Sack Heads Radio Show

Black Friday From Our New Home - Nov 24,2012



Welcome to the Black Friday Night Fiasco. First, we are in our new studio and offices (finally). Not 100% settled in, but we are getting there. We opened with Thanksgiving! and why the founders went against the constitution by discussing god! Then, on to campaigning! Should the GOP start taking a more aggressive approach to campaigning to match the Dem's smear campaigns? Then, who changed the CIA talking points? We now know who, at least according to the administration. But, why? Politics? National Security? Boredom? Then, California passed Prop 30, now it is coming out that that new law isn't the "save the schools" love fest we were sold. Finally on to Egypt and the Egyptian Presidents power grab! What does this mean for the region? How did the effect the cease fire between Israel and Gaza? Check our webpage at, Like us on Facebook or twitter @sackheads!