Sack Heads Radio Show

SCOTUS and the "Sack Pack" - Jun 27,2013



Welcome to another episode of the global sensation known as The Sack Heads Radio Show! We are looking into an ideological variation of a conservative think tank patterned after the United Nations type model. If you do not see the irony in that, you probably should not listen to this show. On this episode, the Sack Pack (Clint, Shaun, Rooster, and Ken) (Yea, I just did that) discuss the recent SCOTUS rulings on DOMA and the Voter Rights Act, the Southern Poverty Law Center and their classification of "Patriot" groups as extremists, the IRS, the Zimmerman trial (against our better judgement), and together with Ken, provide some historical context to the interesting times in which we live! We are THE SACK HEADS RADIO SHOW and you are about to enlist in THE SACK HEADS RADIO ARMY!