Eat's Healthy



Here we'll discuss about the healthy aspects of life, like how can we reduce the sugar intake, practice sports, choose food, sweets and tips and tricks for doing them.


  • The second week of losing weight

    03/06/2022 Duración: 07min

    It's very easy to find excuses❗ The idea of creating good habits and having prepared the meals for the next day will not allow for future events to interfere with your health because everything is ready. You just have to eat it

  • The 4 steps(first week) on losing weight

    02/06/2022 Duración: 08min

    What you can get from this week: - organization skills - cooking skills - time Also, you can empty your mind and enjoy the process

  • Let’s start small with your diet

    01/06/2022 Duración: 09min

    Because of all these ads and campaigns, people start developing the idea that "I don't know anything" I have to go and ask a PT or a nutritionist because they know the secrets. Nobody knows you better than you do❗ The best way of getting to the light from this dark place and lying si to take a piece of paper and write down things that you know from your expertise that you are doing wrong. - Because I eat too much sugar - Because I don't eat fruits - Because I don't have regular meals - Because I don't drink enough water etc. This will help you get back in control of your mind and body and also know that you are in control. Try this exercise and let me know how it went and write in the comments what do you think you are doing wrong

  • Cook and feed yourself as you do it for your kid

    31/05/2022 Duración: 12min

    In the aeroplane stewards, every time say if the masks fall first put to yourself and then put it to your kid. It's hard to swallow this but you are more important than your kid(till 16-20 years old) And if you find time to feed him, if you find time to cook for him you have time to cook for yourself. Start small and start to organize yourself. if you start to organize yourself to cook for yourself and feed yourself properly you will start doing the same thing in another part of your life.

  • Don’t beat yourself up

    29/05/2022 Duración: 15min

    You have to destroy the fake picture inside of your brain that you create by looking at others and seeing them very shredded and thinking that this is how you want to be at the end of the process. There are more important things like becoming healthier, losing weight, increasing your stamina, and being energised than just looking good. This process must become part of your life, that's why is so important to start small, create habits and make sure that whatever happens in your life you can stick to eating healthy and exercising every day.

  • I don’t feel like doing this or I feel like doing this

    28/05/2022 Duración: 13min

    1) where is this idea coming from? 2) when is about your health you don't have to relate to this "I don't feel like!" 3) there are 2 parts of your brain, logical and emotional 4) the emotional part is 5x stronger than the logical part 5) the idea is to make them work together 6) small actions building small habits build a better communication between both parts and help you much more on a daily basis 7) big commitments like "tomorrow I start that diet, tomorrow I buy a year subscription at the gym, etc" will create a lot of friction between the 2 parts of your brain and you will end up saying "I don't feel like doing that" 8) better communication between the 2 parts will also improve your motivation and you will feel motivated without watching any audio, melody, speech 9) hope you are healthy

  • Break time, the kid that shot America

    27/05/2022 Duración: 20min

    In the process of losing weight, you have to understand that at the gym you break the muscles and with good nutrition and rest you rebuild your muscles to become stronger. By doing that, your body consumes more energy and that helps us lose weight. That's why today I want to take a break and discuss about the tragedy from America with the kid that shot the kids in school.  

  • Don’t try to break the internal communication between your brain and internal organs❗

    26/05/2022 Duración: 19min

    When it's about people who want to lose weight and be healthy I don't think as a personal trainer or nutritionist you need to explain all the technical things about proteins, fats, carbs, amino acids etc. They are not athletes❗ The one basic rule for these people is to understand to not break the communication between their brain and internal organs. By listening to the propaganda of the big companies "you don't have to do anything, we do it for you!" And sell you some mixing powders that "subsidies" a full meal break this communication if you take it for a long time. And is not hard to do it because these companies need money, which means they have to sell more which means to convince you to buy more and drink more. This analogy with steroids is very simple. If you start taking steroids(just for muscles) your brain will say: "hey organs that produce steroids you don't have to work anymore" and in this way, they stop producing in a natural way steroids. When the external source disappears the brain tries as h

  • You have to understand what will happen!

