Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How to go on a girls trip even if you don’t have best friends : Amber Sandberg: 351



Have you ever wanted to go on a girls trip but just don't have the right friends to go with? There are a lot of factors that go into a girls trip from having the money, having someone watch the kids, having someone to plan the trip and lastly having people to go on the trip.  Most of you know if you have listened to the podcast long enough that I am a travel agent and today I am going to be talking about the idea of putting together a girls trip with my expertise and other moms just like to join this vacation. If you have been sitting on the sidelines for too long with traveling and you just want to get out there but you are not ready for solo travel but you also don't have people that you could travel with then this might be for you. If this sounds like something that might be interesting to you email me at amber@mominspiredshow or DM me at Mom Inspired Living for more details.   If you like this episode make sure to check out the one I did on traveling to Costa Rica with kids: