Sack Heads Radio Show

Putin on the Brakes! - Aug 08,2013



Discussed some breaking news on new HUD rules that is breaking today! SOCIAL ENGINEERING AT ITS FINEST! Discussed pure socialism vs. communism how they are not any different...or are they! Chris Christie called Libertarianism a "Strain", how there are so many meanings were behind that statement, we checked them all. Tea Party, GOP and "taking delegates" and going home? Can the Replublican Party nullify votes by removing delegates? So, Obama cancels visit with Vlad The Enrager after Vlad gives Snowden Temporary Asylum...Way to get in his Face Barack, we discuss with Rooster from! The Senate had a change to halt the Foreign aid to Egypt....and they didn't want to "send the wrong message"....We will discuss what message SHOULD be sent to Egypt. Should it be wrapped in a 1.5 Billion Dollar gift box? Also, Al Qaeda is so on the run, we evacuate all of our Embassies. Sounds like a case or reverse Psychology to us, BUT, we will hash it out live on the air!