Sack Heads Radio Show



The Sack Heads Radio Show, hosted by Sack Head Shaun and Sack Head Clint, is a weekly show that airs live at 8 pm PST on Each week, Shaun and Clint discuss the top news and politics stories of that week. Each topic is dissected with wit and humor. As unapologetic conservatives, Shaun and Clint rail against the liberal agenda and Main Stream Media in an effort to bring the truth to the surface in a fun and engaging manner.


  • Andrea-Gate and the Leftist Cyber Bully Beat Down - Dec 07,2012

    07/12/2012 Duración: 01h58min

    Welcome to another episode of Sack Heads Radio! Our dear friend and honorary Sack Head, Andrea Kaye, was viciously attacked this week by a leftist cyber-bully simply for expressing a point of view. The ever chivalrous Rooster aided in her defense. We have both of them live to discuss what happened. Also, the Russian news organization Pravda printed an article blasting the American people for re-electing President Obama and his communist agenda. They should know... All this as well as other tidbits of history and general awesomeness (Who called in this week. You may remember him when he was Captain Awesomeness). Check our show page at, Like us on Facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • Andrea-Gate and the Leftist Cyber Bully Beat Down - Dec 01,2012

    01/12/2012 Duración: 01h58min

    Welcome to another episode of Sack Heads Radio! Our dear friend and honorary Sack Head, Andrea Kaye, was viciously attacked this week by a leftist cyber-bully simply for expressing a point of view. The ever chivalrous Rooster aided in her defense. We have both of them live to discuss what happened. Also, the Russian news organization Pravda printed an article blasting the American people for re-electing President Obama and his communist agenda. They should know... All this as well as other tidbits of history and general awesomeness (Who called in this week. You may remember him when he was Captain Awesomeness). Check our webpage at, Like us on Facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • Black Friday From Our New Home (Replay) - Nov 30,2012

    30/11/2012 Duración: 02h25s

    Welcome to the Black Friday Night Fiasco. with minor technical difficulty First, we are in our new studio and offices (finally). Not 100% settled in, but we are getting there. We opened with Thanksgiving! and why the founders went against the constitution by discussing god! Then, on to campaigning! Should the GOP start taking a more aggressive approach to campaigning to match the Dem's smear campaigns? Then, who changed the CIA talking points? We now know who, at least according to the administration. But, why? Politics? National Security? Boredom? Then, California passed Prop 30, now it is coming out that that new law isn't the "save the schools" love fest we were sold. Finally on to Egypt and the Egyptian Presidents power grab! What does this mean for the region? How did the effect the cease fire between Israel and Gaza? Check our webpage at, Like us on Facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • Black Friday From Our New Home - Nov 24,2012

    24/11/2012 Duración: 02h26s

    Welcome to the Black Friday Night Fiasco. First, we are in our new studio and offices (finally). Not 100% settled in, but we are getting there. We opened with Thanksgiving! and why the founders went against the constitution by discussing god! Then, on to campaigning! Should the GOP start taking a more aggressive approach to campaigning to match the Dem's smear campaigns? Then, who changed the CIA talking points? We now know who, at least according to the administration. But, why? Politics? National Security? Boredom? Then, California passed Prop 30, now it is coming out that that new law isn't the "save the schools" love fest we were sold. Finally on to Egypt and the Egyptian Presidents power grab! What does this mean for the region? How did the effect the cease fire between Israel and Gaza? Check our webpage at, Like us on Facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • We Are Back From Vacation, and Pissed! - Nov 17,2012

    17/11/2012 Duración: 02h59s

    Welcome back to the Friday Night Fiasco! After taking a poorly timed week off, we are back in the saddle, and it is sore! First, we discussed the election, and what will President Obama act now that he doesn't have to be re-elected? It is long over,ow we have to move on, and find a way to maintain the republic. However, we do ask you this, is the Conservative movement dying? Rooster from joined us to discuss what went wrong, and how Rooster said in August Romney was not a good choice (he rubbed it in) Next, we discussed the ongoing investigation and testimony of CIA Director David H. Petraeus. Will he tell us what we already suspect? Or will he clam up due to pressure to administration? Rooster stayed in on this discussion and got pretty heated! Then, which state wants to succeed from the union? It appears there is a movement in every state.. We will talk about why and how, can you say Interim President Boehner? After, the voter turn out in Philly and Ohio? How accurate are these nu

  • Sack Heads Best of the Worst - Nov 16,2012

    16/11/2012 Duración: 01h01min

    Well, voting day has come and went, and we took the week off? Poorly time? Sure! BUT! What better time to play some old stuff from our original podcast (1 mic and sadness). that hasn't been heard on BTR Up First, remember the guy who shot his daughters lap top? Remember? His daughter whined and complained on face book for having to do he shot the laptop he built for her as part of her punishment and put it on You Tube! We discussed just after it happened. In the next clip, we discuss a BADASS that fought in the revolution! Shaun is partial to this guy, and seriously can you blame him. All I am saying is, seriously, Clint Eastwood would be PERFECT for this role! The third clip is our interview with Karen Harrington (I am telling you Florida's 23rd better have elected her) before she won the primary, it was also our FIRST interview with any candidate! Also, have you heard the 4 Organic Documents of the United States? Call is in session, and Clint is the professor! Join us on 11/16/2012 as we broad

