


Greetings! This podcast is a relaxed space for me (Elliot) to dish out talks on a whole bunch of dorky topics. You like movie reviews? I do 'em! You thoroughly enjoy comics? Well so do I! Whether you want to hear my take on something, throwing around some original ideas, or just listen to like-minded folks with similar interests, you're in the right place. I've always had an appreciation for ASMR videos, being a person who's had a hard time falling asleep for the last 15 years. And my intention was never to create a channel playing it up, but I've been told by a lot of people that in person/in episode my voice has an ASMR-ish quality to it. So why not, feel free to get as many tingles as you can while you're here. All my videos are pretty low energy and devoid of background noises, so that's a plus.Also I'm genuinely happy to hear suggestions and ideas, so if you have something you want covered let's hear it! I like discovering new and weird stuff. So if there's a comic from 1983 that you don't think enough people are talking about, shout it out. Or if you're unhappy that no one is reviewing the latest HeroClix set, let's change that (small crowd for that one).Hopefully you like what you hear, and I'll do my best to make content that doesn't suck. I do all my recordings in one, earnest sitting, without any kind of fancy editing. Or editing at all. So at the very least, I can say it's authentic. Enjoy guys!Reach the podcast on Twitter at: out my interview:


  • Highland opinions, boardgames and something spooky on Netflix

    13/08/2018 Duración: 11min

    Aye Highland as in Scottish This episodes got a few things from a surprisingly original Netflix horror movie to a calmbutfun boardgame recommendation Though it may confuse my DampD group since this accent is most of their NPCs I channel my Scottish roots to go on about some famous noteworthy or underappreciated scotch swiggin film characters But as per usual immediately after recording I realized how many crucial ones I forgot So please forgive me Mike Myers the MacKenzie parents in So I Married an Axe Murderer are definitely top tierAnd the worst part of a horror movie about a monster that can disappear when you turn the lights on is how bullshit you feel going to sleep in your dark house afterwards knowing you cant do fuck all to the ghost Although the movie did have some pretty shoddy plot holes at the end seems like anyone with a blacklight could have killed Dianna but thats none of my business I guess Well enjoy folks and even more culture and the appropriating of it coming soon Cheers

  • Finally seeing AntMan, and the sad topic of replacing Batfleck

    12/08/2018 Duración: 31min

    Good day to you all I finally got the opportunity to go to the theatre and to drag my wife to another summer blockbuster AntMan and the Wasp was really worthwhile Id highly recommend checking it out Its so nice to be able to laugh and not sweat and grip my seat in a Marvel movie since watching Infinity War was emotionally exhaustive the first time anyway Okay every timeIts also come to light that Ben Affleck is increasingly displeased with his involvement as Batman and now we all have to go back to worrying about if theyre going to replace him and if itll be a lateral move Im a huge fan of Batfleck so this was troubling to hear for sure But Ive been looking into it and discussing the matter with some folks and theres some worthwhile theories and speculations cropping up Hopefully he doesnt go too far from the project it was nice having an actual fan of the characters filling in the role Fingers crossed for the future guysMore good stuff coming soon though summer bike riding has been a hinderance to this proce

  • Beans gets spooky horror picks, plus the good Avatar

    30/07/2018 Duración: 27min

    Ahoy hoy So I do need to catch up on my spook content levels so Im going to lay down two of my all time favourite horror films I think my choices here deviate a little outside of the Friday the 13th contenders that make everyones shortlist What We Do In The Shadows is an absolute delight a dark and twisted interview with vampires But the gentle touch from Taika Waititi makes it funny as hell if thats your cup of tea Cabin in the Woods is fantastic as well the most horror tropes and cliches in one film but man does it work This love letter to the genre is tight and hits all the marks with humour gore jumpscares b grade horror nudity horror monsters and more I recently got through to my wife to sit down and watch Avatar the Last Air Bender and obviously she loves it But this is my umpteenth watch through so Im looking at it a little more closely Fuck do I love this show and it ages like George Clooney animation still looking sharp now The story goes from lighthearted adventuring to looming battles genocides and

  • Sadness again in Toronto, and some ASMR speculation

    30/07/2018 Duración: 13min

    Hello again So today I wanted to make a video in response to another tragic event in Toronto One of the fist videos I made and some of the motivation to make was from the terrorist van attack in Toronto many months ago Now again theres an attack that so far ISIS has claimed responsibility for and its resulted in the deaths of two young innocent people and many more injured It obviously sucks and is awful for the families Below is a link to the news explaining the event and then another to the charity page aimed at helping victims1 httpswwwtheglobeandmailcomcanadatorontoarticlemassshootingontorontosdanforthavenuewhatweknowsofar2 httpscagofundmecomdanforthshootingvictimsfundAnd yes there was an annoying amount of breathing that showed up in the video Im sorry Im working on thatSo Ive been hearing a lot about ASMR lately Ive been a longtime fan and occasional evening user as a sleep aid But lately its become really mainstream which Hipsters aside is great news Means tons more content and if you havent checked

  • Watch the Watchmen!

    30/07/2018 Duración: 16min

    Come on this one speaks for itself Both one of the best movies and one of the best comic book movies ever A beautiful snapshot of the Cold War and a grim picture of realistic superheroes in our world I loved this movie so much it was foundational to a book I had published in University Superheroes amp the Cold War So that is to say extremely dorky but also this movie offers up a lot And honestly the score alone is a stand out some of the best jams from across a few decades Theres not a lot else out there as good as thisEnjoy amigos

  • The outside world! Taking the show on a road.

    30/07/2018 Duración: 12min

    Hey guys Usually I record at my place in front of a screen of some kind so today I decided to unplug it a bit I headed to the outdoors of a local Provincial park and just threw around some ideas on route Kinda a mixed bag Im sure Ill do something similar soon but yeah that is the wind you can hear some time so I apologize for that It also gets pretty American at the end there Im a big fan of American history and things so its nice to get into those stars and stripes sometime

  • An incomplete Fallout wandering and rambling

    30/07/2018 Duración: 33min

    Hey my dudes In this episode I wanted to talk about how much I love Fallout 4 like the amount of love was enough to Platinum the game my first and only so thats a thing For some reason I had recorded this episode but then ran into an assload of problems First the original recording cut out halfway through so it was missing its other half Then I rerecorded the episode only for it to save in two partswhich the first was apparently deleted Whatever man Here it is a feast of Fallout and Ill definitely give it another fully detailed spotlight eventually And do check out the Dunwich Borers if you havent collecting that weapon reward is one of the best items you can hoard and use Im sure everyones mad proud of their own Sanctuary Hills but mine has a quite elegance Shits fancy yo definitely more on that later

  • D&D and RPG usual suspects, and perhaps other stuff

    04/07/2018 Duración: 16min

    What can I do for ya Getting into it this episode on some RPG creative elements I was talking shop with another DM guess GM is more inclusive and we were trading notes on our stable of old reliable characters The kind of archetypal almost intuitive NPCs that you can whip up a moments notice or even put to paper way in advance of a mission The group I run with now has a penchant for overasking about NPCs and over engaging with them That takes an encounter like a passing merchant offers you a ride on his cart to one wherein theyve interrogated this newly named fleshed out wool merchant about his political leanings and extensive family history You always gotta be ready to throw shit back in the groups face and no GM wants to blank and not have a character ready to go I always record my episodes here in one sitting and use zero editing software since I dont have any so these were characters that just snap to mind which is part of this whole exercise Always make sure you can whip up a world for your players even

  • Jurassic World 2 thoughts, and finally winding down on GoW

    04/07/2018 Duración: 22min

    Oh didnt see you there This episode is pretty straightforward just felt like going on about Jurassic Fallen Kingdom as soon as it ended I liked it make no mistake But at the same time Jurassic franchise contenders all get bogged down in some areas that Ill talk on Ive also got some outlandish hopes and visions for where the franchise should go from here So take all that with a grain of something Also did the lasersonic raptor targetingaiming system really work I mean as a plot device Not really not just for the feasibility but also because they introduce it and never use it in a way organic to the plot Also why wasnt there more Chris Pratt snuggling Blue as a babyadolescentkawaii raptor It was greatI finally finished enough of God of Four that I can safely put the controller down That is to say the main storyline course is done and now theres just delicious sliders of side quests I think I forgot to mention it in the video but fuck Valkyries Not the beautiful maidens of Aesir mythology that take the fallen so

