Running: A Fever



My journey from a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle to a physically fit lifestyle through running.


  • RAF020: Gait Analysis and More

    07/03/2018 Duración: 22min

    Special Guest: Heather I go to Rush Running, a local running store, and get a gait analysis. First I put on a neutral test shoe, get on a treadmill, and start running for a few seconds. Then Heather shows me the video and what my feet were doing. I am amazed at how well she ties my shoes. Turns out you need a size larger than your normal size for running. We try a few different shoes in the medium stability range, and I get on the treadmill to make sure they feel good during a workout. I am pleasantly surprised at the price, because online prices are averaging $150, but this shoe is only about $120. I get a headlamp, so I can feel safer when running in the dark. Overall, a good experience. Heather really knows what she is talking about, is able to answer all my questions, and I feel prepared to continue moving toward better health and fitness. Weight: 267 Workout time: 63Minutes Distance (total): 2.74 Miles Run Portion: Heart Rate (min/max all day): 55/85 Steps: 11,828 Goal: To run 10.5 miles in one day by 11

  • RAF019: Going Deeper

    02/03/2018 Duración: 36min

    It’s a cool day, and though it is clear and at the peak of temperature for the day, my hands are cold. I try to keep a positive attitude and recognize success in my efforts, but sometimes I don’t celebrate wins and tend to just look for the next challenge I must overcome. Perhaps I need to work on that. I look forward to a visit to a running store to finally get equipped to run in the dark. Running is harder in the cold weather, because it is harder to get the needed volume of air into my lungs. I think and hope that I must be getting a better workout on days like these because I’m putting forth more effort, even though it is the same amount of work. Before the fall of Lance Armstrong I watched a lot of cycling and remember athletes talking about “going deeper”. With guys at that level, it is not a matter of who’s trying harder, or who has the best gear. It comes down to the physical makeup of each man’s body, the organic equipment. That’s when I learned how important oxygen is to physical performance. Diet-w

  • RAF018: The Mental Effects

    28/02/2018 Duración: 35min

    I explain the absence of trail audio from yesterday, it was an audio problem. This time of year, trying to get out and exercise is a race against the sun because the days are so short. Today it is darker and colder, and there are not many people on the trail. Today is also one of those difficult days. The cold makes it harder to breathe once I start my run. I’ve been asked how cold it will have to be for me to not come out. I plan to run in any temperature as long as it isn’t icy or otherwise unsafe. I break up my run because I don’t make the half mile on the first try. It’s important to visualize the goal, the mile marker I am trying to reach. But just visualizing it and focusing on it is not always enough. Today it was not. I continue to think about why I run. Another benefit of exercise is the mental effects. I’ve had a stressful day and one good way to lower that stress level is exercise. Since I am talking and I know someone might listen to this someday, I am not going to say a lot of the things I would

  • RAF017: Why Do You Run?

    23/02/2018 Duración: 06min

    Title: Why Do You Run? The excitement is still fresh in my mind about the half mile I ran yesterday. Although I have walked off and on even in recent years, I have not run in a long time, so it is great to be able to do that. Maybe it doesn’t seem like much to an experienced runner, but to me it’s a real accomplishment. I am also excited to be associated with Tom Rohr who started the Padua Podcast Network. This was not mentioned by name in the show, but obviously Running: A Fever is part of it now. Tom is doing some amazing things, and I really enjoyed dinner with him and his wife Therese last night. I hope to be releasing episodes more frequently in the future. Today I’m hoping to run a half mile again, but I just do the best I can. That’s all we can do, but we have to try to do better. I do run a half mile, all together this time, and if feels good after a couple of minutes. I record the entire time, including the run, but unfortunately there was an audio problem that could not be fixed. When I stop running

