
Board Games, Ford Games, and almost a Fortnite Movie



Hey guys Today is a bunch of different stuff and I assure you the title isnt click bait If you want a movie that is a gritty dark and sci style Fortnite then there is a film for you Predators No not that one the one with Adrian Brody I love it but more to the point its got strong parallels to what a Fortnite movie would look like and lets face it well get one eventuallyBesides that just serving up more beans I got to dabble into my board game collection and finally learned a great game Ive been meaning to decipher and understand Turned out to be way easy and super fun the best combo I try not to get too political but there was a local election thats got some global eyes one it so it had me thinking I do usually lean NDP or Liberal a quick Google search can answer your questions and this election saw them both beaten by a famous name Electing someone because theyre part of a dynasty seems like a poor choice especially when the dynasty was a bigoted crack smoking legacy of poor choices Either way hoping for the