Sack Heads Radio Show



The Sack Heads Radio Show, hosted by Sack Head Shaun and Sack Head Clint, is a weekly show that airs live at 8 pm PST on Each week, Shaun and Clint discuss the top news and politics stories of that week. Each topic is dissected with wit and humor. As unapologetic conservatives, Shaun and Clint rail against the liberal agenda and Main Stream Media in an effort to bring the truth to the surface in a fun and engaging manner.


  • The Fed is Closed! Is this Thing On? - Oct 03,2013

    03/10/2013 Duración: 02h13min

    We had 3 short interruptions (Clint thought he heard helicopters hovering) that were quickly fixed. The nice lady will tell you where it happened (you'll hear). So,Harry Reid and President Obama have shut the place down! No doormen, elevator operators...NOTHING! Oh, the humanity! How is the internet even on? We will discuss! Oh, did I mention Greg Phillips of Voters Trust will be here?Kind of a big deal; we know...we are bragging! While Greg is here, we will talk about the 800 lbs. Donkey in the room, Obamacare. It has gone SO WELL, we can't even imagine...oh wait, we kind of figured. Then, if time permits...we will discuss the Debt Ceiling and the inevitable fight that is coming with a man who REFUSES to negotiate. Join us at 8 PM PST phones (347-205-9399) and chat will be open!

  • Teaparty Anarchy - Sep 26,2013

    26/09/2013 Duración: 02h01min

    1. Harry Reid Attacks the Teaparty (Again) 2. School's go to far with ZERO TOLERANCE 3. Cruz vs. Obamacare 4. Muslim Extremism Good friends Ken from The Exceptional Conservative Show and Rooster from Conservative Outcry join us for our third and fourth segment. 5. Senate Website alters 2a 6. School's go to far with ZERO TOLERANCE Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show! Live from studio 1 (unless you're listening to the podcast, then it was recorded live, but not actually get it). Each week we rip into politics, news and current events. Has the government gone too far? Are your rights being attacked? Out of control world leaders? We got it covered. With a sharp tongue and occasional potty humor, we strive to keep the facts straight, and pick up where Main Stream Media ignores or hides. This isn't your parent's conservative talk show; this is the Sack Heads Radio. ?Conservative Kick Ass?

  • The Blame Game w/ Tamara Jackson - Sep 19,2013

    19/09/2013 Duración: 01h59min

    Sack Head Shaun welcomed special guest host Tamara Jackson from The Tami J Show on the 405 Radio for tonights Show! With Clint stuck in the stratosphere, Tami J stepped in, and stepped it up! She brought her amazing combination of intelligence, common sense and comedy to the show. Safe to say, it classed the place up quite a bit! With the tragedy that occurred in Washington DC this week, there has certainly re-ignited the debate for gun control. But, as usual, MSM and gun grabbers started to pass blame before they knew any Facts. Obama out of executive power on gun control, what will be the next gun grab approach? Special Guest, and long time military veteran, Rooster from joined us for the 2nd half of the show to discuss military training and base security. We cover the entire tragedy in Washington, and look at the monster who committed this act, what was missed? All that and more...coming up tonight at 8:30 PM PST/11:30 EST. LISTEN LIVE HERE! Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show!

  • Tribute to 9/11 - Sep 12,2013

    12/09/2013 Duración: 02h02min

    Tonight, we step away from our politics. Tonights show, is about 9/11. Not the terrorists,or politics of 9/11, but the heros, the victims and survivors. How 9/11 has changed us and you. We want to hear from you tonight! Maybe you were there? Perhaps at the Pentagon, or New York, or Shanksville. Maybe you had a friend or a relative who was a victim, or a hero. We want to hear it. No Politics or things of the like, just how that September morning changed you, and the nation. So, we want your stories God Bless America, and NEVER forget 9/11

  • A Congressional Brassiere - Sep 05,2013

    05/09/2013 Duración: 02h01min

    Discussed a California county voting to secede from the State of California, we have all of the information...and we dissect the vote as only we can! Next, Diane Frankenstein urges a federal law enforcement agency to stop enforcement, which agency and why? We have it! We also, quite briefly, discuss our show and what our demographic is...a quick insiders look to Sack Heads Radio. Back to the issues, we discuss how, yet again, the want of the SMALL MINORITY are used against the majority. We discuss a few stories of late that highlight this ever-increasing trend in our nation. SYRIA! - With the UK saying no to military action in Syria, President Obama now turns to the people he despises the most...Congress. This past week, President Obama decided to take a crack at understanding the American Government and is actually looking to con

  • Wag the Dog? - Aug 29,2013

    29/08/2013 Duración: 02h01min

    With the with house ratcheting up the case to take military action on Syria, is this a case of the President trying to show he is ?tough? on foreign policy, a man of his word, or a distraction from the ?Phony Scandals?? Then, we reflect on the 50 anniversary of the ?I Have a Dream Speech? by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and discuss Dr. Kings message, and what it means today. While it is apparent Americans will not allow the second amendment to be destroyed, are guns and ammo going to be taxed out of our hands, similar to Gas, Alcohol and Tobacco? All that and some surprises…TONIGHT, on the Sack Heads Radio Show! Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show! Live from studio 1 (unless you're listening to the podcast, then it was recorded live, but not actually get it). Each week we rip into politics, news and current events. Has the government gone too far? Are your rights being attacked? Out of control world leaders? We got it covered. With a sharp tongue and occasional potty humor, we strive to keep the fac

  • The Syrian Hypothetical - Aug 22,2013

    22/08/2013 Duración: 02h54s

    Speaking of the Middle East, Egypt is just one bad Sharma sale from completely destroying itself, News of The Russian, I mean Syrian....Syrian Government gassing their own people with Iraqi Made....Sorry, Russian Made...I mean Syrian owned chemical weapons. We will discuss that, as well as, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel, and what parts of the puzzle they play. Rooster from joins us and provides his insight. Next, welfare....why does it pay more than minimum wage? How can we make adjustments to the system to better serve the recipients Finally, We discuss the missed goals of the Affordable Care Act. What is the fault of Republicans? What is the fault of the Act itself? Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show! Live from studio 1 (unless you're listening to the podcast, then it was recorded live, but not actually get it). Each week we rip into politics, news and current events. Has the government gone too far? Are your rights being attacked? Out of control world leaders? We got i

  • Building Trust - Aug 15,2013

    15/08/2013 Duración: 01h59min

    Wednesday, 8.14.2013, and the Sack Heads open the show with rodeo clowns! No, not the liberals, those are ass clowns. We were talking about the one who wore the Obama mask. Any who... We were joined live this week by a really big deal; the conservative ninja Gregg Phillips of Mr. Phillips provided tremendous insight into modern conservative politics and the relationship of those politics to the current Republican Party establishment. Voters Trust is an outstanding way to get involved in the conservative movement, and you can listen as Mr. Phillips outlines his plan for the 2014 and 2016 election cycles! This is one show you do not want to miss! If you want to join the Twitter Conversation, use the hash tag ?#SHR? for the Sack Heads, and ?#JVOTE.

  • Putin on the Brakes! - Aug 08,2013

    08/08/2013 Duración: 01h56min

    Discussed some breaking news on new HUD rules that is breaking today! SOCIAL ENGINEERING AT ITS FINEST! Discussed pure socialism vs. communism how they are not any different...or are they! Chris Christie called Libertarianism a "Strain", how there are so many meanings were behind that statement, we checked them all. Tea Party, GOP and "taking delegates" and going home? Can the Replublican Party nullify votes by removing delegates? So, Obama cancels visit with Vlad The Enrager after Vlad gives Snowden Temporary Asylum...Way to get in his Face Barack, we discuss with Rooster from! The Senate had a change to halt the Foreign aid to Egypt....and they didn't want to "send the wrong message"....We will discuss what message SHOULD be sent to Egypt. Should it be wrapped in a 1.5 Billion Dollar gift box? Also, Al Qaeda is so on the run, we evacuate all of our Embassies. Sounds like a case or reverse Psychology to us, BUT, we will hash it out live on the air!

  • Hey! Don't nudge me! - Jul 31,2013

    31/07/2013 Duración: 01h48min

    The Sack Heads go after it again tonight; preserving liberty through insight and potty humor! We discuss the potential civil war brewing within the Republican Party, the abominable Snowden, and that Governor of New Jersey. The highlight of the show comes when the Sack Heads discuss a governmental program designed to study and effect (control) the very people it is supposed to serve and the source of its power...YOU!!! it only gets better folks! Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show! Live from The Silo (unless you're listening to the podcast, then it was recorded live, but not actually get it). Each week we rip into politics, news and current events. Has the government gone too far? Are your rights being attacked? Out of control world leaders? We got it covered. With a sharp tongue and occasional potty humor, we strive to keep the facts straight, and pick up where Main Stream Media ignores or hides. This isn't your parent's conservative talk show; this is the Sack Heads Radio. ?Conservative Kick Ass?

  • How Much Weiner Can The Democrats Take? - Jul 25,2013

    25/07/2013 Duración: 02h41s

    Anthony Weiner, former US Representative, and current NY City Mayoral candidate, sent more Weiner pics AFTER his disgraceful resignation from congress...for the SAME THING! Many are asking for him to drop out of the race. So the big question now is; Will Weiner pull out? Will he stay in but blow it? Or will he go all the way because Weiner is a huge D? Seriously, how much Weiner can the Dems take? Apparently A LOT. He can do a lot of damage to them and they may have a different gait after mid terms. The sack heads discuss. On a completely unrelated note, President Obama speaks out about race and the Treyvon Martin case...from the perspective of a black male in America, not as OUR President. All this and more from your beloved Sack Heads!

  • Back From Vacation! - Jul 19,2013

    19/07/2013 Duración: 01h58min

    The Sack Heads have moved into a new studio, dubbed "The Silo" for it's supreme awesomeness and ability to lauch scathing verbal assaults on enemies of the republic! On this show, we discussed the Zimmerman verdict and possible federal overreach in the form of a Civil Rights case. Also, one US Represenative (from Texas, of course) authored a brilliant piece of legislation for protection of our school children. All this and the usual shennanigans you have come to love from us, your Sack Heads!

  • SCOTUS and the "Sack Pack" - Jun 27,2013

    27/06/2013 Duración: 02h18s

    Welcome to another episode of the global sensation known as The Sack Heads Radio Show! We are looking into an ideological variation of a conservative think tank patterned after the United Nations type model. If you do not see the irony in that, you probably should not listen to this show. On this episode, the Sack Pack (Clint, Shaun, Rooster, and Ken) (Yea, I just did that) discuss the recent SCOTUS rulings on DOMA and the Voter Rights Act, the Southern Poverty Law Center and their classification of "Patriot" groups as extremists, the IRS, the Zimmerman trial (against our better judgement), and together with Ken, provide some historical context to the interesting times in which we live! We are THE SACK HEADS RADIO SHOW and you are about to enlist in THE SACK HEADS RADIO ARMY!

  • Snow Job for Snowden? - Jun 20,2013

    20/06/2013 Duración: 01h57min

    Okay, so... we figured last Wednesday worked out so well, we would do it again. Now that we are a partner at we can do that! Edward Snowden; was he a concerned Patriot who got fed up with the government trampling the constitutional rights of citizens? Or was he a traitor who will be solely responsible for trillions of terror attacks in America? We also discussed the FBI's utilization of drones within the United States and the lack of any agency policy regarding such use. Also, the NSA (stands for "Not a Secret Agency" or "Nothing to See America"). The General answers questions, just not the one that is asked. Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show! Live from studio 1 (unless you're listening to the podcast, then it was recorded live, but not actually get it). Each week we rip into politics, news and current events. Has the government gone too far? Are your rights being attacked? Out of control world leaders? We got it covered. With a sharp tongue and occasional potty humor, we

  • The Most Scandalous Administration in History? - Jun 13,2013

    13/06/2013 Duración: 01h56min

    Special Wednesday Night Edition of the Sack Heads Radio Show! Simulcast this evening on the ! At SOME point the question has to be asked! Is this administration the most corrupt administration ever? Of is it aloof? Incompetent? or something else? Also, 51 states? Is there rumbling of another state? We discuss a state that is so unhappy with the liberal progressive ways of government, that half the state is thinking of succeeding! Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show! Live from studio 1 (unless you're listening to the podcast, then it was recorded live, but not actually get it). Each week we rip into politics, news and current events. Has the government gone too far? Are your rights being attacked? Out of control world leaders? We got it covered. With a sharp tongue and occasional potty humor, we strive to keep the facts straight, and pick up where Main Stream Media ignores or hides. This isn't your parent's conservative talk show; this is the Sack Heads Radio. ?Conservative

  • This Aint Caddy Shack! - Jun 08,2013

    08/06/2013 Duración: 01h56min

    What a week, First, it was a baseball rant followed by some cartoon chit chat! Then it was down to business...which of course was the best "Dare Joe Biden" submissions! We updated Santa Monica shooting, and the latest from that event. Then it was on to the New IRS testimony. Apparently we found out that all along, we were right! We discussed... Then after a GREAT call from a former Obama Supporter who explained a lot about cell phones and how the date mining works (she is an inside) we discussed why she voted for the president, and what has changed her opinion. Speaking of data mining, we delved into the story quite deeply, discussed constitutionality, history and where is can be abused next.

  • Hey Eric, We're Not Coming Either! - May 31,2013 - Jun 01,2013

    01/06/2013 Duración: 01h58min

    This week the Sack Heads birthed the idea of Obama Fury; a melding of the Marvel Comic character Nick Fury and the Prez himself. Think about it; Obama Fury surprises the AG Holder as he comes home one night and asks him about the three plagues of the administration. Then Obama Fury asks, "Have you heard of the Denier Initiative?" Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show! Live from studio 1 (unless your listening to the podcast, then it was recorded live, but not actually get it).

  • Hey Eric, We're Not Coming Either! - May 31,2013

    31/05/2013 Duración: 01h58min

    This week the Sack Heads birthed the idea of Obama Fury; a melding of the Marvel Comic character Nick Fury and the Prez himself. Think about it; Obama Fury surprises the AG Holder as he comes home one night and asks him about the three plagues of the administration. Then Obama Fury asks, "Have you heard of the Denier Initiative?" Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show! Live from studio 1 (unless your listening to the podcast, then it was recorded live, but not actually get it). Each week we rip into politics, news and current events. Has the government gone to far? Are your rights being attacked? Out of control world leaders? We got it covered. With a sharp tongue and occasional potty humor, we strive to keep the

  • Kill Righty? - May 25,2013

    25/05/2013 Duración: 01h52min

    So...if the IRS was actually gathering Intel for the President on Tea Party groups, would that be legal under Executive Order 12333? Or illegal under the Hatch Act? Or both? My head hurts. If conservatives are viewed as a threat to this administration and "national security", would the new mantra for this government be, "Kill Righty" rather than just jihaddists? That's funny right there. The Sack Heads discuss all this and more on this weeks program

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