Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg



Every week on the Mom Inspired Show, Amber Sandberg and her guest delve into relevant topics for women including: pursuing passions, overcoming battles, and trouble shooting issues that women face. Amber loves to connect with women especially moms and encourages them in their authenticity because they are already good enough. Be uplifted and inspired. Join the village that seems to be missing in todays age at the Mom Inspired Show. Find out more at


  • Raising kids of Godly Character: Monica Swanson: 333

    04/04/2023 Duración: 40min

    Do you wish your kids were closer to you and their siblings? Today we have author Monica Swanson back on the show.  She shares with us why it's important to make your home the hub, the place that all their friends want to hang out.  She also discusses how to help siblings become friends and how to cultivate it.  One thing that stood out to me is when she talked about kids influences and sometimes it's better for our kids to be lonely then to be hanging out with the wrong people. Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get to goal? I know for me that was the case before 2019 when I lost over 50lbs and kept it off and I want to help you lose weight the way that I did! I want to help you fig

  • Stop procrastinating: Amber Sandberg: 332

    28/03/2023 Duración: 14min

    Are you wondering why you keep pushing things off? Today I am going to be talking about why it's so easy to keep procrastinating?  I talk about how you can start leveling up and feeling ready for your day so you are less likely to procrastinate.  If you are wasting your time and not getting things done or you straight up push things to the last minute this episode is for you. I will give you some simple steps you can take to start knocking out your to-do list.  Hear what I have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get to goal? I know for me that was the case before 2019 when I lost over 50lbs and kept it off and I want to help you lose weight the way that I did! I want to help you figure out why the weight

  • Is social media making you anxious? Amber Sandberg: 331

    21/03/2023 Duración: 20min

    Are you being intentional with your time? Today I am going to be talking about living intentionally and not letting the world decide where your energy goes.  So many moms feel anxious after scrolling social media and I want to encourage you to start protecting your mind and time.  Are you feeling drained and weary every time you get off social media? Maybe it's time to start thinking about how long you want to be on social media daily, and also start curating your feed. What does curating your feed look like? The accounts you follow, do they bring you joy, do they leave you  better than when you started or do you feel worse? If you feel worse you ma want to consider unfollowing them, pausing or hiding their accounts. If you are feeling more anxious, jealous, bitter, sad, envious then it might be time to reconsider who you are following. Hear what I have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you c

  • Is conscious parenting the right style for you? Nina Cruz: 330

    14/03/2023 Duración: 39min

    Is the way you are parenting working for you? Today we have certified conscious parenting coach Nina Cruz on the show.  She shares with us what conscious parenting looks like as well as techniques that can break toxic behavioral patterns. Nina talks about how this kind of parenting can really help improve relationships with only your kids but with the whole family. One topic that really stood out to me is when Nina shared that not only can we learn how to navigate a different style of parenting but that when we can do our own work on ourselves it helps shift the whole family in amazing ways. Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast.   Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get to goal? I know for me that was the case before

  • Understanding your spouse with Enneagram: Beth McCord: 329

    07/03/2023 Duración: 37min

    What is Enneagram?  Do you know it’s a personality resource that has been around for 2000 years? Everyone loves Enneagram so much that I wanted to do a "Best Of'" episode so that if you are new to the podcast you would of missed this the first time around.  So join Enneagram coach Beth McCord and I as she shares with us what the Enneagram is and why it can benefit our lives esp. our marriages. Beth has been studying Enneagram for 15 years, and wanted to bring it through the lens of the gospel. Enneagram is so much more then a personality test, because its explaining why we think, feel and behave in particular ways. Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Resources mentioned in the show: Enneagram courses Discovering You Course Explore Your Type (Couples) Explore Your Type (Individual) Becoming an Enneagram Coach    Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you fee

  • Best of: Enneagram with a Christian lens: Beth McCord: 328

    28/02/2023 Duración: 39min

    What is Enneagram?  Do you know it’s a personality resource that has been around for 2000 years? Everyone loves Enneagram so much that I wanted to do a "Best Of'" episode so that if you are new to the podcast you would of missed this the first time around.  So join Enneagram coach Beth McCord and I as she shares with us what the Enneagram is and why it can benefit our lives esp. our marriages. Beth has been studying Enneagram for 15 years, and wanted to bring it through the lens of the gospel. Enneagram is so much more then a personality test, because its explaining why we think, feel and behave in particular ways. Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Resources mentioned in the show: Enneagram courses Discovering You Course Explore Your Type (Couples) Explore Your Type (Individual) Becoming an Enneagram Coach    Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you fee