  • The Final Debate and a War is Brewing - Oct 27,2012 - Nov 09,2012

    09/11/2012 Duración: 02h09s

    Welcome to another episode of the Sack Heads Radio show, where awesomeness reigns supreme in a world where common sense aint so common. And thank goodness for that, because as a direct of ignorance and douche-baggery run amok, as demonstrated by Chris Matthews constantly, we declared non violent ideological war on him and called him out on his ignorance. Also this week, we discussed the Presidential Foreign Policy debate, breaking news about Libya, and several very interesting electoral possibilities; including the importance of Ohio for...wait for it...Obama not Romney! Clint breaks down the electoral map and presents the likely electoral picture we have not seen discussed anywhere else as well as the possibility of an electoral tie. So sit back, curl up, and enjoy the soothing sound of conservative logic and reason. Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • Sack Heads Best of the Worst - Nov 06,2012

    06/11/2012 Duración: 01h01min

    Well, voting day has come and went, and we took the week off? Poorly time? Sure! BUT! What better time to play some old stuff from our original podcast (1 mic and sadness). that hasn't been heard on BTR Up First, remember the guy who shot his daughters lap top? Remember? His daughter whined and complained on face book for having to do he shot the laptop he built for her as part of her punishment and put it on You Tube! We discussed just after it happened. In the next clip, we discuss a BADASS that fought in the revolution! Shaun is partial to this guy, and seriously can you blame him. All I am saying is, seriously, Clint Eastwood would be PERFECT for this role! The third clip is our interview with Karen Harrington (I am telling you Florida's 23rd better have elected her) before she won the primary, it was also our FIRST interview with any candidate! Also, have you heard the 4 Organic Documents of the United States? Call is in session, and Clint is the professor! Join us on 11/16/2012 as we broad

  • "That Bitch Sandy" - Benghazi - Nov 03,2012

    03/11/2012 Duración: 01h55min

    Welcome to the last show BEFORE the election! We have a full show tonight. Started the show with our usual B.S. session and some news of the day. Our special guest "Mr. E" (actually @Bigmouthpatriot on twitter) was on and discussed being a "Black Conservative" and the democrats exploitation of black Americans. We had an amazing call from a Long Island resident who had just lived through Superstorm Sandy. We discussed the storm, and also politics. She was a self described "liberal" so we explored that. We re-re-re-re-re visited Benghazi, yet more information is coming out, and it looks even more damning for the White House and President Obama. Our last show before the election, so GET OUT AND VOTE! Reminder, we are off next week (great timing huh) as we are moving studios (finally). Join us on 11/17 where we pick it back up! Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • (Replay)The Final Debate and a War is Brewing - Oct 27,2012 - Nov 01,2012

    01/11/2012 Duración: 02h09s

    Welcome to another episode of the Sack Heads Radio show, where awesomeness reigns supreme in a world where common sense aint so common. And thank goodness for that, because as a direct of ignorance and douche-baggery run amok, as demonstrated by Chris Matthews constantly, we declared non violent ideological war on him and called him out on his ignorance. Also this week, we discussed the Presidential Foreign Policy debate, breaking news about Libya, and several very interesting electoral possibilities; including the importance of Ohio for...wait for it...Obama not Romney! Clint breaks down the electoral map and presents the likely electoral picture we have not seen discussed anywhere else as well as the possibility of an electoral tie. So sit back, curl up, and enjoy the soothing sound of conservative logic and reason. Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • The Final Debate and a War is Brewing - Oct 27,2012

    27/10/2012 Duración: 02h11s

    Welcome to another episode of the Sack Heads Radio show, where awesomeness reigns supreme in a world where common sense ain't so common. And thank goodness for that, because as a direct of ignorance and douche-baggery run amok, as demonstrated by Chris Matthews constantly, we declared non violent ideological war on him and called him out on his ignorance. Also this week, we discussed the Presidential Foreign Policy debate, breaking news about Libya, and several very interesting electoral possibilities; including the importance of Ohio for...wait for it...Obama not Romney! Clint breaks down the electoral map and presents the likely electoral picture we have not seen discussed anywhere else as well as the possibility of an electoral tie. So sit back, curl up, and enjoy the soothing sound of conservative logic and reason. Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • (Replay)Presidential Debate Part 2 and Falling On The Sword - Oct 25,2012

    25/10/2012 Duración: 01h54min

    From 10/19/2012 Welcome to another episode of Sack Heads Radio, where we fight liberalism and ignorance through applied awesomeness. This week got a little out of control as we discussed the second presidential debate, Libya, the upcoming third presidential debate, and Shaun blindsided Clint with a quote from Chris Matthews. Clint went ballistic, calling Chris Matthews a "fat f&?%" and challenging him to a live constitutional debate. Chris has not called us back yet. Weird. Anyway, thanks for listening and enjoy the show! Check our webpage at, Like us on Facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • (Replay) VP Dabate and More Scary Fact From Libya - Oct 23,2012

    23/10/2012 Duración: 01h51min

    This week, we will discussed the Vice Presidential debate between Vice President Joe "Slack Jaw" Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan. We broke the debate down and Shaun spread his true feelings about Joe Biden Then we discussed the new information in the Embassy attack in Libya. The hearings and more. Will there be a true whistleblower? Rooster joined us on this topic to discuss the article he wrote on So, strap in and enjoy the show! Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads! Play in your default playerDownload this episodeOpen in new window

  • Presidential Debate Part 2 and Falling On The Sword - Oct 20,2012

    20/10/2012 Duración: 01h54min

    Welcome to another episode of Sack Heads Radio, where we fight liberalism and ignorance through applied awesomeness. This week got a little out of control as we discussed the second presidential debate, Libya, the upcoming third presidential debate, and Shaun blindsided Clint with a quote from Chris Matthews. Clint went ballistic, calling Chris Matthews a "fat f&?%" and challenging him to a live constitutional debate. Chris has not called us back yet. Weird. Anyway, thanks for listening and enjoy the show! Check our webpage at, Like us on Facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • VP Dabate and More Scary Fact From Libya - Oct 13,2012

    13/10/2012 Duración: 01h51min

    This week, we will discussed the Vice Presidential debate between Vice President Joe "Slack Jaw" Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan. We broke the debate down and Shaun spread his true feelings about Joe Biden Then we discussed the new information in the Embassy attack in Libya. The hearings and more. Will there be a true whistleblower? Rooster joined us on this topic to discuss the article he wrote on So, strap in and enjoy the show! Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • Friday Night Fiasco - The Stormin Momon? - Oct 06,2012

    06/10/2012 Duración: 02h01min

    This week show, we covered the Denver Debate. Is this the Mitt Romney conservatives have hoped for? Is this the Barack Obama conservatives have always seen? We discussed with special guests Andrea Kaye from and Rooster We also announced out petition to end the United States membership in the United Nations! Shaun went to visit an Occupy Movement! we discussed! Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • UN General Assembly and the White House Comes Clean on Libya - Sep 29,2012

    29/09/2012 Duración: 01h59min

    Hello Sack Heads! Welcome to our weekly Friday show . Started out the Friday Night Fiasco by discussing the White House finally admitting truth in the Libya Attack, but stopping short again on calling it what it REALLY is. We then played, WHAT OBAMA GOING TO GIVE AWAY NEXT! Rounded the show off with Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech at the U.N General Assembly, as well as a clip from the President of Iran and of course President Obama. Those topics and a few more sprinkled in, also your calls! Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • (Replay) New Information On Embassy Attacks - Sep 28,2012

    28/09/2012 Duración: 01h53min

    Started off discussing Mitt Romney's tax return! Man, is he generous. Then, we discuss the follow up to the Embassy Attacks, and what did the administration know? Why did Carney do a two step instead of being honest? Also, We turned up an article that proves the Obama administration took a million dollar donation from an Anti-Islamic film maker. All that, your phone calls and some base ball talk, Join us! (347) 205-9399 Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • New Information On Embassy Attacks - Sep 22,2012

    22/09/2012 Duración: 01h53min

    Started off discussing Mitt Romney's tax return! Man, is he generous. Then, we discuss the follow up to the Embassy Attacks, and what did the administration know? Why did Jay Carney do a two step instead of being honest? Also, We turned up an article that proves the Obama administration took a million dollar donation from an Anti-Islamic film maker. All that, your phone calls and some base ball talk, Join us! (347) 205-9399 Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!

  • (Replay) Embassy Attacks and Political Fall Out - Sep 21,2012

    21/09/2012 Duración: 02h24s

    (From Live Show 9/14) Hour 1 - After the false start, and do over, we got off to our usual weekly baseball rant to open. Then is was on to the business at hand. Clint and Shaun shared their thoughts on 9/11, the attack and the anniversary. We each discussed the events from our prospective on that tragic day in 2001, then we made our case to have it a national holiday. The ?Sack Heads? heard from "Mr. Politics" via his Hot Tub and discussed the founders, The Whiskey Revolution, and how the federal government under President Washington may have abused the power of taxation. I say "they" meaning Clint and Mr. Politics, Shaun stared into space blankly for about 20 minutes. Rooster from called in to explain how he was attacked! Hour 2 - We discussed the Attacks on American Embassies leading to the death of 4 Americans. We looked at how Muslim Extremists have been attacking Americans for over 225 years, and why these attacks are not a result of a movie, or religous outrage. We delvied int

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