    24/05/2022 Duración: 27min

    That's why my first meeting with a client is around 1- 1 and a half hours long when it comes to losing weight. First I have to ask lots of questions to know my client much better, to be able to read my client as much as possible and create a bigger picture. Then the next part is where I explain to you(my client) the process that we going through for the next month. Because the first month is the most important one. You are very excited about starting a new thing. You will have lots of pain and sourness. Because everything you will do you think that is the end of the world and this thing is not for you because you create the image inside of your brain that every time will be the same(pain, sourness, struggling etc.) But you have to hang on in there and move forward because you can and because the results will appear sooner than you think. I have to speak in a language that you can understand, and tell you why some stuff is important and we have to take care of them. Why we don't have to focus on losing fat. We

  • What I will do if you were my client?

    23/05/2022 Duración: 10min

    I will start this process of losing weight by knowing much better the person in front of me. Every small detail and all the questions that I will ask will help me create a bigger picture and know how to guide the person to lose weight in a healthy way. By knowing about their lifestyle, job, home, family, level of stress, if they are organized or not, what they eat, etc. I will know how to explain and make like a map for him with coordinates, time and what goal we have to reach and what we have to be aware of. Losing weight is a process and we can to learn so many things about ourselves.  

  • The personal trainer industry is not focused on people but on money

    22/05/2022 Duración: 21min

    Let's talk about this industry a little bit because this part I want to be on my audiobook and also on my course. First I want to say that besides the entire market being oversaturated with personal trainers, the percentage of obesity raises year by year around the world. If each PT would take one obese person every 2 months and give them free sessions and pay for their gym membership for 1 month the percentage of obesity will decrease a lot. I will talk about the prices that for me are the most ridiculous thing ever and also shows lots of disrespect for Doctors. You can't learn about anatomy, nutrition, persuasion, or sales only in 3-to 4 months. It's just an ego competition between personal trainers with collateral damages. Each one of them wants to create a name on the market. To do this you need results. You need faster and bigger results. You need this to make a name. You want your name to become bigger on the market to be able to attract more attention to you. More attention, more clients, more money. T

  • Do lots of sessions with a personal trainer help you more?

    22/05/2022 Duración: 13min

    This industry of Personal trainers is not people money orientated. Is this concept that the harder you work, the more sessions you do/ week, the more time you put into this project of losing weight the faster the results will be. And all of this is propaganda of this industry to invest more money or for lots of people to be like "this is not for me, I can't spend so much time, it's too hard, etc." I realize this when I saw clients losing weight 20-30kgs in 2-3 months only with 2-3 sessions/ week, with 3 meals/ day and 2 fruits. You can also see the results on the website And from here is this idea that you compete, you have to lose more and Calm down a second and try to realize that is about you, is about your health and your life.

  • This is real life!

    20/05/2022 Duración: 18min

    This happened a few weeks ago. As I told you, is about the society & the industry to create this fake idea that you can't control your weight, that you don't have the secret of this process, you can't deal with it by yourself, you need them, you need supplements, you need a persona trainer, you need a nutritionist, you need a personalized diet, etc. But in reality, is about asking yourself some questions, seeing where the problems start and seeing what are the solutions because your health & weight is in your hands.  

  • Do you want to know the magic formula for losing weight?

    19/05/2022 Duración: 16min

    There is no magic formula. Personal trainers don't know a special workout routine that helps you lose weight faster. This is a misconception created by the industry to make you believe that each personal trainer has their own secret program and you have to pay for it or buy several sessions. Muscles are working on 2 principles, contraction and stretch. When an exercise does these 2 things it means that you activate your muscles. Going to the gym or starting exercising is like cooking. If you don't have money to go out and eat or to order food but you are still hungry, you need to start cooking even if you are not a chef. You will start learning the basics anyway, hot to cut, how to handle a knife, how to fry, how to boil, etc. And after a while, you will start mixing things, discover recipes that you like etc. By start going to the gym, learning some basic exercises and trying to integrate this into your daily schedule after a while you can start mixing up, discover what fits for you, diversify etc.  

