. Once melted, add meat. Cook until black. Drain and cool on paper towels. Break eggs into the frying pan. I prefer country style, also known as wrecked. To make country eggs, don’t immediately scramble them, wait until they start to fry, then coarsely scramble. Put eggs and sausage on a plate and enjoy a tasty breakfast that is also full of protein. Lunch was a meal replacement shake. I retract my previous statement about looking good at fifty-one because, in fact, there are many attractive people of all ages. I do want to lose w

  • RAF023: Adversity and Pain

    16/03/2018 Duración: 26min

    How do you handle adversity? Do you have people you talk to? Things that you do? I have attitude problems but I keep on going, trying to maintain. It’s in the hard times that we really find out who we are. Sports are a metaphor for life. There is always some difficulty, some challenge to overcome. In a game, it is the opponent. In running there is no opponent except gravity. There is a big mental part of this, how I approach the things that make me want to stop. There is an individual philosophy of life that each person must find for himself. When I have adversity, and I have to work through it and push through it, I think about that meaning. There is a goal, and there is a positive effort that is required to reach it. One difference between running outside and running on a treadmill is that inside, you only see a number, not really a visual goal on the landscape. I am still getting used to my head lamp and use it on the way back, actually starting with the run. I am able to do the half-mile run all at one ti

  • RAF022: Difficult, Uncomfortable, and Painful

    14/03/2018 Duración: 06min

    Frustration has to be met with determination. Survival is a win. I reason that the more success one has, the harder it is to get that incremental increase. So while on my first run, I had an infinite percent increase in everything, and subsequent workouts were jumps ahead, now these improvements are harder won. I’m also in the middle of a difficult stretch of days. I now know that these come and go and that makes it easier to accept. Sometimes I just survive, complete a workout, and move on. Other times I have success to celebrate. It may sound like I am complaining sometimes, but I want to tell the unvarnished truth on this show, and not make it sound like an easy ride. Coming to terms with difficulty and resistance is the only path to success. Without obstacles, I don’t think I could call it accomplishment. What I am trying to do is difficult, but not impossible. I’m trying to prove that. Weight: 265 Workout time: 52 Minutes Distance (total): 2.63 Miles Run Portion: .5 Miles Heart Rate (min/max all day): 64

  • RAF021: A Light in the Darkness

    09/03/2018 Duración: 27min

    We went past twenty episodes without celebrating, so yay! That is a lot of episodes for a podcast and it’s a good sign that we have some staying power. I intentionally leave the house later. Since I now have my headlamp, I want to give it a good tryout. It is dark and the visual effects are interesting. It’s cold enough to see my breath, but I only see it when it’s going in front of the light. Also when I’m running it looks kind of like a diving mask, I can only see through a certain arc. I get pretty confused as to the distance I run. As usual, my “live math” is not very good. I actually ran an entire mile. This run is very difficult and I really want to quit for the last quarter mile. It is cold, there are variations in altitude. I don’t think I have run this full distance in weather this cold. But I have to keep moving forward. If I slack off or level off I’ll feel as if I’m going backward. As I get older and heavier, this thing is more and more difficult. Perhaps I need to work more on my diet program, bu

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