  • Weight loss success story: Crystie Fritz: 327

    22/02/2023 Duración: 50min

    Do you wonder how coaching works and how it can help you lose weight for good? Today I have my coaching client Crystie Fritz on the show to share with you her success story.  Crystie has been working with me for 4 months and has lost 40lbs and still losing. She shares with you how it's been fairly easy, what she has done to make changes that last and why this is different then anything else she has ever done.  Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get to goal? I know for me that was the case before 2019 when I lost over 50lbs and kept it off and I want to help you lose weight the way that I did! I want to help you figure out why the weight is a symptom for something else going in your li

  • What does your future-self need you to do, today? Amber Sandberg: 326

    14/02/2023 Duración: 16min

    What do you wish you had done 5 years ago to help your present self? Today I am going to be talking about why it can be hard to imagine your future-self.  So, I will be breaking down some steps to help you figure out what you want for your future. Many times we can pick a goal weight or a goal size but what about having a goal for your life, what you envision for your life beyond what you look like.  What do you see yourself doing once you are at your goal weight or size, once you can start thinking about that you can start creating steps to get where you want to be. Hear what I have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get to goal? I know for me that was the case before 2019 when I lost over 50lbs and kep

  • Why buffering keeps you from hitting your goals: Amber Sandberg: 325

    07/02/2023 Duración: 18min

    Do you find that you buffer when you are facing something difficult or uncomfortable? Today I am talking about buffering and how it can prevent you from achieving your goals. Sometimes we are trying to escape feelings that come up and we want to buffer with food, scrolling our phones or binge watching tv to name a few and I want to encourage you that if you can allow that feeling to come up and just ride the wave it normally last around 90 seconds it will then pass.  Many times we get scared that the emotion will stay forever so we eat to shove that feeling down. Unfortunately that will create a cycle because if we keep eating when we have uncomfortable feelings we will most likely gain weight and then we will have to deal with those feelings and they cycle continues.  Hear what I have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like y

  • Costa Rica with kids: Amber Sandberg: 323

    24/01/2023 Duración: 25min

    Wondering when the best time is to go to Costa Rica with kids? I just got back from Costa Rica inspecting resorts and let me tell you, if it's not on your bucket list than you need to make sure you add it. You might be curious if Costa Rica is a good place to travel to with kids and I want to say yes. There is a caveat though, I would highly recommend that your kids are older with all the logistics and activities that Costa Rica has to offer. I share my thoughts on what ages are probably best suited for this kind of trip and what it looks like to travel through the country.  To hear about this topic and more listen to the podcast. If you want to find out more, what resort is best for you, what activities to do etc. feel free to email me at or you can find me on Instagram    

  • Doing hard things: Amber Sandberg: 322

    17/01/2023 Duración: 26min

    Do you feel like you are not going for your goals because it feels to hard? Today I pull back the curtain and share with you my recent trip to Costa Rica and all the hard things that I had to overcome. I realize that we often can stay stuck because are not willing to feel uncomfortable. As adults we can opt out of trying new things or pushing ourselves and just settle with how life is. I want to encourage you to think about what area of your life are you staying comfortable even though you know you need to step out of your comfort zone?  Hear what I have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get to goal? I know for me that was the case before 2019 when I lost over 50lbs and kept it off and I want to help

  • Are you denying your dreams? Amber Sandberg: 321

    03/01/2023 Duración: 24min

    Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get to goal? I know for me that was the case before 2019 when I lost over 50lbs and kept it off and I want to help you lose weight the way that I did! I want to help you figure out why the weight is a symptom for something else going in your life, cause did you know, that weight gain is not usually based off of hunger issues, its not being fulfilled in other areas of life so we go for food for a quick dopamine hit or a quick fix. So, if you want to figure out how live life without worrying about what you are going to eat at the party, when you are on vacation and when you are staying in other people's homes without gaining weight then this session is for you. How it works is you jump on a 30 min. mini coaching session wi

  • Taking the leap: Crystal Freie: 320

    27/12/2022 Duración: 41min

    Have you ever had that feeling that the Lord wanted you to take action even though it didn't make sense? Today, we have Crystal Freie on the show and she shares with us her journey on taking a leap even when she didn't have her next step mapped out.  Crystal shares with us how she felt led to leave her job even though she had been there for many years and she was the bread winner. She talks to us about how she managed to do that even though it was a huge adjustment. Crystal shares with us that she learned to trust the Lord with her life even when it felt scary. One topic that really stood out to me is when she describes that time in her life and how she women had been placed in her life to give her support when she most needed it.  Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast.   Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinki

  • How to manage your feelings: Jennifer Rurka : 319

    20/12/2022 Duración: 35min

    Do you find that you want to just run away from your feelings hoping they will go away? Today, we have author Jennifer Rurka on the show to talk about mental chatter and how it can feel so overwhelming.  Do you find that you feel exhausted with all that talk that happens in your mind, and wanting to push those feelings away?  Jennifer shares with us her story on how she healed herself from past traumas and how transformation is possible.  One topic that really stood out to me is when she shared with us that it is good for us to feel the feeling and to exhausting the feeling even though we fight that and think we need to do the opposite. Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast.   Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get to

  • Take Stress Out of the Kitchen: Laney Schwartz: 318

    13/12/2022 Duración: 31min

    Do you feel like you are in a rut with what you are cooking? Today, we have former school teacher now food blogger Laney Schwartz on the show to talk about taking the stress out of the kitchen. Laney shares with us how she makes the kitchen feel fun, exciting and simple. She loves empowering women through cooking and how it can change lives. She talks about how to overcome fear of the kitchen and gain confidence in your skills. As well as saving money with eating out less by eating more meals at home.  Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get to goal? I know for me that was the case before 2019 when I lost over 50lbs and kept it off and I want to help you lose weight the way that I

  • Start now, not Jan. 1st: Amber Sandberg: 317

    06/12/2022 Duración: 22min

    Are you tempted to push your goals off till January 1st? Today I am going to be breaking down what happened this past year that prevented you from hitting the goal you were wanting to achieve but didn't.  I want you to take a moment to think about what actions were you doing that kept you from getting the opposite of what you wanted?  Think back, what were you thinking, what excuses came up, what did you tell yourself this past year?   Did you find yourself thinking this is too hard, I can't do this, this will never work, what if I fail? Then I want you to think about what are you willing to do this next year to get where you want to be.  Hear what I have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get to

  • Big changes happen with small daily habits: Amber Sandberg: 316

    29/11/2022 Duración: 18min

    Let's finish the year strong, part 1! Today I am going to be sharing with you why big habits happen with small daily action. So many people including my coaching clients want to resist this and think only big changes will make a difference. So, I want to encourage you to get the ball rolling and finish this year strong. Even if you are listening to this December 20th, I want you to feel like you can still make small changes starting today. I want you to take a look back at what you were hoping to accomplish this year that you just didn't get around to or you didn't stick to it and start taking action today. Come January 1, you will be ahead and not behind and that's an amazing feeling.  Hear what I have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, a

  • Building cash flow with mid-term Airbnb rentals: Kirsten Krikke: 315

    22/11/2022 Duración: 39min

    Have you ever thought about having your own Airbnb investment property? Today, we have real estate investor and Airbnb superhost Kirsten Krikke on the show. Kirsten shares with us what it was like to start her first rental property in her basement and how that evolved to creating their own property management business and becoming an author. She discusses how she was a nurse trying to run her rental property and eventually quit her job after having her kids and making it her full time job. One topic that stood out to me is discussing the difference between short term rentals and midterm rentals and why the midterm rental might be lucrative.  Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get

  • Building personal wealth with your side hustle: Sean Mullaney: 314

    15/11/2022 Duración: 34min

    Do you feel like you don't make enough in your business to invest in your retirement? Today, we have financial planner Sean Mullaney on the show to talk about investing in our retirement. If you have a side hustle, a gig or a full on business this will make you think more about building your personal wealth.  Sean shares with us a high level of the best options for retirement savings account for solopreneurs.  He also discusses ways to reduce taxes and how his book helps navigated, and optimize 401k with tax planning. Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. The discussion is intended to be for general educational purposes and is not tax, legal, or investment advice for any individual. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you

  • Lessons from a marriage coach: Julia Barbaro: 313

    08/11/2022 Duración: 38min

    Are you expecting your spouse to make you happy? Today, we have marriage coach Julia Barbaro back on the show. If you our first interview together episode 307 you can find the link below make sure to check that out as we talk about family and homeschooling. We touched on her being a marriage coach in the first episode but didn't have enough time to dive deep.  So, I wanted to bring her back on to give us some tips on marriage. Some of the topics we discussed is figuring out what is not working, people coming to her saying it's the other persons fault, and blaming your unhappiness on the other person. One topic that stood out to me is when she mentioned that men and women are so different, and we are wired differently, so we can't expect to talk to them like they are our girlfriends.  Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? D

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