  • RAF016: The Good Things about Running in Winter

    21/02/2018 Duración: 20min

    It’s early morning and a very cold 35 degrees. And it’s a little different seeing that low temperature when I’m going to be spending 40-50 minutes outside. Chafing may be an issue for people who are overweight, like I am, or for anyone depending on how one’s body is built. It’s important to have either running tights or underwear that covers those areas so you don’t have skin-on-skin friction. I’m new at this, and everything is a learning experience. So, though it isn’t pleasant to speak of such things, I’m always going to keep it real, even when a difficult topic comes up. This episode is sponsored by my mother Hank Davis, who graciously provided the hat and gloves that are keeping me warm today. Let’s also appreciate what’s good about running in the winter: no bugs, cooling, less irritants in the air. So I hope I can remember and appreciate these things on the many cold workouts I am sure are ahead. I’m excited and motivated that I have progressed to the point of being able to run about a half mile. It’s gr

  • RAF015: Love your Life Enough to Make it Last?

    16/02/2018 Duración: 10min

    After passing my test I am able to devote more time to things I love like podcasting. A thought came to me during my morning meditation: Do you love your life enough to make it last as long as possible? I think I do. I look forward to many days and the things I can do with them. So it feels good to be working out every day because I feel like I am prolonging the life I love. I have more energy today, which is great because the last couple of days have been tough. It gets dark quick and I’m concerned about having reflective gear so I don’t get hit by a cyclist. I like to look ahead and pick a point of reference to look toward. I need to have a goal and that allowed me to run more than a quarter mile today. I can see myself running a half mile pretty soon. The math works out that if I continue progress at this rate I will have no trouble hitting my goal by the deadline of November 18, 2018. And just to be clear, the goal is to run two laps in a single day, so I don’t anticipate running that distance every day.

  • RAF014: Journey is Change

    14/02/2018 Duración: 10min

    Running has become like one of those things I really enjoy but never do. I put it in that class even though I have only missed 3 days since I started almost three weeks ago. It’s in that class of things. But just because I may be in a rut, doesn’t mean I have to stay there. This show is all about change, a journey. A journey is by its nature full of change: a change of scenery, a change of perspective, a change in life experience. Change is the goal, to change from what I am into something better. I was only able to record one sentence during the run because the wind was so high today. I am starting to level off on my progress, and hope to continue the upward swing soon. Weight: 268 Workout time: 54 Minutes Distance (total): Miles Run Portion: .25 Miles Heart Rate (min/max all day): 64/73 Steps: 9801 Goal: To run 10.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18

  • RAF013: Working Through the Cedars

    09/02/2018 Duración: 10min

    I quote my friend quoting a mystic who said one can hear the voice of God by sitting under a cedar tree while the sun rises. This is a busy day on the trail with lots of noise including loud exhaust systems, children playing, dogs, bikes, and more. And it is hard work for me as I realize that in this journey as in any other serious venture, some days are much harder than others. A retraction about signs along the trail, and I discover the “milestones”. Sharing a journey with someone, whether it is a workout partner, or just someone who’s doing the same thing as I am, helps me stay motivated. I can share with them my successes and failures as I aim for something new and good in my life. I hope you are sharing this journey with me, and I hope to hear about yours. Weight: 268 Workout time: 52 Minutes Distance (total): 2.71 Miles Run Portion: Unknown Heart Rate (min/max all day): 65/79 Steps: 9088 Goal: To run 10.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18

  • RAF012: Math is Hard!

    07/02/2018 Duración: 14min

    No ill effects from yesterday’s twinge. I always keep in mind the potential of injury and try to avoid it. I try to drill that into my mind and keep focused on it. Muscle weighs more than fat, so there could be an initial weight gain or slow weight loss, but the shape of my body will change, so I should feel differently. There are physical realities of how much one can do as one gets older. I’m not sure what they are, in terms of building muscle and things like that, and maybe it’s better that I don’t know. I am working out every day, but still too lazy to go fifty yards off the course to get a drink of water! I do some math, which is difficult during exercise. Athletes should not be thought of in terms of a low-intelligence stereotype – it takes math skills to be good if you are serious about it! Signs are everywhere, but I am getting used to the course and some of them are confusing. I have a lot of energy today. Going over 2.5 miles seems like a milestone and I feel good about the progress I have made. Wei