  • A dark DCU pitch to get Red Hood involved. Plus some random fry-ups

    27/06/2018 Duración: 33min

    Hey guys This is one of those ideas that you formulate because you want to see your favourite character in something and not necessarily because it seems like a good plan I really want to see Jason Todd not original but best Red Hood in the DC cinematic universe I think the world is gritty enough to support the origins of the character his robust and angsty nature and the possibility of killing him off Weve already been blessed by a pretty great adaptation of the Under The Red Hood comic so this movie will have to be original and depart from the classic telling Similarly if you modernize it too much you risk treading on the Arkham Knight portrayal which is fantastic but not what I see being integrated in the film verse Jason Todd will still be the reckless orphan boy who is discovered whilst trying to pry the tires off the Batmobile but we will see a depth to his origin a desire to help others and also the skewed sense of justice and violence that we come to expect from him in his later years Its after his de

  • God of War feeds your Aesir fix. Also, you can skip Mother! for any other movie.

    27/06/2018 Duración: 16min

    Hey guys Today Im coming in with a whole dwarven minecart of love for the new God of War which Ive taken to just calling God of Four for lack of an identifying name This game is everything its not only a kickass game and artistically stunning mini movie but also just a great way to experience and immerse yourself in the wide world of Norse mythology As I mention Im a fan amateur scholar of mythology and this guy is no slouch when it comes to bringing homework to the table GoW is well researched well constructed and as much fun as ever The GoW flavour and scale of fighting beasts that simply dwarf Kratos is back in full effect Working up from trolls and giants when you do spoiler finally encounter and slay a dragon its understandably epic The beast itself is such an original interpretation it goes to show what youre dealing with in game and why God of Four is fresh as hell yoBut speaking of whats not fresh as hell Mother Look I get it its a well made movie Theres lots of bible stuff lots of artistic choiceslot

  • Avengers aging like a wine, and the off-brand Counter Strike

    21/06/2018 Duración: 18min

    Hey guys Do you ever ration shows or movies Like even though you love it you try to limit the amount of times you binge it because like with the records of old it diminishes ever so slightly with every rewatch I do that Well some movies I just enjoy so much that theres no such thing as diminishing returns and theyre perpetually amazing The Dark Knight Shanghai Noon etc But often even the best stuff can become a bit stale Avengers is one of those movies for me its such a great film but I try to keep it fresh Unfortunately every rewatch makes me realize more and more how slow the first act is and how badly handled Hawkeye was But I love it and I share a bit on how special for me personally and at large the release of the OG Avengers was Enter a Cap RantAs a real Cap fan Avengers always struck me as a step down from the level of significance that Captain America should wield on the team At the time I felt a little short changed by how Joss handled Steve Rogers and his role in the Avengers But what I have to pay

  • Board Games, Ford Games, and almost a Fortnite Movie

    13/06/2018 Duración: 18min

    Hey guys Today is a bunch of different stuff and I assure you the title isnt click bait If you want a movie that is a gritty dark and sci style Fortnite then there is a film for you Predators No not that one the one with Adrian Brody I love it but more to the point its got strong parallels to what a Fortnite movie would look like and lets face it well get one eventuallyBesides that just serving up more beans I got to dabble into my board game collection and finally learned a great game Ive been meaning to decipher and understand Turned out to be way easy and super fun the best combo I try not to get too political but there was a local election thats got some global eyes one it so it had me thinking I do usually lean NDP or Liberal a quick Google search can answer your questions and this election saw them both beaten by a famous name Electing someone because theyre part of a dynasty seems like a poor choice especially when the dynasty was a bigoted crack smoking legacy of poor choices Either way hoping for the

  • Attack of the Clones, here's why you're wrong for hating it.

