Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Changing things up to lose fat and build muscle: Amber Sandberg: 361



If you have been listening to me for awhile now you will know that I didn't lose over 50lbs by calorie counting or tracking macros and I have kept it off doing it the way that I lost it and that is how I help all my coaching clients to lose weight. But as we know things change you have to adapt esp. as you age and your body changes. I started noticing my friends and clients telling me that they can't lose weight like they used too or they are gaining weight and they are not really eating different. The one thing they had in common is that they were in their late 30s or 40s possibly peri-menopause. They couldn't figure out why they were experiencing this when they were not near menopause yet. So I want to change some things up, if you are not familiar with my coaching you can listen to episode 327, its an episode I did with my client at the time she had lost over 40lbs and I am trying to remember where she is at now but it may be around 60lbs. So if you are a person that needs to hear someone else share th