
Jurassic World 2 thoughts, and finally winding down on GoW



Oh didnt see you there This episode is pretty straightforward just felt like going on about Jurassic Fallen Kingdom as soon as it ended I liked it make no mistake But at the same time Jurassic franchise contenders all get bogged down in some areas that Ill talk on Ive also got some outlandish hopes and visions for where the franchise should go from here So take all that with a grain of something Also did the lasersonic raptor targetingaiming system really work I mean as a plot device Not really not just for the feasibility but also because they introduce it and never use it in a way organic to the plot Also why wasnt there more Chris Pratt snuggling Blue as a babyadolescentkawaii raptor It was greatI finally finished enough of God of Four that I can safely put the controller down That is to say the main storyline course is done and now theres just delicious sliders of side quests I think I forgot to mention it in the video but fuck Valkyries Not the beautiful maidens of Aesir mythology that take the fallen so