  • You don’t have to create any bond with your PT

    18/05/2022 Duración: 13min

    There is a saying in negotiations "you don't have to show any buttons on the table" because the sales peris or with who you negotiate will press them.   By start treating your PT as a therapist and allowing him to dig into your life the more you will be vulnerable to buying more sessions and stick with him for the long term because it feeds your soul and you will not look at him as a teacher who can give him direction, showing the path, etc.  You will look at him as a friend that you don't want to leave and you wanted to keep for a long time. And in this scenario, you buy more and more sensations and you will not pay attention anymore to your main goal.

  • Do I need a personal trainer?

    17/05/2022 Duración: 19min

    Do I really need a personal trainer? Or do I need an education? Personal trainers should be like a teacher not like a drug that sticks with you for 2-3 years. Anyway, there is a difference between personal trainers for normal people and personal trainers for athletes. Exercising and eating healthy became like rocket science. Only personal trainers have the secret information on how to become healthier, stronger and fit and this is a marketing tactic to keep this industry alive because otherwise, this whole industry of PT will disappear in about 5 years if PTs will become teachers. Think about all the schools and all the supplement companies that certify PT and help them make money by selling supplements. To go and run, doing squats, push-ups, pull-ups, skipping rope, etc. You don't need a personal trainer. To understand that you must eat more veggies, fruits, regular meals, etc. You don't need a personal trainer. For all of these, you need education. Education about basics. You need directions.

  • Let’s talk about water

    16/05/2022 Duración: 14min

    It's insane to see how the idea of drinking water became boring for most people. To see how good the marketing of the big companies is, to see how many products are on the shelf at the supermarket, to see how the society created a habit of having every single morning a cup of coffee in their hand and all of this together create the psychological impact on people's mind that water is boring. When the more hydrated you are the more energy you will have. Right now people have to work harder to get back to normal and create a new habit and that habit is about drinking water. Can you imagine how crazy it's sounds that you should instal an app on your phone to remind you to drink water...what??? Just drink water

  • If you listen to this podcast

    15/05/2022 Duración: 33s

    Can you do this?  Leave us a comment to know if you can do it.

  • The main reasons for not counting the calories

    14/05/2022 Duración: 18min

    Counting calories became like a diet and is a method. And if you want to lose weight you don't need a method, you need to learn the basics, you need something that becomes part of your life without knowing that is there. And became a calculator and thinking all day long about how many numbers you ate and how many numbers you got out or scanning with your phone labels and writing down the numbers of the quantities you ate, don't forget every time to wear the watch or bracelet that tracks the movement, etc. It is not the way to become part of your daily routine without any other stress involved.  Doing an action that becomes stressful, becomes noticed, by becoming noticed you start becoming aware of it and the way the brain and our body work is to save energy not to consume. When you become aware of the action the brain receives signals that there is an activity that consumes energy and is not a priority and over there the demotivation starts and sooner or later you will give up on losing weight and becoming a

  • This is a misconception!

    13/05/2022 Duración: 09min

    Most of the time there is a thin line between extremes. And every day you are influenced by the society in which direction to go.  At this moment society says that if you don't like a thing, just change it, quit, replace it, leave, etc. And we do the same thing with losing weight. If we don't like an exercise we don't do it and we try to find something that doesn't involve too much hard work and pain, if we don't like to create healthy eating habits we replace it with diets that give us fast results.    I think we have to change this conversation into having a little bit more patience, try to do things that we think we don't like, work hard and track the results and after all of these, we can decide to change something or not.   Just try it❗

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