Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How your nervous system impacts the quality if your life: Theresa Lear Levine: 360



Do you know that understanding your nervous system and how to regulate it better can greatly improve your life? In today's episode of the Mom Inspired Show, I have Theresa Levine on the show to share with us how she helped heal herself so that she could live the life she was meant to live. Theresa talks about her ADHD and how she was diagnosed later in life and what that looks like. She also shares with us what EFT is and how that has helped her and her clients break through barriers that have been holding them back. Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. I want to invite you to join me for a FREE 30-minute coaching call.  My calendar link is On your call, we'll dig into your goal that you want to start or finish by the end of the year. You'll leave knowing that if you follow those steps you will be that much closer to achieving it. At the end of your session, if I think you'd be a good fit for my my one on one coaching program, I'll ask your permissi