    13/06/2018 Duración: 10min

    Sorry Jeff I saw Solo and it was pretty bad Ill get into it but low stakes unnecessary and a smidge forgettable It begged the question whats the best and worst Star Wars films and what kind of ranking are we looking at here I maintain that theres a bunch of reasons why Attack of the Clones is a contender for the best movie in the franchise Not as a film but specifically as a Star Wars film It bolsters the number of characters galactic entities and conflicts It establishes the major players in the events that essentially shape all of the SW lore to follow yes I know you met Anakin before but boy Anakin is not the same character as preVader Bananakin Plus it was the new height of possible CGI saturation that George could and has always wanted to cram in there anywayTake a listen let me know your thoughts And as per usual there will undoubtedly be random and deviated topics as well So enjoy

  • Cuban food is a lot like the movie Solo, and other things.

    31/05/2018 Duración: 31min

    Hey guysAnd the title reason is because both of them look great come with high but not too high expectations and try their best to pay homage to their original creative roots Both of them flop however in most ways Cuba is a lovely country but the food is an attempt to make dishes familiar North Americans but with lacking ingredients and familiar brand flavours Much of it is great but much is just a bowl of butter story in podcast Solo was a Star Wars flavoured movie not an original magical fresh IP from Lucasfilms but the Walmart off brand version of it that calls them Laser Swords Not a bad watch but bottom of the Star Wars totem poleThe movies were a mixedbag as Deadpool 2 was delicious and a ton of fun Ill get into some random stuff and catch you guys up but let me know what you like and or didnt and suchCheers

  • Malcom in the Middle, Earth 277's Robins. And Avengers 4; Thantastic speculation.

    17/05/2018 Duración: 22min

    Ahoy hoy A lot of different meats in this chilli today Reflecting on Marvels top tier Hawkeye run under Matt Fraction Plus my big revelation that the Malcom and the Middle sons are direct parallels of the Bat sons was something I enjoyed pondering Plus Villains on the side of the law for Avengers 4 Thantastic Catch a listen why dont you

  • Serving up a lengthy talk on Warhammer. And Marvel cast gatherings, so priceless.

    11/05/2018 Duración: 22min

    Hey guys Was really enjoying seeing the Infinity War cast come together to do so many skits The Star Tours Family Feud its been hilarious These guys seem pretty cool and its even better when if youre like you just picture them as their super alter egos anyway So yeah Warhammer is great and Ill rant a little bit about how I got playing and the armies I collected Well enjoy let me know your thoughts

  • Comics, new and old. And a smidge of net freedom stuff.

    10/05/2018 Duración: 18min

    Hey guys Just more of those comic talks Our ol pal Batmans new Rebirth title is getting some traction now a welcome change from the meh of vol 1 Also that classic gem House of M was kinda underrated and the movies have pretty much buried it What are your thoughts And whats that XMen comic I was talking about the one with magnetojesus And yeah check out the battle for the net below totally sounds like a ReBoot episode Info httpswwwcnetcomnewsredalerthowtheinternetissupportingnetneutralitytodayTake Action httpswwwbattleforthenetcomCheers

  • Thanos, welcome to Tilted. Plus, moms in film.

    08/05/2018 Duración: 08min

    Hey guys Compared to a game like PokemonGo Fortnite puts it out They hit you with updates store inventory game modes and new goods constantly And if you thought that its quantity over quality you wrong son The new Infinity Gauntlet game mode is awesome and brings a crazy refreshing and balls out dynamic to this awesome survival experienceAlso in light of the fast approaching Mothers Day whos the best movie mom Cheers

  • I was right, it was number 5. World of Pirates, appreciated

    08/05/2018 Duración: 15min

    Hey guys I was rewatching the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise recently and it made me remember how much lore there is there not being explored Great characters myths and movie potential Check it out there might be other stuff in there tooThe MovieFights super episode crossover eventthing in support of Women in Film came and went and it was awesome Everything and everyone youd want to see are there and its great Especially finally seeing Mike Carlson go toe to toe with puppets Felt Americans in the ring

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