Sack Heads Radio Show

"That Bitch Sandy" - Benghazi - Nov 03,2012



Welcome to the last show BEFORE the election! We have a full show tonight. Started the show with our usual B.S. session and some news of the day. Our special guest "Mr. E" (actually @Bigmouthpatriot on twitter) was on and discussed being a "Black Conservative" and the democrats exploitation of black Americans. We had an amazing call from a Long Island resident who had just lived through Superstorm Sandy. We discussed the storm, and also politics. She was a self described "liberal" so we explored that. We re-re-re-re-re visited Benghazi, yet more information is coming out, and it looks even more damning for the White House and President Obama. Our last show before the election, so GET OUT AND VOTE! Reminder, we are off next week (great timing huh) as we are moving studios (finally). Join us on 11/17 where we pick it back up! Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!