Sack Heads Radio Show

(Replay)The Final Debate and a War is Brewing - Oct 27,2012 - Nov 01,2012



Welcome to another episode of the Sack Heads Radio show, where awesomeness reigns supreme in a world where common sense aint so common. And thank goodness for that, because as a direct of ignorance and douche-baggery run amok, as demonstrated by Chris Matthews constantly, we declared non violent ideological war on him and called him out on his ignorance. Also this week, we discussed the Presidential Foreign Policy debate, breaking news about Libya, and several very interesting electoral possibilities; including the importance of Ohio for...wait for it...Obama not Romney! Clint breaks down the electoral map and presents the likely electoral picture we have not seen discussed anywhere else as well as the possibility of an electoral tie. So sit back, curl up, and enjoy the soothing sound of conservative logic and reason. Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!