  • RAF011: Sunrise Run

    02/02/2018 Duración: 11min

    My first morning run! Time management forces me to be flexible with my workout schedule. I have some concerns about early morning running, such as cold muscles, darkness, and whether I will get to work on time. As a precaution I decide to make this an all-walk, no-run workout. I am doing dynamic stretching, but have no clear direction on how to do it. I like the progress I am seeing in the lengthening of my workouts and an increased number of steps on my pedometer. I get some good advice from an experienced runner and a coach about socks, which will help with my foot pain. I wear compression socks because I have had cellulitis in the past, but those socks are too thin and I need to add another layer. The trail is quiet at this early hour, but there are still several runners getting their early road work in. I feel a twinge in a gluteal muscle, one of those little aches and pains that I can work through. I hope for 9000 steps for the day, but eventually fall short of that. Weight: 269 Workout time: 43 min Dist

  • RAF010: Mental Toughness

    26/01/2018 Duración: 17min

    It’s great to be past that statistically significant seventh episode, by which most podcasts end. But that’s only a statistic. Time is a factor. How would I get my runs in if my schedule was less flexible or more hectic? What about my goal? We have setbacks, and it’s important not to look at a setback as a failure. It can be too easy to pronounce the project failed and just quit. When I got back from Thanksgiving it was too dark to work out, so I missed that day, but I got right back at it the following day. We all have setbacks, we just need to move on. Everyone has setbacks, so the difference between those who succeed and those who do not is that the successful do not quit, work through those failures. Mental toughness is a big part of this thing. Weight: 268 Workout time: 40 min Distance (total): 1.89 Miles Run Portion: 1.75 minutes Heart Rate (min/max all day): 66/110 Steps: 9275 Goal: To run 11.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18  

  • RAF009: It's Beautiful ... This Stretch

    19/01/2018 Duración: 14min

    “It’s beautiful … this stretch.” I finally take a new route starting at the marina that turns out to be much more picturesque and interesting. There are woods, a dam, a bridge, and a waterfall-like spillway. Here are some pictures. More advice about warmups: stretch after the workout to avoid soreness by releasing the lactic acid that builds up in the muscles. New in this episode: CAR TIPS: Let your car warm up for at least a minute before you start driving. Maybe up to a two minute run, I think, but it’s really hard to tell, I tend to lose track of my counting when I’m running. Weight: 268 Workout time: 31 min Distance (total): 1.55 Miles Run Portion: 1.5 minutes Heart Rate (min/max all day): 65/103 Steps: 8255 Goal: To run 11.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18  

  • RAF008: Weight, Hydration, and Long Underwear

    12/01/2018 Duración: 16min

    I discuss my weight and how that affects what I can do at this point in my journey. Losing weight is a conundrum. I need to have enough nutrition to do the exercise I need to do, but eating lighter will help me lose weight faster, which would make working out easier. So far I haven’t found a new part of the course. Pain is part of this process, but sometimes running helps me feel better. I get into a routine of drinking water, 20oz pre-run, 40oz post-run. Weight: 271 Workout time: 38 min Distance (total): 1.87 Miles Run Portion: 1.25 minute Heart Rate (min/max all day): 62/95 Steps: 7112 Goal: To run 11.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18

  • RAF007: After the Turkey

    05/01/2018 Duración: 20min

    Back from Thanksgiving after three days off, I get right back in to the swing of things. What happened? It was the taking of Dad’s advice combined with the usual holiday temptations. Christmas? Who knows? But I’m not giving up and waiting for a new year’s resolution. Great weather today. I was planning to find a place to park so I could start at a different part of the course. Though I was unsuccessful, it gave me a chance to talk about stretching, both static and dynamic. On the trail, an easy warmup leads to a one-minute run, which is progress according to my plan of adding fifteen seconds each day. A review of exercise, or the lack thereof, over the weekend, and a look forward to exercise with the family at Christmas. I get to know the trail a little better and find a map that tells me how to get to another part of the course next time. Starting again after a several-day break is a little challenging, but the important thing is that I am right back into it. LIVE MATH! Not my strong suit, but perhaps my att

