Sack Heads Radio Show

The Syrian Hypothetical - Aug 22,2013



Speaking of the Middle East, Egypt is just one bad Sharma sale from completely destroying itself, News of The Russian, I mean Syrian....Syrian Government gassing their own people with Iraqi Made....Sorry, Russian Made...I mean Syrian owned chemical weapons. We will discuss that, as well as, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel, and what parts of the puzzle they play. Rooster from joins us and provides his insight. Next, welfare....why does it pay more than minimum wage? How can we make adjustments to the system to better serve the recipients Finally, We discuss the missed goals of the Affordable Care Act. What is the fault of Republicans? What is the fault of the Act itself? Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show! Live from studio 1 (unless you're listening to the podcast, then it was recorded live, but not actually get it). Each week we rip into politics, news and current events. Has the government gone too far? Are your rights being attacked? Out of control world leaders? We got i