
Attack of the Clones, here's why you're wrong for hating it.



Sorry Jeff I saw Solo and it was pretty bad Ill get into it but low stakes unnecessary and a smidge forgettable It begged the question whats the best and worst Star Wars films and what kind of ranking are we looking at here I maintain that theres a bunch of reasons why Attack of the Clones is a contender for the best movie in the franchise Not as a film but specifically as a Star Wars film It bolsters the number of characters galactic entities and conflicts It establishes the major players in the events that essentially shape all of the SW lore to follow yes I know you met Anakin before but boy Anakin is not the same character as preVader Bananakin Plus it was the new height of possible CGI saturation that George could and has always wanted to cram in there anywayTake a listen let me know your thoughts And as per usual there will undoubtedly be random and deviated topics as well So enjoy