Sack Heads Radio Show

We Are Back From Vacation, and Pissed! - Nov 17,2012



Welcome back to the Friday Night Fiasco! After taking a poorly timed week off, we are back in the saddle, and it is sore! First, we discussed the election, and what will President Obama act now that he doesn't have to be re-elected? It is long over,ow we have to move on, and find a way to maintain the republic. However, we do ask you this, is the Conservative movement dying? Rooster from joined us to discuss what went wrong, and how Rooster said in August Romney was not a good choice (he rubbed it in) Next, we discussed the ongoing investigation and testimony of CIA Director David H. Petraeus. Will he tell us what we already suspect? Or will he clam up due to pressure to administration? Rooster stayed in on this discussion and got pretty heated! Then, which state wants to succeed from the union? It appears there is a movement in every state.. We will talk about why and how, can you say Interim President Boehner? After, the voter turn out in Philly and Ohio? How accurate are these nu