  • RAF006: Advice from Dad

    29/12/2017 Duración: 05min

    Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend I went out walking one day with my Father, who offered some advice on moderation in exercise. In accord with Southern tradition, my family calls me by my middle name Brent, because my father and I have the same first and last names. It may be enough to work out several times a week to give my body time to recover and rebuild before the next workout. But developing a habit of regular exercise is also a good idea. Weight: 269 Time: 25 minutes Distance (total): 1.11 miles Run portion: .75 minutes Heart Rate (min/max): 77/90 Goal: To run 11.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18

  • RAF005: Goals and Habits

    22/12/2017 Duración: 11min

    I express concern about having something come up that forces me to not work out one day, and having that turn into a lot of days. I talk about the book Living Forward by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy and my priority for physical fitness. Goals and habits are important. Both good and bad habits are hard to break. But it takes time to establish a habit and I haven’t been doing this for very long. Weight: 267 Time: 31 minutes Distance (total): 1.25 miles Run portion: .5 minutes Heart Rate (min/max): 66/85 Goal: To run 11.5 miles in one day by 11/18/18

  • RAF004: Joe Cool on the Trail

    15/12/2017 Duración: 16min

    “I’m just like Joe Cool. I’m lookin’ good today, I’m feelin’ good, it’s another beautiful day.” Daniel J. Lewis is the RSS Guru. 10,000 steps per day is considered a good amount of exercise. But even walking a mile and a half of intentional exercise, I have not achieved that yet. Wearing the super-cool, ultra-groovy opthalmalogical sunglasses, I went for a record 1.5 miles at a faster pace (possibly because I was looking so darn cool). Speeding up the pace is something I am trying to do each day because that will get me to running more, instead of walking most of the workout. But I also want to be sure I walk enough to warm up before running. My gear watch was more useful today, discovered it will remind me when I am slowing down.   Weight: 269 Water: 20 ounces Distance (total): 1.5 miles Run: 15 seconds Goal: 11.5-mile run in a day by 11/18/18

  • RAF003: Setting a Goal

    08/12/2017 Duración: 09min

    Did I start gradually enough? I may be walking for at least a week, but I want to start doing some running at least during part of the workout as soon as I can. Getting ready for Thanksgiving. How will I handle the unhealthy food choices and tendencies toward just sitting around napping and watching the football games? I take a more challenging part of the course with inclines, and decide that I will set a specific goal to achieve in the next year. I feel good after the run. This is Sunday and there are a lot of people out on the trail on this almost cloudless, cold day. Weight: 269 Distance: 1 Mile Goal: To run two laps around the 5.75-mile course around Lake Fayetteville by 11/19/18 (one year from today).

  • RAF002: My First Little Run

    01/12/2017 Duración: 09min

    “There it is, my first run!” Another beautiful day for a walk/run. Objective is to push myself a little more, and add some distance. I learn how far I am walking by using signs on the course. I vow to track performance in the future. For the first time since I started this project, I run, if only for a few seconds. Nobody knows everything about running, so sometimes you just have a try something and see how it works out. This is how I learn and progress. As always, I want to avoid injury so I can continue running indefinitely. Our bodies are efficient and get used to our routine pace and distance, so to prepare for higher performance we must vary that routine so our systems can adjust. I am still trying to figure out what my goals are, and just trying to continue improvement. I am hoping that running will help me be healthier, and part of that is losing weight, so I’m going to track that. I experienced some back pain, and also vow to drink more water. Distance: 1+ Mile Weight: 268 Heart Rate: Unknown

  • RAF001: On the Trail for the First Time

    24/11/2017 Duración: 07min

    “I’m not going to have the attitude that I’m not going to run. I’m definitely going to run.” I go out on the trail for the first time, discover Lake Fayetteville and think about thinking about running while walking. It’s important to have a goal, only if you want to achieve it. My goals are to be healthy, to be flexible and strong enough and fit enough to do things I want to do, like maybe playing disk golf or riding a bike. I see people running around the lake and I’m inspired, I want to be like them. But I crawled before I was able to walk, and I have to walk before I can run. Not everyone who starts a race finishes, but everyone who finishes definitely starts. This is my start.

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